What, Me Worry? – 166


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1 Peter 5:7 says, “Casting all our cares upon Him for He cares for you. This versus has a play on words in the Greek, where your care becomes God’s care. The words care and cares here are two entirely different words. Looking closely at their meanings makes this promise even more precious to us.

In the Greek text this word care is merimna. (Mer’-im-nah) It has to do with anxiety, stress, distractions, insecurities, worries – the kind of thoughts that rob peace of mind. Jesus used the word in Mt 6:25 when He said, “For this reason I say to you, do not be worried about your life, as to what you will eat or what you will drink; nor for your body, as to what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?”

The second word, translated cares, is melo (mel’-o). It is a verb meaning to be concerned about or interested in. God is not only aware of us, but He is interested in us. Even more, He cares for us with deepest affection, and watches over us very carefully!

We can cast all our worries, insecurities, doubts, concerns – everything that steals our peace of mind – upon Him, for our well-being in day to day life matters very much to Almighty God, our Father!

Now, get this: in the 2 preceding verses Peter tell us to put on humility, for God is opposed to the proud but gives grace to the humble. Let us humble ourselves – under God’s Mighty Hand, he says – which is a reference to the Exodus from Egypt. God WILL exalt us at the proper time, he assures us.

However, the proud, the disdainful, the presumptuous, when life comes at them – POW! – DEAL with it themselves. But, did you know that worry is also form of pride because it involves taking concerns upon ourselves instead of entrusting them to God. “I” have to take care of these things, “I” will figure this out, and so on. We get anxious, depressed, and wonder why God is not helping. Now you know!

So today, my friend, it’s time to roll those cares onto God’s shoulders – and COME ALIVE!


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Oil-Water – 165


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The Gospel is good news – always. There is never any bad news in the Good News!

I’ve spoken many times about the pitfalls of mixing the 2 primary covenants found in Scripture: Old Covenant from Mt Sinai – where the LAW was handed down. And the New Covenant, begun at Calvary – where GRACE was rained down upon us, and continues to rain.

Mix them together – and most people do – and it is easy to get confused. Double-minded, says James. The Law made nothing perfect. The Law did not take away sin. The Law did not enable us to overcome sin. Law did not help us do right – not in the very least little bit!

It just told us right from wrong – and commanded us to do ‘right.’ With punishment in store for failure. The Law was given through Moses, but grace and truth were realized through Jesus Christ. John 1:17.

Law had a good purpose, described in Gal 2:24-27. To lead us to despair of our own abilities and to place our trust in Christ. With our trust in Christ, we are justified by FAITH. Now that faith has come, we are no longer under that tutor, the Law. We have become sons of God. That’s more than a nice expression: it is the TRUTH!

The Law has expired for we who have clothed ourselves with Christ. So then, why do we all tend to mix them together at times? Well, God leaves us IN the world, which has a 100% total mindset of performance. Perform. Achieve. Attain. The Law at work – driving men to Christ if they will only open their hearts to listen.

Although we are in the world, let us as Gal 5:1 declares, stand firm in the Spirit. Reminding ourselves that we have been crucified with Christ and already risen with Him in new life. We choose to walk by faith and the Spirit, and not by obedient performances to some standard.

Today my friend, may the Spirit of the Living God help you to walk IN this world, by FAITH in Christ Jesus, in His finished work – and COME ALIVE!


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You Ain’t No Olive – 164

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The Gospel is good news – always. Never any bad news in the Good News!

When we see Jesus in the Gospels we see God. We study Jesus in the Gospels, we come to understand the character, nature, of God, for Jesus is the exact representation of God. To see Jesus is the see God. Hebrews 1:3, John 1:18 & 14:9. 

Puzzled over the will of God? Just look at Jesus. Don’t let religious thinking, mixed covenant thinking, worldly or demonic thinking get you confused.

We know sickness is not from God. Ever. How do we know? We look at Jesus! Who did Jesus make sick or refuse to heal? To whom did He say “This sickness is from God teaching you a valuable lesson that God’s grace and mercy and kindness could not.”

What about crushing? You know, the parallel comparing us with an olive – where we are told that just like an olive we need to be squeezed, crushed, before the oil of the Spirit, the good stuff, will be revealed to the world.

Not true! It presumes you are still filled with pride and wickedness and it has to be crushed out of you. My friend, you have died with Jesus and risen with Him. He is in you; you are in Him. A new creation! To whom did Jesus say the terrible stuff they were experiencing was crushing by His father to cleanse them from unrighteousness and sin, stuff His blood could not do. Ridiculous! Who did Jesus advise when they came to Him for help that He had to leave them alone for the crushing to be completed? No one!

