Those Lukewarm Laodiceans-1 – 185

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We have been looking at the 7 churches found in the Book of Revelation. Has Jesus nature changed? It’s easy to see rebukes and threats of punishment in these letters. Take off those virtual reality goggles my friend. That’s not the real picture. These are gracious love letters. 

Each letter begins with a picture of Jesus and ends with a promise. The picture is not all that mysterious when we look at each church’s history, geography, economic, or political situation. Also, each picture is not a NEW picture of Jesus, but something revealed in the Gospels. Check out the cross references!

And the promises are exactly what they need – freely offered.

We now come to the last church, Laodicea. That’s Rev 3:14-22. Oh my! It’s the only church where Jesus finds nothing good to say! Surely they must be in danger of hell fire? No. 

As it says in verse 19, “those whom I love I reprove” – Because He loves them, He is pointing out things that need to change – for their own benefit, and tells them what to do.

This is the lukewarm church. Proud, for they say, “I am rich and have need of nothing.” Jesus tells them the truth. He tells them to be zealous and repent. And there is the famous passage, “Behold I stand at the door and knock.…”

Under Roman rule Laodicea became a thriving banking and financial center. Emperors could cash their checks there. It even had a medical school, perhaps producing that famous eye salve.

The garment industry was awesome. The wool of their sheep was glossy black, highly valued. So, we have a city that is very rich – financially, in wool, and eye salve. We’ll see the significance later.

The picture Jesus gives them of Himself is that of the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness, the beginning of the creation of God. Jesus identifies Himself as the Founder of all, and the underwriter of all the promises found in the New Covenant. 2 Cor 1:20. In contrast the Laodiceans were faithless and false. Jesus is declaring that HE is the benchmark against which all other people will be measured. These Laodiceans, with an inflated opinion of themselves are going to come up short. 

He knows their and our true condition better than we know ourselves. Today, may Jesus speak to you and me, right where we are, like in these letters. It will help us — COME ALIVE!


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Philadelphia: more than a Cheesesteak – 184

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We are looking at the church of Philadelphia, found in Rev 3:3-13.
We are up to the passage of Jesus making them a pillar in the temple of His God? In Christ Jesus we are all pillars – monuments to the grace of God. And the temple of God? Us – 1 Cor 3:17.

And to go out no more? Philadelphia was famous for its frequent earthquakes and aftershocks. Every time the buildings begin to shake the people would run out into the open air. And it happened often. Very Stressful. So when Jesus says you will not go out anymore He is saying, “I’m bringing an end to your anxiety.” That’s comforting.

What is the significance of the three names? Numbers 6:24–27 (Famous blessing) refers to Israel being blessed by the priests placing God’s name on them. So Jesus is marking us for a blessing here. What about the city of my God? Well, Jerusalem above is our mother. Gal 4:26. So it’s a sense of family.

And Jesus’ new name? To be marked with the name of Jesus means you belong to the Lord. What is the new name of Jesus? That name is LORD. Supreme – above all. He walked the earth as the Son of Man. But Philippians 2:9-11 declares that He has been given a name above all other names: Lord. Peter urged his listeners to call on the name of the Lord and be saved. Acts 2:21.

Jesus is saying he who overcomes, that is, believes in Him, will be saved. Nothing and no one will ever separate them from His love. Jesus is saying that He will give Himself to us, His life, His identity, His all. Isn’t that wonderful?

In the old covenant people made promises to God, which they broke. In the new covenant, God has made unbreakable promises to us. The new covenant endures forever because God is eternally faithful.

Here in the letter to the church of Philadelphia Jesus says “I will” eight times. Promises from a good God who longs to bless us and who always keeps His word. So why didn’t the other churches ever get promises like these? They were not ready. They had issues needing to be addressed first. Yet this day, at this time, these words are for you my friend – read them – believe them – and COME ALIVE!


