Faith Shield – 156

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“In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the fiery darts of the evil one.” Eph 6:16. Fiery darts – from the devil. Roman shields were large, door sized; covered in leather, wet down before battle – a flaming arrow hitting the shield would be extinguished.

Our shield of FAITH extinguishes the devils darts. What are his darts? Thoughts that come zinging at you. Day. Night. From the Internet, media, people, co-workers, bosses, demons. Yes, demons. You didn’t think those fearful condemning thoughts came from you, did you?

Well “Have faith in God.” Mk 11:22. Have faith in God – like Paul in Acts 27:25 when the ship was storm tossed, he says, “So take heart men, for I have faith in God that it will be exactly as I have been told.”  Don’t trade your faith for fear – have faith, and it will turn our exactly as God has said. Today’s looming disaster will be tomorrow’s awesome God victory — a true Come Alive experience!

Everyone but Paul on that ship feared for their death. Hmmm. Remember Heb 2:14-15 —

“ Since therefore the children share in flesh and blood, He himself likewise partook of the same things, that through death He might destroy the one who has the power of death, that is, the devil, and deliver all those (us) who through fear of death were subject to lifelong slavery.”

It’s a big temptation friend, to fear – for safety, for your job, for danger. Immediate death, or slow death from job loss, sickness – whatever. The devil wants us making decisions, taking action – based on fears, not faith. That’s the path to lifelong slavery, even though Jesus has broken the bondage for you. Don’t remain under it!

God has not given us a spirit of fear. 2 Tim 1:7 so we can resist it. Jesus has made the devil, powerless in our lives. But you can choose to believe his lies, make bad decisions, and be enslaved. Don’t! Let’s listen to the Holy Spirit, ok?

“The Lord is my helper; we will not fear….” Heb 13:6. “There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear.” 1 Jn 4:18.

So live in the love of God; fear not; stand behind that shield of faith – and COME ALIVE!


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Everlasting Love – 155

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Jer 31:3 – “I have loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore I have drawn you with lovingkindness…”

Everlasting love. Eternal. Never vacillating, oscillating, fluctuating. Never dries up under the Summer heat or freezes up in Winter’s cold. Steadfast. Constant and perennial. Out of that love God, it says, draws us to Himself. The Holy Spirit is constantly at work in the hearts of all people. 

Everyone wants to be loved. And to love. We talk about it. Write song after song about it. But apart from the Lord, it’s always conditional love. Conditional love is broken love – because someone didn’t measure up. They failed. And with the failure, love disappeared. We soon get the message: “if we want to be loved, we have got to measure up.” Not only that, but conditional love often sets achievement levels that are beyond reach. So people go off looking for love in all the wrong places, places that are full of hurting people. Hurting people who minister rejection out of a fear of rejection.

We may enter into a competition for acceptance, approval, or affection. It generates alienation. One guy wins the girl, one girl wins the guy, and all the rest are losers -coping with rejection as best we can and entering the next competition for love full of the fear of rejection. Many give up.

Consider: the Father has not rejected anyone – Not even Jesus when He became our sin offering at Calvary. But it may have felt that way to Jesus. On the cross He quoted Ps 22:1 “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” The rejection feeling was the worst ever! When it was over, Jesus paraphrased the vs 39 of that Psalm, “He has done it” – or, “It is finished.” Jesus experienced this for us so we could experience God’s unconditional acceptance, His love, forever and ever!

God loves us unconditionally not because we are somebody; He loves us – and we become somebody! He loves us as if there were no one else to love! Nothing we can do can add to God’s love for us. Nothing we can do can lessen that love! 

But we can cooperate with that love. How? By receiving His love today and everyday. 

So today, receive the love of God, and COME ALIVE!


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The Lesson – 153

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The other day my lovely wife commented: “Before you are able know who you are in Christ, you need to know who Jesus is.”

Jesus Christ is our focal point. Our identity comes – through Jesus. As we come to know, truly know – Him, and then who we are IN Him – we can more readily recognize what in this life comes from God, know what to resist, how to walk uprightly, and so much more. As believers we are sons of the Most High, the All Mighty God, who is Father. Who is love. But do we know that? 

People often read Mat 25:21, “…well done good and faithful servant….” And focus on service in their church, on the mission field and so forth. Please don’t stumble. Jesus spoke those words when the Old Covenant was still in effect.

