Classics – The CROSS Changes EVERYTHING (7 of 8) – 195

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In Moses’ day, people were afraid of God, and rightly so! They asked Moses to bring down orders from headquarters, and all that God says, they promised to do. That’s Ex 19:8. BOOM – there were the 10 C’s among others rules. All required strict adherence, through the power of the flesh. But flesh is weak, so although the commandments appeared to be rules to keep, they were in fact a mirror – to point out our shortcomings. And they were perfect at it.

Back in Jesus’ day there was trouble! For over a 1,000 years the Jewish leaders had opportunity to learn that mankind cannot obey God’s rules – we need a Savior. By Jesus’ time they should have or certainly could have, been ready to receive Jesus as that Savior – after all, it was the fullness of time.

But the Pharisees and law teachers placed their traditions and interpretations ahead of God’s Laws. They emptied the Law of the power to condemn. The Law’s perfect purpose was thwarted: sin was not being named as sin, and the self-righteous were not being silenced.

Today in so many places we hear a mixed message. Law – just listen for the “if’s” – “if you do this, then God will do…” or, “you need to do this before God will do… something” Mixed with GRACE – when you hear what God has done, especially concerning Calvary, you are hearing grace. Acts 20:24 says the Gospel is the Good News of His GRACE. You may hear that God gave us the Holy Spirit to help us keep the 10C’s. This is incorrect! Gal 3:12 says, “But the Law is not of faith, rather “The one who does them shall live by them.”” The Law is a “to do” list. It is NOT of faith, and it’s faith that pleases God. Ro 1:27 “The just shall live by faith”. Heb 11:6 “…without faith it is impossible to please God.”

Here’s the point of today’s Hank’s Place. The Holy Spirit is NOT GOING TO HELP US KEEP A SET OF RULES. Rules are NOT of Faith. Read Gal 3:12 for yourself. It is only faith that pleases God.

There are a lot of voices out there, a lot of confusion when Law and Grace are mixed. Don’t be confused my dear friend. Simply walk in the Spirit, live in the Spirit. Find true LIFE by simple faith in the Living God – you will enter His rest my friend. You will Come Alive!


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Classics – The CROSS Changes EVERYTHING (6 of 8) – 194

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We have been pointing out that the Cross has changed….everything. And it is all for the GOOD!

Today’s message is so freedom inspiring that I’m concerned your head may explode if you are locked into performance based religion. Ready for the challenge? OK, let’s think about the Gospels. Where is the Cross in the Gospels? Near the end of each one, right? Now THINK! That means all of what you read in the Gospels, until the very end, are events that happened UNDER THE LAW. Jesus was born, lived, and died under the LAW.

When Jesus spoke, it was to people who were under the LAW. Keep in mind that the Gospel is the Good News of the GRACE of God that would come to us AFTER Jesus did His marvelous work at Calvary. Let’s look at an example of this GRACE from Calvary.

In Mt 6:14-15 Jesus says, “…if you forgive others for their transgressions, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others, then your Father will not forgive your transgressions.” Read that and you see God’s forgiveness of you is conditional on your forgiveness of others. When Jesus spoke those words, BEFORE the Cross, it was totally TRUE.

But we are living AFTER the Cross, my dear friend! Let’s read Col 2:13, written AFTER the Cross. Paul writes, “When you were dead in your transgressions and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He made you alive together with Him, having forgiven us all our transgressions.” Friend, we were forgiven while we were lost and dead in our sins. And read Col 3:13, “bearing with one another, and forgiving each other, whoever has a complaint against anyone; just as the Lord forgave you, so also should you.”

So what do we believe? Do you have to forgive first in order to be forgiven, or are you already forgiven? Before the Cross, you must forgive FIRST. AFTER the Cross, you forgive – in overwhelming thankfulness at knowing you yourself have already been forgiven. Before the Cross, forgiveness was something God would DO—only IF YOU did your part first. After the Cross, forgiveness is something God GIVES. It’s a gift by God’s grace—something you receive. The Gospel is the Good News, declaring what GOD has done for us, not what we must do to satisfy God!

