In 1976 Jesus spoke to Hank the words, “I want you to preach My word to My people in all the lands.” On Hank and Mary’s wedding day a prophetic word was given that their marriage and life would be distinguished by the love of God. Four years later the Holy Spirit indicated it was time to embark on the mission. Come Alive Ministries was formed in 1985. Hank and Mary have traveled to numerous nations, preached the Gospel, taught in conferences and schools, and shared His word constantly. With excitement. With joy. With faith. Now, 44 years later, it can be said their ministry is keynoted by the love of God. And they can say with assurance that God IS faithful, and what He has said He will indeed perform!
Quoting Hank, “We LOVE what we are doing, or rather what we see Jesus doing through Come Alive!“