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Classics – The CROSS Changes EVERYTHING (4 of 8) – 192

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We have been pointing out that the Cross has changed….everything. The Old Testament is there to create a hunger for a Savior! Now, live in His saving grace my friend, and not the letter of the Law! Enter His refreshing rest!

We faced condemnation and judgment before the Cross; now, we have NO condemnation, but justification. Instead of unworthiness we have righteousness. Instead of a distant and unapproachable God we have a freely accessible throne of Grace – to receive mercy and grace in time of need!

Although we may have it, we will not experience it if our mind is stuck in performance based religious thinking. That’s what life was like BEFORE the Cross!

Consider: the Old Covenant demanded righteousness based upon our performance: it demanded righteousness from sinful men. Deut 6:25 reads, “It will be righteousness for us if we are careful to observe all this commandment before the LORD our God, just as He commanded us.” But AFTER the Cross we find Ro 1:17 “For in it (the Gospel) the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith (that’s God’s faith and YOURS); as it is written, “But the righteous man shall live by faith.” Or how about Ro 5:17, speaking of “those who receive the abundance of grace and of the GIFT of righteousness, (they) will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.”

Consider this: before the Cross, God’s presence came and went, causing people to hunger for His Spirit. Ps 51:11 reads, “Do not cast me away from Your presence And do not take Your Holy Spirit from me.” Friend, DO NOT pray that way! Why? Because after the Cross God makes His home with us and promises to never leave us. Jn 14:23 says that Jesus and the Father will come to us and make their abode with us. Heb 13:5 reminds us that the Lord has declared, “I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you.”

Despite these amazing TRUTHS dear Christian friend, you might find yourself getting confused when you read the Gospels! Why? Because Jesus spoke THE LAW to self-righteous pharisees and lawyers. And Jesus spoke mercy and grace to those who humbly came to Him. YOU are not a pharisee, are you? No! Of course not! So pay attention to who is speaking to who. People under law or under grace? This is very important!

Get your pattern for living THIS side of the Cross, and COME ALIVE! 


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Friendly in Philadelphia part 2 – 183

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We are looking at the church of Philadelphia, found in Rev 3:3-13.
Today we find those of the synagogue of Satan bowing before the believers in Philadelphia. These religious Jews despised the Jewish Christians and considered them traitors and enemies of God. So Jesus in this city of brotherly love will show those Jews who His real brothers are.

In Zech 8:23, God indicates a day will come when others say, “let us go with you for we have heard that God is with you.” Meaning that Jews would finally be recognized as God’s people and be honored. But Jesus reverses that and says Jews will come and bow down to the church. Whoa!

How did the Jews find themselves on the wrong side of this prophecy? By rejecting Jesus. They had cut themselves off as a nation, effectively declaring they were no longer God’s people. Sigh.

Next, what about perseverance? The good news is that JESUS has persevered and overcome. We have nothing to prove. Notice it says ‘the word of His perseverance.’ Keep on believing what Jesus has done for you.

Some translations twist Jesus grace-filled words into a spiritual test. Saying YOU have to persevere and endure (that it’s about YOUR perservance and YOUR endurance) in order to be saved. But read it – it is His perseverance! If YOU start trying to persevere and endure you soon are looking a laws to keep – you become a legalist – and will fail. So, why not keep the word of His perseverance, like the Philadelphians?

Now, the hour of testing coming upon the whole world? It’s judgment day. It means a day of shaking. To the Philadelphians this brings back anxious memories of earthquakes and houses falling down. So Jesus’ words are a great encouragement to them. And for us, too, for we have received a kingdom that cannot be shaken. Heb 12:28. The hour of testing, shaking, when Jesus returns is for the world – not the Church.

Then Jesus tells them to hold fast. Amazing – Thyatira, the worst church of the bunch, and Philadelphia, the best church, are both told to hold fast. Holding fast to Jesus is always EVERYONE’S answer.