My dear believing friend: you ARE already forgiven – give a shout out to Jesus! Get rid of any condemnation you may be under — RECEIVE that gift of forgiveness. Then, in gratitude and joy, forgive others—and COME ALIVE! 


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God’s Words Are Substantial – 198

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In Matthew 14, Jesus, after feeding 5,000 men plus women and children, instructs His disciples to get into a boat and cross over, while He dismisses the crowds, then goes up a mountain to pray through the night.

There He sees them straining at the oars, for the wind was against them. And comes to them, walking on the water. Peter asks Jesus to bid him to come — Jesus does, and we find Peter miraculously walking on the water to Jesus.
Peter had a word from God: “Come.” By God’s word the universe sprang into being; God’s words are – substantial. The word was both an invitation and a promise from GOD – to be believed.

And Peter believed! Peter was walking on the water! Then he looked at his situation. Saw the wind. Began to sink. The promise was real – the invitation to do what no man had ever done before was real. Peter believed – then the situation surrounding him caused him to let go of the promise. It has happened to all of us.

Thankfully, Jesus was still there and rescued Peter, as He has done for us, again and again. God promises to keep His promises toward us. That’s Gen 28:15. He does. God watches over His word to perform it. Heb 1:12. That’s another way of saying He makes sure He keeps all His promises! And He does.
Our part, so that grace may abound, is to believe the word of God, holding fast to the promises He has made toward us.

Unlike Peter, let us keep a focused eye upon Jesus – not the situation around us. Not what we see; not what others are saying; but what God has said.

Today friend, consider His promises toward you. Put GOD in remembrance of those promises. How? When you pray don’t pray the problems only – include the promise.

As David did in so many Psalms. David would begin talking about his enemies, then go on to remind God that he knows who He is praying to, the Almighty One, who has sw orn to keep His promises. Of protection, provision, deliverance, victory.

Miracles await you. Talk more about His promises, not what did not or is not working – and you’ll COME ALIVE!


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Classics – The CROSS Changes EVERYTHING (5 of 8) – 193

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We have been pointing out that the Cross has changed….everything. The Cross tells us He loves us more than His own life! It tells us that if God is for us, nothing can stand against us, not even our own sin!

The blood of the Lamb of God has purchased our forgiveness. Sin no longer has a claim on us, hallelujah! Because it is Almighty Father who has qualified us, our sins cannot disqualify us. The only way we can lose out is if we fail to believe the Good News!

Before the Cross we were slaves to sin, with no escape. Try to do good, or purpose to do bad – it made no difference: we remained slaves to sin. But AFTER the Cross we have a choice: stay in the prison or run free. The prison doors are open! Live according to the old Law of sin and death, or live according the Law of the Spirit of LIFE in Christ Jesus! Either way, you are free to choose thanks be to JESUS.

Here’s a hint: if your spiritual life seems based on conditions, if you find yourself saying, “I’ll be blessed IF I do such and such,” or, “I’ll miss a blessing if I miss my morning prayer time” – well, that tells me you have yet to make the right choice, to LIVE FREE in Jesus! Maybe you are just waffling. Well, STOP IT.

God qualifies us and clothes us with His robes of righteousness. It’s all through Jesus Christ. But if you ignore what Jesus has done, you wind up remaining under the Law.

Look—God did not redeem you because He was looking for a servant. He redeemed you so He could show you His matchless grace. Also, consider this: God gave up His son for us. So how are you going to pay Him back? We can’t! Instead of thinking that way, let your life be a shining testimony of the generosity of your gracious Father.

Some people say, God will bless you as you do your part. Friend, your part is to BELIEVE God has done it ALL, and has chosen to bless us abundantly as we simply believe and enter His rest. It’s past time for you to be a son in His wonderful family. So join the FAMILY; get those happy feet a dancing, and Come Alive!