Believers in Jesus have been adopted. We are sons. A son and a servant are very different persons! Servants are paid wages, punished if they do not perform. Sons serve without payment: the entire kingdom is theirs already! They serve – out of love. Doing God Stuff is their delight.

Jesus is our Redeemer. Purchaser. Savior. The tender mercies of God – the Dayspring from on high in the flesh. God revealer. Righteousness imparter. Baptizer in the Holy Spirit. Who has removed the separation between God and man. Judgment has been superseded – by Grace.

Until a person knows Jesus, and begins receiving the grace of God – they will see God as demanding. Expecting. Impersonal. With requirements. There will be that fear that they are ‘not good enough’ and fear that God will be disciplining – and by that they mean punishing them – for their failures. Many failures. 

True, Heb 12:5-11 speaks of God disciplining His children. But read it in the Message Bible for some insight. He instructs – Educates – not punish. He trains. Listen: God will not break your arm to teach you a lesson! Do you want a lesson from God? Ro 5:8 “…while we were yet sinners Christ died for us.” Now THAT’S A LESSON!

Today, consider God’s lessons through His Son – and COME ALIVE!


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Jesus Forgives – 154

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As you come to know Jesus – and your new identity in Him – everything changes. It takes some time to grow into our new identity as Sons of God. The Gospels show again and again knowing who Jesus is comes by revelation knowledge, not book learning.

For example – in Lu 7:36-50 we find a woman washing Jesus’ feet with her tears. It’s found only in Luke’s Gospel.

Jesus is dining in the house of Simon the Pharisee. None of the customary greetings were given Him. No welcome kiss. No washing of His feet. No anointing of His head with oil. Simon certainly had no idea who Jesus REALLY was.

Dining typically took place in the inner courtyard, which usually had a pathway to the street. And along the pathway comes an immoral woman! Everyone tenses. Except for Jesus. She stands behind Jesus, and the Greek says she unleashed a flood of tears. Then undid her hair to wipe His feet – At the time, undoing one’s hair in public was a sinful act.

Kissed His feet, anointed His hair with the perfumed oil. Shocking everyone – but Jesus. Jesus receives her. Says she loved much. But that is not why she was forgiven.

You see, by faith it was revealed to her – JESUS – as one who would not reject her. She SAW JESUS as one who could and would forgive her. He could, and He did. It was her faith that had saved her, said Jesus. Luke 7:50.

Her faith, my friend. Her faith. As she approached Jesus, step by step – Love overwhelmed her – forgiveness enveloped her. She was loved – forgiven – she knew it by revelation knowledge. Just as Peter suddenly knew Jesus was the Christ, the Son of God.

It happened to me, Jan 18, 1976 when I stepped out of a church pew to respond to an altar call to declare Jesus my Savior and Lord. I took one step into the aisle, and – love overwhelmed me. I knew God was real, He loved me, He forgave me, He received me just as I was; BEFORE I could verbalize it, I knew it, and like that woman in Jesus’ day, a flood of tears poured down from my eyes. A flood my friend. A Holy Spirit flood.

Ask Jesus for revelation knowledge of Himself. Col 1:9-10. He WILL answer – and you’ll be well along to knowing who YOU ARE. You’ll COME ALIVE!


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Price Paid – 152

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At Hank’s Place we believe THE GRACE OF GOD is-  always – totally – completely – sufficient – for you, for me, for everyone – for all time!

I saw a FB post the other day that said, “Many want the anointing—but how many are willing to endure the crushing (picture of an olive) to produce the oil?” Really? Really? So pious, such a challenge. Are YOU WILLING to pay the price?

STOP right there my dear friend! This is bad thinking and defiled religion! When God looked around and saw there was no one – Is 59:16, HE bared His mighty right arm. HE sent forth a Savior. That Savior paid the price for everyone. To bring many sons to glory. New Creations – sons of God – in righteousness. YOU pay the price? Rubbish!

Consider Elijah – did he pay the price? Read 1 Ki 16-17. You’ll find repeatedly: “and the word of the Lord came to him.” To various prophets. Then Elijah suddenly appears, with the word of the Lord, and continues in the word of the Lord. Friend, Elijah heard, believed, acted. Where was the price?

Consider Elisha – did he pay the price? In 1 Kings 19:16 the Lord tells Elijah to anoint Elisha in his place. 3 verses later he tosses his mantle upon Elisha and Elisha responds, in faith, sacrificing his father’s oxen as an offering and followed Elijah. Where was the price?