The storms of life REVEAL our faith – they do not build faith. Check out the disciples in the storm on the lake in Mk 4. Jesus said to His disciples, “Where is your faith?” NOT this storm is building your faith, aren’t you glad to be in it? And He immediately stopped it, right?

Faith comes from hearing the word of God concerning Jesus! Ro 10:17.

Yes, in this world we WILL have tribulations – BUT Jesus didn’t say “The Father has sent them to grow us up.” He said, “Take courage for I have overcome the world.” Jn 16:33. It’s time to believe the truth, my friend, and COME ALIVE – for the Good News IS Good News!


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Waystations in Glory – 163


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What is heaven like? John 14:1-2 provides a clue – it says, “Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In My Father’s house are many dwelling places (mansions in the King James). If it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you.”

Jesus told His disciples he would go and prepare homes, mansions, places in His Father’s house for us. The Father’s house is heaven, and we each have our own place there, prepared by Jesus.

Out of the economic depression of the 1930’s there arose a ‘mansion mentality.’ God’s people, having lost hope of ever prospering in this life, began to dream of one day living in a lovely mansion in heaven. Numerous songs were written about our mansion just over the hilltop in heaven. I’m sure you’ve heard one or two. 

Is that heaven then, a nice home and people to invite over for choir practice? Is there more to be found with the Creator of the universe?

Ahhh…. The Greek word used for mansion is ‘mone’ – which has a number of possibilities. ‘Mone,’ according to lexicographers – those are the people who put together dictionaries, has the sense of mobility and stability. Stability in your mobility. Thus these ‘mansions’ – can be thought of like stopping places, way stations, along the path of the righteous. 

Carrying this a bit further, we might imagine heaven as a place of unfolding vistas, new horizons, new sights to be seen – from our awesome Father – wonders that never cease, oh hallelujah! 

‘Mone’ also brings with it a sense of rest. Our mansion, this way-station is also solid, stable. Restful. There is rest for us in the midst of the continuous unfolding of God’s eternal purpose.

God’s plans are far beyond what we could ever imagine – the future laid up for us is fantastic. But you don’t have to wait, for Col 1:13 states we have already been translated, like Enoch, into the Kingdom of Jesus Christ.

So live this earthly life today – as a resident of the Kingdom – with a confident assurance of your future, and COME ALIVE!


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Your Effort – or His? – 162

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This is a place–of GRACE.

Col 1:13-14 For He (the Father) rescued us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.” We believed – God performed the rescue, the forgiving, the translating into the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. That’s GRACE in action.

How about Col 1:27 “to whom God willed to make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.” The fullness of God, living in us, never to leave us, never to forsake us. True! It’s GRACE again! No wait! That’s nothing less than HYPER GRACE and it’s from our Father!

Because of the GRACE of God “… the life which we now live in the flesh we can live by FAITH IN the Son of God.…” Gal 2:20.

By Grace we have been made complete in Him (Col 2:10). And made alive together with Him (Col 2:13). By grace we’ve been raised up with Him and hidden IN HIM (Col 3:3). It’s time for us to throw off the cloak of rejection and unworthiness and darkness and walk in the Light and Love of God, for we are accepted in Him.

Consider a homeless beggar on the streets. Suppose by amazing chance he is chosen to be prince. He did not earn it; it was bestowed upon him. New clothes, new hairstyle, new living quarters: a palace. With attendants for his every need. With authority in the realm. With royal opportunities everywhere. There’s only one thing: he has to believe it and walk in it. If old friends ask him to booze or shoot it up and sleep in the gutters – he could, but in no way should – for he is a new man; time to walk in the truth. The old man has passed away – all things have become new. That formerly homeless individual will need to renew his mind to the truth.

It’s the same for us my friend. Isn’t it time we stopped believing who we once were? It’s time to proudly wear those fancy duds of the Kingdom: righteousness, grace, truth, integrity – and COME ALIVE!


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God Sick Of You? – 161

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I’ve heard people say God made them sick to teach them a lesson. A sickness from God to teach them patience. What? Epilepsy from God? Mental Illness? Auto accidents? Cancer?