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Classics – The CROSS Changes EVERYTHING (3 of 8) – 191

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We have been pointing out that the Cross has changed….everything. Read the Bible that comes before the Cross and chances are you will be reading about a covenant that never applied to you. It’s there to create a hunger for the God of mercy and grace, and teach us we cannot obey God even if we think we can.

Before the Cross it was important to keep a record of sins. Just read Lev 4 & 5 for sins and sacrifices for sins. Talk about discouragement! But AFTER the Cross what can be more plain than Heb 8:12, where God says, “For I will be merciful to their iniquities and I will remember their sins no more?”

Before the Cross God gave us the 10 Commandments that begin with, “Thou shalt….” Just read Ex 20. But AFTER the Cross God says, “I will.” In Heb 8:8-12, God speaks His of being merciful to us, His forgetting our sins, He writing His laws in our minds and hearts and He giving us a knowledge of Himself. In the New, it’s all about Him and what He’s done for us, my friends!

In the Old Covenant, God’s favor hinged on your faithfulness. But in the New, His favor comes to us on account of Christ’s faithfulness. We could be faithful one moment and deny Him the next. Just ask that Apostle Peter! Walking with Jesus day in day out for over 3 years. Seeing countless miracles, signs, wonders. Hearing the voice from heaven declare Jesus is the Son of God. Staunchly declaring he would never deny Him – yet he does exactly that a few hours later. So much better to rely on Jesus Christ’s faithfulness, for He is eternally faithful!

When reading the Bible, learn to distinguish between the old law covenant, which condemns sinners, and the new covenant of grace, which makes sinners righteous. In the Old, Christ was a shadow, in the New He is our reality!

The word GRACE can be terrifying to those schooled in performance based religion. But RELAX— for another word for grace is J E S U S. Walk today my friend in the New Covenant in His blood, the covenant of Grace, and you will Come Alive!


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Classics – The CROSS Changes EVERYTHING (2 of 8) – 190

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We are pointing out that the Cross has changed….everything. Read the bits of the Bible that come before the Cross and chances are you will be reading about a covenant that never applied to you—and no longer applies to the Israelites.

Why is this obsolete material in the Bible? Because it helps us appreciate who Jesus is and what He has done. The Law is the shadow, but Jesus is the REALITY. The Law is a warm-up act to get you ready for Jesus—but Jesus ALONE is the star of the show. The Law is the prosecuting attorney who condemns you as guilty, but Jesus is the great advocate who sets you free.

And, as Paul writes in 1 Cor 10:11, the trials of the Israelites were written for our instruction. One judgment after another for disobeying the Law. We read, and we understand: no one can obey God’s Laws. The flesh wins out; we DESPERATELY need a Savior! And our Savior JESUS has come!

Here are two more examples of how the Cross has changed everything.

Before the cross Adam’s sin meant condemnation for everyone. Ro 5:18 says “So then as through one transgression there resulted condemnation to all men….” But on the cross our sins were carried away, and there is now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus—that’s Ro 8:1.

Before the Cross God was distant and unapproachable. It reads in Ex 19:12, “You shall set bounds for the people all around, saying, ‘Beware that you do not go up on the mountain or touch the border of it; whoever touches the mountain shall surely be put to death.’”

But at the Cross, according to Mt 27:51 “…the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom; and the earth shook and the rocks were split.” This was Almighty God bursting out of the Holy of Holies to dwell within His people, within you and me, my friend!

Yes, for Eph 2:13 states, “But now in Christ Jesus you who formerly were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.” And not only that, but we who have been brought near can now boldly approach the throne of GRACE. That’s Heb 4:16. That’s right, the throne of JUDGMENT has become a throne of GRACE—eternally!

My dear friend, please please please—think about this message. It’s true! Now, get rid of your condemning, works-based, flesh reliant, religious thinking—and Come Alive!