In closing, what about losing a crown? That’s not your salvation, but likely means — P E O P L E. The Thessalonians were Paul’s crown and glory 1 Thes 2:19. My friend, don’t cave to the ungodliness parading around as correctness here in America. Keep helping others to enter into the Kingdom— yes, retain your crown as they — COME ALIVE!


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Love Philadelphia part 1 – 182

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Today we’ll begin looking at the church of Philadelphia, found in Rev 3:3-13.
To Philadelphia Jesus talks about doors and keys. About deeds, keeping His word, the synagogue of Satan, and the word of His perseverance, the hour of testing, holding fast. And there are rewards – being made a pillar in God’s house, and oddly, Jesus expressing His penmanship by writing names of His God, the city of His God and His new name – on US!

A little history: in that region there was a huge earthquake in AD17. Philadelphia experienced hundreds of aftershocks for several years. A shaking city. Keep that in mind.

Jesus begins by calling Himself the holy and the true. Likely because He’s addressing a Jewish church, saying “I am the holy and true revelation of the holy and true God.” A familiar expression. Remember John 6:69 when the disciples said to Jesus “you are the holy one of God.”

Now, the expression, “the key of David.” It’s another familiar Old Testament reference. It referred to a key that unlocked the door of King Hezekiah’s palace, possessed by a faithful servant. The servant decided who got to see the King – and who didn’t. The servant opened or shut doors no one else could.

Religious people have always tried to control access into the kingdom of heaven, but here Jesus declares He is the holder of David’s key and He decides who gets to come in. In Philadelphia the religious Jews hindered the gospel. Jesus reminds the Christians He is the one who opens the door of faith to the Gentiles. That’s Acts 14:27. Encouraging words in a difficult place.

The Philadelphia church was the smallest church in man’s eyes. Like David the shepherd boy. But little Philadelphia is the center of where the action was. They kept His word. They believed Jesus and took Him at His word. They were ‘believing believers.’ They were persuaded that the Lord is good and trustworthy. All the other churches struggled in the areas of unbelief, but not Philadelphia. They had not denied His name.

Friend, today, I invite you to do the same. Be a BELIEVING believer — ask Jesus to open a door of faith to those around you – You and Jesus, Jesus and you – helping others — COME ALIVE!


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Incomplete Deeds? – 181

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We are looking at the church of Sardis, found in Rev 3:1-6, and not forgetting we are saved and kept by GRACE, not works.

This church appeared wonderfully active and alive – but most folks needed to be born-again, needed to receive salvation by grace through faith. No man’s deeds can qualify him for heaven; ours are forever incomplete before God.

Jesus exhorts them to remember what they heard: the Gospel. Then repent and hold fast to the truth. The Sardians were trying to establish their own righteousness, impressing others thru their works. But the righteousness of God comes only from God, by grace. 

“Wake up,” warns Jesus, or He will come like a thief. Sardis was famous among all the cities in the region for being asleep. In 546 BC Cyrus of Persia besieged them; and they did not even bother to post watchmen. They thought they were impregnable. One soldier climbed up the cliffs in the dark, opened the city gate and the city was conquered. 300 years later the SAME THING happened with another army. Both times proud Sardis was caught sleeping.

Those soiled garments? Self righteous garments are soiled. Only Jesus can give us white clean garments, those robes of righteousness. Only Jesus makes us worthy. He died for all of us, but many refuse the truth. They are refusing Jesus’ invitation to put on His garments.

The Book of Life. It’s a record of those who inherit eternal life. The Book of Life appears several times in the Bible. Jews would think of Ex 32:33, “The Lord said to Moses, “Whoever has sinned against Me, I will blot him out of My book.”” We have ALL sinned against the Lord. We need His mercy and grace! We need God to “…remember our sins no more.” Is 43:25.

Under the Old Covenant no one was good enough for the Book of Life; under the New Covenant no believer can be blotted out of it. Our names have been written in with His blood. Whoa! The pen Jesus used to write our name in the Book of Life does not have eraser. Jesus is not threatening believers. He will never under any circumstance erase our name.