Consider: Jn 14:9. Jesus says whoever has seen Him has seen the Father. Jn 10:30. Jesus said the Father and He were one. Heb 1:3 says the Son is the exact representation of God. To see Jesus is to see God. To hear Jesus is the hear God. What Jesus did, and what He did not do, all reveal God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, for Col 2:9 says all the fullness of Deity, of God, dwelt in bodily form in Jesus.

By virtue of the incarnation, Jesus is God in the flesh.

Now – look at the Gospels. Who did Jesus make sick? Or refuse to heal? Who did He fail to heal? To whom did He say that God was teaching them a lesson with their sickness? Or that their sin was keeping them from being healed?

Yes, in His hometown they stumbled in unbelief over the carpenter’s son, and only a few were healed. Are we from His hometown? Did we know Him as the carpenter’s son? Nope. So we have no cause to stumble.

In Mt 8:16-17 it says, “When evening came, they brought to Him many who were demon-possessed; and He cast out the spirits with a word, and healed all who were ill. This was to fulfill what was spoken through Isaiah the prophet: “HE HIMSELF TOOK OUR INFIRMITIES AND CARRIED AWAY OUR DISEASES.””

If Scripture says He came to take them away, and the Gospel accounts record just that – then the concept that God gives sickness – is wrong! Some denominations say God healed then, but not now. Nope. Some think it was only to prove He was the Messiah, not that He cared at all about people. Nope.

Perhaps you prayed and were not healed. And someone told you it was a lack of faith on your part. Or that there was sin in your life. Or that you haven’t done enough with the talents God has given you. Or you are harboring unforgiveness. NO!

Jesus is the SAME, yesterday, today, and forever. Heb 13:8. Believe it, pray again, receive your healing – and COME ALIVE!


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Not By Might – 160


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You’ve likely read Zech 4:6 “This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel saying, `Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ says the LORD of hosts.”
Might. It’s the strength found in a team, a group of people.
Power. It’s the strength of an individual. God is not impressed with what we can do (Ps 147:10) or the might of a nation, an army, an enemy, or the church. 

It is His Spirit ALONE that accomplishes His purposes, my friend. Let us not boast in our supposed abilities (Ja 4:13-16). Nor struggle with the notion that God expects, demands, we do great things for Him.

Let me tell you a story. Long ago I was helping out in a large conference our church was holding. I had volunteered to help set up rooms, provide water, direct people – little things but necessary things. One morning I prayed, “Lord, show me someone who needs a hug.” Can’t get much more “little” than that, more humble, I thought.

After one session concluded, and I was arranging chairs for the next, in walked — SuperServant! Cape flowing in the breeze. A double “S” on his chest. Eyes twinkling. He grabbed 6 chairs at a time, loudly asked where they should go, made a commotion of helping. All eyes fell upon him.

SuperServant! I knew him. My hands balled into fists, I felt like punching him! And the Lord said, “He needs a hug, he’s doing this because he feels rejected.” I could not do it. I was battling anger. I left the conference. Went home. Fell on my bed. Cried in my pillow: “Lord! I cannot do even one little thing for You!” I sobbed.

“That’s right,” He said. “You need My help in everything.” Quite a lesson, for us all, don’t you think? And me? I arose with a new found understanding of what it means to rely upon the Lord for everything.

Don’t trust yourself, my friend. Don’t condemn yourself either. But as Paul says in Col 1:28-29, “Proclaim Jesus, admonish and teach Him with all wisdom; to present every man complete in Christ. Do this, but strive according to His power, which mightily works within you.”

Today, rely upon the Spirit – and COME ALIVE!

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Stressed! – 159


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Are you stressing out in trying to fulfill your destiny? Trying to accomplish something great (by human standards at least)?

Well, listen, Father has given us the gift of LIFE – to enjoy, and in doing so we shall fulfill our destinies. DON’T STRESS OUT – but CHILL OUT as you ENJOY – THIS – LIFE!

Thanks to JESUS, there is now JOY in LIVING. In living under the New Covenant. Friend, we cannot fail, or come short, for God has already JUSTIFIED us. He has already made us the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. 2 Cor 5:21. He is NOT DISAPPOINTED when He looks at you, dear believer!

We are accepted in the Beloved! We are IN Christ. In order for the Father to judge us, He would have to judge His Son again. He cannot do that.

Although Jesus has given us a COMPLETE SALVATION – religion will say that we have come short and there is something more for us to do. NO! It is a Great Salvation. Heb 2:3. God, having performed such a great salvation, now simply wants us to enjoy it with Him! To plumb its depths and heights and give glory to His Son.