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Classics – The CROSS Changes EVERYTHING (1 of 8) – 189

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At the Cross, Jesus took our sins – all of them, past present and future. And hung on that Cross while the incredible wrath of God was poured out in punishment for those sins: yours, mine, everyones. Jesus took it all, out of love for us, to the point of death. Don’t you think for a moment that God does not love you!

He gave us His righteousness in exchange; a free gift—but friend, it is a gift that can only be received by faith. And, He caused us to become heirs of God, sons of God with a full inheritance. It is beyond comprehension. We don’t know the half of it!

Now, here is the issue: so many folk, including many pastors, seminary professors, televangelists and such, miss the Cross. They pay lip service, yes, but not grasping that everything has changed. So, they bring the old covenant stuff, which was not written to you, right on over into your life: law and grace getting mixed together—that is a toxic mixture my friend — for it keeps you from moving forward in who you are in Christ Jesus and keeps you from being a powerful, world-changing Christian!

Let’s take an example today of the big difference the Cross makes for us. I pray you can see the mega change.

Not sure? Listen to Deut 11:26-28 “See, I am setting before you today a blessing and a curse: the blessing, if you listen to the commandments of the Lord your God, which I am commanding you today; and the curse, if you do not listen to the commandments of the Lord your God, but turn aside from the way which I am commanding you today, by following other gods which you have not known.”

Now listen to Post-Calvary: Eph 1:3 “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ.” Where is the ‘to do’ list? Where are the threats? They are not there, my friend.

How about: Gal 3:13 “Christ redeemed us from the curse of the Law, having become a curse for us—for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree””

Give Jesus praise today: believe in Him and you are blessed. Don’t belittle or overlook Christ’s sacrifice at Calvary by entertaining error filled theology that says you have things you must do in order to receive blessing from God. Yes, there are plenty of good things you can do as a Christian – but nothing you can do can ‘earn’ you favor with God.

So, give it up, rejoice in Jesus, and Come Alive!


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Too Cool Laodiceans-4 – 188

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Today we are finishing up our look at the grace of God upon the 7 churches found in the Book of Revelation. 

Today – it’s that well known verse, Rev 3:20, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock.” Now here is something you may not have known. Under Roman law any visiting official had the power to requisition lodgings for themselves and their entourage. Even their soldiers. Nobody could shut their door. But the Laodiceans were not “Nobodies.” They were proud, and in 40 BC, closed their doors to Roman general Labienus Parthicus. And on another occasion, the future emperor Antoninus had stayed in the home of a wealthy Laodicean called Polemo. Polemo, who was out of town at the time, was so angry upon his return, that he kicked Antoninus out. The future emperor!

So, the Laodiceans were famous for their locked and closed doors. Now we have Jesus gently knocking, asking to come in! Whoa! This is amazing! Here is the Lord of the Universe outside the worst church in the Bible, asking to enter and dine with them. What a breathtaking picture of Grace!

Jesus said, “if anyone hears my voice,” so these letters are for all of us, and that door is also the door of our hearts. Jesus comes to meet with each of us – right where we are at. Right where we live.

We open the door by saying “Yes” to Jesus.
No hoops.
No entrance exam.
No performance standard to meet.
To dine with Jesus means to enjoy one another’s company. 

In verse 21 Jesus promises overcomers will sit down with Him on His throne. Ephesians 2:6 declares believers have already been seated with Christ in the heavenlies. God has seated us with Christ. We have been seated in Christ, with Him upon His throne. 

Jesus is telling the Laodiceans discard their self-righteousness and allow Him to elevate them to the very throne of God! Wow!

Dear friend, in this look at the 7 churches, have you found Jesus to be the same, yesterday, today, and forever? My takeaway is – run to Jesus, trust in Jesus, cling to Jesus – and COME ALIVE! 