Finally, what does it mean to have Jesus confess your name? The proud Sardians were were concerned about their name and their reputation. Concerned about what other people said about them. Jesus is saying what other people think of you does not matter at all. What does matter is that He will confess your name before Almighty God, and Father. That’s what matters. 

Check out Mat 10:30 – and COME ALIVE! 


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Dead In Your Sins? – 180

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The church of Sardis, found in Rev 3:1-6, sounds like they are in deep trouble with Jesus. He says they have a reputation of being alive, but are in fact dead, their deeds are incomplete, they need to repent or He will come as a thief to them, and there is the hint of names being erased from the Book of Life.

If ever there was reason to fear Christ’s return, these Sardians would appear to have it. But all is not as it appears at first glance my friend!

Sardis was a citadel, sitting atop sheer cliffs, with a river as a moat at the bottom. Nevertheless, King Cyrus conquered the city in 546 BC and transplanted many Jews. They were a ready audience for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Sardis had once been a very wealthy city, proud – and they were still proud of themselves – but in fact they were but a shadow of their former glory.

Jesus begins by describing Himself as He did to the Ephesians: having the 7 spirits of God and the 7 stars. Sardis had been the capital of the region; Ephesus would later become the capital. The proud Sardians considered themselves at the center of everything. Jesus’ picture corrects that: He is the center.

The Sardians knew how to act spiritual and sound spiritual but they were not acquainted with the Holy Spirit, those 7 Spirits of God mentioned. So they had a name that they were alive – but they were dead. Playing church – no Holy Spirit. Impressing others with their religious activity – having an appearance of great church life – but   they   were   dead.

Not dying – still dead. Not born again. Most of them. “Strengthen what remains,” says Jesus. Or, “Repent and turn to Him – before it is too late.” Or they will die in their sins – eternally dead – Oh my!

What about those incomplete deeds – in God’s sight? Is Jesus saying they had better perform for Him, study more, pray more, serve more, give more? No! That’s earning your salvation – that’s works, not grace and you have been saved and kept by grace, lest anyone should boast. Eph 2:8-9.

In this case Jesus is talking to the dead sinners in the church, those self righteously trying to make a name for themselves. So their deeds were incomplete. You cannot EARN God’s favor, but you can RECEIVE it.

Friend, receive His favor today – and COME ALIVE!


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White Stones – 179

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Today we are finishing up the letter to Pergamum, found in Rev 2:12-17.

We have a picture of Jesus with the sword of the Word of God coming from His mouth – the sword – a symbol of absolute power these Pergamumians would have understood!

The church was under deceptive attack by the Nicolatians. They would tell Christians that God’s wonderful grace is truly a license to sin. Usually in the form of sexual immorality. Jesus had a word for the Nicolatians and those being mislead: repent! If they did not repent, Jesus said I’m coming to you – the church, to make war against them – the Nicolatians. What Good News for believers! Not judgment upon the church, but against those who are deceiving His people.

The Nicolatians could repent or they could leave, but things had to change, for Jesus had spoken. Will Jesus kill them? The sword is the Word of God – which speaks of truth demolishing lying strongholds.

What is the hidden hidden manna? In the wilderness of Moses’ day, it was called the bread of heaven – which pointed to Jesus. I believe it is the same here. And the white stone? Many possibilities, but likely in line with the ancient Roman custom of awarding white stones to the victors of athletic games, engraved with their names – that granted them admission to the celebrations to follow. 

Our new name? Our new identity in Christ. In the new covenant all things become new. The moment we were put in Christ, His life and His name became ours. The name which no one knows but he who receives it speaks of intimacy rather than secrecy. The adventure of our lives is figuring out all we are in Christ – of discovering the person God has made us to be! 

These blessings come to every believer through grace alone. Not only to overcomers – because all who believe in Jesus have been made overcomers.