Thanks to religion we find Christians worldwide who believe in salvation by grace, but also believe it is all up to them. They are racked by thoughts of “am I good enough?” Perhaps you are one of them.

Remember Ro 5:17? We’ve been given the GIFT of RIGHTEOUSNESS through which we will reign in this life. Religion, and culture today, stresses performance. Great performance earns the reward, and there are plenty of losers. That is not the KINGDOM message.

So, if you have been caught up in DOING, STRIVING, STRESSING OUT to hear the Master say, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant,” stop! New Covenant life is BEING. BEING IN CHRIST. Being at the feet of Jesus. Just BE in Jesus and allow Him to do it.

Today, let us cease striving, but enter His rest, allow HIS ministry to flow through us, as we COME ALIVE!


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Wrestlemania – 158


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Spiritual warfare  a wrestling match, Paul tells us in Eph 6. By GRACE, we have armor from God with which to gird ourselves: truth, righteousness, peace, salvation, faith – the Word of God. It takes place primarily in the mind, for in 2 Cor 10:5 we are told to take captive evil thoughts. Like depression. Loneliness. Rejection. Grief. Anger. Violence. Sexual vices. Self-pity and more. They don’t belong to us. They are not our thoughts!

By GRACE, we have what it takes – God’s power and authority – to take every ungodly thought captive. Jesus has given us HIS victory. HE has raised us up to sit with Him in heaven, with authority, far above these things. Eph 2:6. Where do these ungodly thoughts come from? 

Demons are the authors of evil twisted thoughts, and conditions, and many sicknesses. All 4 gospels record Jesus casting out many demons. Few Christians cast them out today, few believe they even exist. Why? Well, one of satan’s lies is that they don’t exist! But friend, they do and they are warring against us. Thankfully they are subject to us in Jesus’ name. Lu 10:17.

CONSIDER: have you ever said or done something that you afterward regretted; something that hurt someone, hurt yourself? Maybe you said,
“I don’t know what came over me.”
“I don’t know why I did that.”
“I don’t know why I said that.”
“I couldn’t believe it was me speaking.”
Perhaps someone—someTHING was inspiring you.

Paul in Gal 5:19-21 speaks of the works of the flesh. Demons will try to rile up your flesh. To get it working evil things. Anger. Violence. Impurity. Whatever! And if you have given place to them before, you may even feel them in your body. Your body may seethe with anger – or burn with desire. Before you know it, you act in the flesh, and suffer the consequences.
 And those demons who inspired you now shout condemnation at you! It’s a LOSE-LOSE if we DON’T challenge them. 

Today, may our Lord Jesus by His grace grant you the gift of discernment of spirits. It’s time to wrestle – and win. Yes, it’s time to COME ALIVE!


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Once I Was Dead – But GOD – 157


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God, “even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace we have been saved—” Eph 2:5.

Paul tells the Colossians the same thing and more. Beginning with ch 2 vs 13 – “And you, who were dead in your trespasses, God made alive together with him, (sound familiar?) having forgiven us all our trespasses, by canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This God set aside, nailing it to the cross. He disarmed the rulers and authorities (those demonic powers who would condemn us and try to control us) and put them to open shame, by triumphing over them in Jesus.”

I ask you, who is doing the work in these passages? Ourselves – or God? Who is the active one? Ourselves – or God? Who is making us alive? Ourselves – or God? Who is doing the saving? Ourselves – or God? The forgiving? The canceling? The nailing? The disarming?

Dear friend, let’s not be fooled into thinking salvation came our way through our own merits, or that we had a hand in it, or our good works earned it. It’s by grace we have been saved through faith. It’s not our doing; it is the gift of God.” Eph 2:8.

That phrase, “have been saved,” is in the perfect tense, meaning that our salvation is fully secured. It’s done. The whole process of “salvation by grace through faith” is a gift from God – not something that we can accomplish ourselves.

When a person was crucified, there was nailed to the cross the list of accusations, the reasons, why that person was being crucified. In Col, Paul tells us that all of OUR debts, sins, offenses, transgressions, you name it, were written there. All – of – them. Jesus was crucified because of our failures.
And because of the Cross, the devil’s power has been broken. He still tries to accuse us – but wait! That sin, real as it may be, has already been nailed to Calvary’s Cross. There’s Jesus’ blood, pouring down from the Cross in full payment. The accusations, however real, have been paid for. Hallelujah!

It’s time we believe it – and COME ALIVE!


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