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Too Cool Laodiceans-3 – 187

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We’re visiting at that lukewarm church – Laodicea, found in Rev 3:14-22. They were self-righteous for sure, for they say “I am rich and have become wealthy and have need of nothing.” They didn’t recognize their need for Jesus. 

All the credit for their success went to themselves. In AD 60 there was an earthquake that really damaged Laodicea. When Roman offered to assist in the rebuilding, the Laodiceans refused, boasting, “We have need of nothing.”

So Jesus tells them the truth. They are actually wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked. He is not speaking to believers, but to these self-righteous unbelievers who thought they did not need Him.

He is writing to save them – letting them know in no uncertain terms that they have fallen short. The solution? Buy from Jesus. Why is Jesus is talking like a businessman? Because this was a church of merchants and business people. Not buying their salvation, but exchanging their sins for His forgiveness. Such a deal! All the fortunes of Laodicea rested on on earthly items. 

Jesus councils them to purchase the heavenly equivalent —
– Refined gold is your God-given faith. 1 Pe 1:7. Replaces earthly finances.
– White clothes of His righteousness for their black woolen garments.
– His eye salve so that they may see Jesus and what He has done for them.

 Jesus is inviting them to exchange the treasures of this world for something of eternal value.

Those Jesus loves He reproves and disciplines. That does NOT mean Jesus punishes those whom he loves. That’s crazy since He has already born our punishment on the Cross. To reprove means to convict or expose and to discipline means the instruct or train.

In verse 19 Jesus tells them to be zealous and then repent. They were zealous, but they needed to channel their church activity zeal into genuine zeal in the area of repentance. Self-made religion reverses the order of these words and says “Repent and be zealous. Turn from sin – THEN get busy serving the Lord.” That’s wrong. It leads to dead works! The proper order is be zealous and repent. RUN, don’t walk, to Jesus — and COME ALIVE! 


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Cool Laodiceans-2 – 186

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We’ve started looking at that lukewarm church of Laodicea, Rev 3:14-22. Jesus, The Faithful and The True, declares Himself the benchmark against which all people are measured. They thought they were cool, had it all together – “In need of nothing,” they said. Wrong!

“LUKEWARM,” says Jesus. Yucch! Jesus prefers them hot or cold. To be cold refers to the Law of the Old Covenant. The Law, if genuinely attempted, will kill you, cause you to despair of life, for a holy god demands perfection – and nothing less. As Galatians and Romans tell us, this drives us to Jesus Christ, where we are justified FREELY by His grace. Ro 3:24. 

Hot means walking in the love of God. Receiving His love, mercies, and grace. Being hot is not about OUR ZEAL, our efforts, but EVERYTHING to do with the burning heart of God. We receive His love, and it’s a passionate fire!

The Laodiceans had never opened their hearts to the love of the Lord Jesus. They were mixing the law with grace and receiving the benefits of neither. That’s no way to live! So Jesus calls them lukewarm.

Some evidence for this is that there was no church persecution in that city, and that implies they were living under Jewish law, and stuck between the 2 covenants. YOU might be doing the same if you believe that God gives us grace to keep His commandments. Think about it!

Jesus says He will spit them out of His mouth. Are they going to lose their salvation if they do not perform to His satisfaction? Not at all, for the one who comes to Jesus will not be cast out. John 6:37. They needed to come to Jesus in the first place. But they were proud, denying their need for Jesus. Self-righteous hypocrites. Unbelievers. He is not talking about us believers. He’s talking about people who say, “I don’t need a thing from you Jesus. You died for nothing.” Ouch!

Sin does not make Jesus want to vomit. Jesus is the friend of sinners. He died for sinners. He hung out with sinners. He ate with them. And sinners became saints. But the self righteousness refuse God’s grace.

Today, my believing friend, rejoice that your future is secure in Christ Jesus, who died that we might live. His grace is greater than our sin. Help others to see this truth, come to Jesus, and COME ALIVE!


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