Sometime we have to make difficult choices. Do we become all things to all men or do we take a stand? When sin is involved and people are getting hurt and lives destroyed, I think you know the answer. Shine my friend, and have nothing to do with the deeds of darkness. Shine – and COME ALIVE! 


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Living near satan’s throne? – 178

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We are looking at the love letters of Jesus to the 7 churches in Revelation.

Today we look at Pergamum, Rev 2:12-17. Lots of excitement here: a sharp two-edged sword, satan’s throne, the evil teachings of the Nicolatians, clear instructions to repent – and the promises of hidden manna, a white stone, and a secret new name!

Pergamum was a royal and ancient city, the capital and head of the Roman province of Asia. It was full of temples to idols. 

Some Roman governors had swords. Those with swords held the power of life and death – it was the symbol of absolute authority. No surprise then that the letter to Pergamum, head of Roman authority, pictures Jesus with the sword.

A group called the Nicolatians had introduced an evil teaching, believers were being led astray, so Jesus comes with the sword of truth to set things right.

Why Satan’s throne? It was a reference to Rome, for in persecuting Christians Rome was the tool of Satan, enforced in Pergamum more than any other city. Violent murders were entertained. Jesus compliments the believers there for not denying His faith. No wonder!

Jesus warns the Nicolatians. They were holding to the teaching of Balaam, who said it was OK to participate in idol worship and commit acts of immorality. Many in Pergamum participated in the pagan sacrifices or sacrifices to Caesar because it was good for business; greed controlled them, just like Balaam.

They taught grace as a license to sin. They were not confused Christians. They were evil-doers introducing heresies into the church. They promised freedom but were themselves slaves of wickedness. 2 Pe 2:19. 

Rather than encourage people to put their faith in God, the Nicolatians actually encouraged Christians to participate in idol orgies. ‘Secure your future by worshiping demons,’ they proclaimed. So instead of idol worshipers coming to church to find grace and freedom, the Christians were going to the temples and bowing down to demons.

More next time my friend. In the meantime, reject the words of those who promote behavior in direct conflict with the word of God. Hold fast to your total faith in Jesus – and Come Alive! 


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Crown of Life – 177

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We are looking at the love letters of Jesus to the 7 churches in Revelation. Love letters – although on the surface it seems like Jesus has changed the terms of the covenant in His blood to one of “Produce or be punished.”

Dear friend, remember Ro 5:8-10, if “while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us, much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from the wrath of God through Him.” We were reconciled to God while we were His enemies — now we shall be saved by His life. There is nothing to fear in these letters!

We are looking at the letter to Smyrna, Rev 2:8-11. Smyrna was a prosperous city but the Christians there were poor and suffering because the very religious Jews caused them much distress. Some were about to die for their faith. The good news is that Jesus has been there, done that, and lived to tell the tale.

Jesus refers to those Jews as being of the synagogue of Satan.  Why? These ultra-religious Jews were murdering people: they were of their father the devil – hence the synagogue of Satan. The emperor Domitian had ascended to the throne. He referred to himself as lord and god. Acknowledge him as such – or face death. Jews could pay money and escape death, but not the Christians and numbers were killed. And the Jews would accuse the Christians to the Romans.

Thus Jesus saying, “do not fear,” gave them needed encouragement. 

10 days? It means the time of testing will be short. How about the promise, “be faithful unto death and I will give you the crown of life?” Smyrna was faithful to Rome before Rome was a world power. The Roman statesman Cicero described it as “our most faithful and most ancient ally.” Being faithful was their motto.

And the crown of life? The crown referred to Mt Pagos outside the city and the buildings surrounding it. Again, Jesus is using pictures and promises which the citizens of the time would have understood readily. He will give His followers the True Crown – of life!

The crown of life is given to those who love the Lord regardless of what trials we face and how well we face them. Why? Because eternal life is a gift by grace. Ro 6:23.

My friend, He who has conquered death – is the Lord – and He has approved you – you have nothing left to prove. Rest in this reality – you’ll COME ALIVE! 


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