How about when Elisha asks for a double portion of the anointing – 2 Ki 2:9-12. Elijah says, ‘now that’s a hard thing, but if you see me carried into heaven it will be so.’ To see? He saw! Faith! Elisha asked, and believed – and received!!! What price my friend, what price?

Consider Moses – did he pay the price? Exodus 3. Moses saw – the burning bush. He heard the voice of God. He removed his sandals. He believed. He received. 

Do you see? Even under the Old Covenant the anointing came ONE way: by faith. 

Oh, and John the Baptist – did he pay the price? Luke 3:2, “…the word of God came to John the son of Zechariah in the wilderness.” John heard, John believed, John received and acted.

OLD or NEW Covenant, the anointing comes but ONE way: by faith.

Today – do you desire a greater anointing? Then ask! Then hear – the word of the Lord. BELIEVE IT – and RESPOND! You’ll help many – COME ALIVE!


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God Protected – 151

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Listen to 1 Jn 5:18: “We know that everyone who has been born of God does not keep on sinning, but he who was born of God protects him, and the evil one does not touch him.” The Message Bible expresses it this way, “The God-begotten are also the God-protected. The Evil One can’t lay a hand on them. We know that we are held firm by God.…”

And don’t forget Luke 10:19, “Behold, I have given you (this is Jesus speaking to His disciples – disciples like you and me) authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you.”

But you say you gave a testimony in church and have been sick for a week? Spoke in a Christian meeting and the devil’s been kicking your uh, back-side ever since?

Well, consider these 2 passages—and don’t let him! These verses declare we have God’s protection, and God’s authority over the evil one. BELIEVE the TRUTH my friend, and in your believing, act! Speak out. Remember how Peter got out of the boat and walked on water? Mt 14:29. Until he saw the wind. He believed, and acted upon Jesus’ words. Then his seeing – the wind – became his new believing and he began sinking. 

Back to 1 Jn 5:18. The concept John is presenting is that of a wedge. The devil seeks to drive a wedge between us, and God. Didn’t he try the same thing with Adam and Eve in the Garden? But “He who was born of God” – this is a reference to Jesus, protects us; we cannot be separated from God. Any separation you are experiencing is an illusion, a lie.

So keep the faith my friend. Jesus is watching over you. You are in the palm of the father’s hand. John 10:29. We no longer have a ‘sin condition’ that allows the devil to assault us when he pleases. We have been joined to God. 1 Cor 6:17

What about Job you ask? Why would you live by events that happened before God’s covenant with Abraham, and before the New Covenant in the blood of the Son of God? Don’t run your life by what you think it says in Job, ok? 

Today – thanks to the grace of God, you can resist the devil. And he will flee from you. Ja 4:7. And you know what? You will experience a new dimension – in COMING ALIVE!


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Supplied by God – 150

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At Hank’s Place we are CONTINUING IN THE GRACE OF GOD – join us, please!

Please look at Phil 4:19 “And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” The Amplified bible says it this way, “And my God will liberally supply (fill to the full) your every need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”

The Greek word for supply is pleroo (pardon my Greek), related to a word used to describe the fullness of God. The Amplified is spot on when it says God will liberally fill us to the full, fill up all hollow spots, cause us to abound, load us up with everything we have need of, making us so filled up that we are totally complete. In all things. In every aspect of our lives.

Again, thanks to Jesus and His unique work of salvation at the cost of His life – for us – now God shall liberally, fully, gloriously, abundantly, supply all our needs by imparting richly and furnishing abundantly, in a lavish and magnificent way – measured not by our standards or any worldly standard, but according to His riches in glory – all disclosed and discovered and realized in Jesus Christ! That’s POWERFUL dear friend! Think about it!

The immensity of God’s provision toward us is beyond our imagination. What’s that you say? “If His provision is so huge, then why do I have such debts and pains and lack?”

The answer may be found in the preceding verses: Phil 4:15-18 where we find Paul thanking them for their participation in the gospel, in giving and receiving, in gifts for others and for himself. Friend this is NOT “Give so we can get!” The Philippians were people of faith, and love, who saw God’s provision, saw themselves in His hand, who saw His commitment to them; and in response they were generous in giving away from themselves, in helping others in need. 

So today, dear friend. Let us look to Jesus! Let us look to our Father! Consider His love, His faithfulness, our adoption as sons of God. His covenant with us through Jesus’ blood is unbreakable. 

Consider, and soon you’ll be freely giving, receiving – receiving and giving. Life will become such a sweet adventure, for you will have COME ALIVE!


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Lavish Grace -149

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Check out for instance, Gal 3:5 “So then, does He who provides you with the Spirit and works miracles among you, do it by the works of the Law, or by hearing with faith?” I love how the Message Bible says this: “Answer this question: Does the God who lavishly provides you with his own presence, his Holy Spirit, working things in your lives you could never do for yourselves, does he do these things because of your strenuous moral striving or because you trust him to do them in you?”

God lavishly provides us—with Himself! Whoa! That means in a VERY GENEROUS and EXTRAVAGANT manner. The original Greek word is choregeo (chor-ah-yeg-eh-o), and came to refer to the wealthy patron or patrons of the arts who would underwrite all the expenses of the chorus, the dancers, the show. It was a place of honor and importance because of the great personal expense involved.

So we can say that God, out of His grace, lavishly, extravagantly, provides us with His Spirit, thanks to Jesus and Calvary! Check the wording. If you’ll check the Greek wording carefully, you will find that Paul is not referring to a single instance, a miracle here and a miracle there, a healing here or there. He is referring to a continuous floodtide of answered prayers. Of healings – of deliverances – of miracles. Oh how marvelous is the grace of God my friend!
Unbelievers may question the existence of God or His provision, but believers can soon discover, with simple faith, a LAVISH SUPPLY of all manner of blessings from His incredible, generous nature.

Paul is saying our Father is the patron, the sponsor, the backer, the choregeo—who has underwritten lavishly the total cost of our lifetime walk with Him. Jesus paid the TOTAL PRICE of our redemption at Calvary.

And Jesus urges all to come unto Him, weary, heavy laden, racked with guilt and failure. “COME!” He says! And as we do, He starts us on a journey that is fully and lavishly provided for, a journey in which we have COME ALIVE – at last!


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Opportune Time – 148

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The theme here at Hank’s Place in the New Year is CONTINUE IN THE GRACE OF GOD.

This message was free flowing from a frigid location in Northern New Jersey. Read Romans 1 and John 4 for background.

In short, it doesn’t matter how people are typecast or profiled. It doesn’t matter what you think about them or they about you. What matters is that TODAY is the Day of Salvation – always – and the fields are white to harvest.

This means there are those ‘out there’ in the group you may think are rejects, God deniers, who have ears to hear, who are ready to receive, who are ready to believe, and you know what?

In believing, they will COME ALIVE!


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Lies Evolve – 147

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The theme here at Hank’s Place in the New Year is CONTINUE IN THE GRACE OF GOD.

We have been sharing about sharing the Gospel with all cultures, with the wise and the foolish.

Ro 1 is so fascinating. The self professing wise men, who deny God, become fools. And  they suppress the truth in all unrighteousness. Ro 1:22, also vs 18. A clear example of this is the theory of evolution and the billions of years old earth – taught in most places as factual and true. Taught by these God-deniers! Exchanging the truth about God for a lie, they now serve the creature rather than the creator. Ro 1:25.

I don’t know about you, but someone with Phd’s after his name boasting about how his papa is a monkey just seems so incongruous, don’t you think? Or the argument that the Big Bang and evolution MUST have occurred because, well, here we are – is pretty flimsy, don’t you agree? 

But without God in the equation, man can be as gods, like satan offered Eve in the garden. Don’t fear evolutionists, friend. You don’t have to believe their religion, and that’s what it is because it comes down to faith. Science and the Bible are in amazing harmony. But the wisdom of this world is busy suppressing the truth, telling outright lies, and bullying those who would speak out truthfully.

Did you know in the past decade there have been findings of T-Rex bones in Montanna with soft tissue and blood cells in them? Search the Internet and see for yourself. This means that those bones are only a few thousand years old, in agreement with young earth theories. And there are literally hundreds of other scientific findings that the God haters try to suppress. 

Don’t be ashamed of the Gospel or your origins, my friend. You have been fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of the LIVING GOD, by God! Walk in the truth, fear NOT.

They lie to avoid accountability before GOD. Yet anyone, any evolutionist, could say, “Lord Jesus, be merciful to me, a sinner.” And just like the tax gatherer in Jesus’ day, that person would be forgiven and justified – in fact – believing upon Jesus causes that person to COME ALIVE!


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