‘Fess up – or Already Forgiven? – 206

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When we last spoke about repentance we saw the huge difference between knowing we have been saved and kept by God’s grace – versus thinking we have to work to stayed saved. Friend, we don’t have to keep up our end of the bargain – because it’s not a bargain and we can’t keep even one little aspect of any of God’s commands. Surely the entire Old Testament teaches us that, right?!

We have no strength to offer to God. And repayment — well, we have no means of repayment, either. All that we are, all that we have, comes from God, by grace. 1 Corinthians 15:10. Turning TO Jesus your punishment bearer and sin taker away when something’s gone wrong in your life – is Divine!  

We find another word that is often misunderstood: confession. Many people believe you have to tell God your dirty, evil, ungodly hidden secrets before you can hope to get any help from the Almighty. You can’t keep secrets from God! If you are committing sins, He knows. The best you are doing is practicing deception and denial. 

The Greek word for “confess” is homologeo, which means “to say the same thing as” and then “agree, admit, acknowledge.” Context determines the precise emphasis of the word. Thus, it can mean to acknowledge sin as well as to confess or acknowledge someone as something, like Jesus as your sin sacrifice and substitute.

1 John 1:9, “If we confess our sins…” you know the rest. Well it’s written primarily to unbelievers (read the whole context carefully), but if the Holy Spirit is letting you know something is not right in your walk my friend, it’s a super thing to “homologeo.” Verbalize faith in His goodness. Acknowledge the foolishness of your disobedience. Thank and praise your Heavenly Father that at Calvary you have already been forgiven.

Because of Jesus, God is no longer counting our sins against us. 2 Corinthians 5:19. As a believer, you have already been forgiven. That doesn’t mean it’s ok to continue in disgusting stuff my friend. With your new nature, you’ll find you are agreeing with God – that stuff you thought was great – once the light of the Holy Spirit illuminates it – well, you’ll see it for what it is, and you’ll be loudly thanking God for His grace and forgiveness! Homologeo today my friend, and COME ALIVE!


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Believe you are who you are – cause you are – 205


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The 2010 movie, The King’s Speech, relates the story of King George VI of England, his impromptu ascension to the throne of the British Empire in 1936, and the speech therapist who helped the unsure, timid monarch overcome his stammer. He grew up in the shadow of this elder brother who became king when their father died, but then the brother abdicated in favor of marrying a twice divorced woman, a big no-no for royalty at that time. 

Now – suddenly he was king. He was shy, withdrawn, and didn’t walk – talk – act like a king – he had a difficult time with being a king. England then enters the war with Germany. An exceptionally difficult time. It needed heros. And somewhere in those darkest of times, King George BELIEVED he was who he really was: King of the United Kingdom and the Dominions of the British Commonwealth. He and Winston Churchill led the UK to victory against impossible odds. With help from God and America of course!

Whether he believed it or not, he truly was the king. But it made a huge difference when he believed it. Just like us dear Christian friend!

We ARE new creations 2 Cor 5:17. We ARE righteous and without sin 2 Cor 5:21. Do YOU believe it? It’s the TRUTH, but it will do you NO GOOD unless you believe it!  In the Progressive Sanctification school we are kind of holy thanks to Jesus and gradually becoming more holy and like Him. IF we work at it. Broken vessels (that’s a popular expression) gradually being made whole.

This is not true! Once Jesus has touched you, you are no longer broken. Jesus has made you wholly whole, and holy besides! 1 Peter 1:14-16, 1 Corinthians 1:30 We are instructed to renew our minds to the truth; that’s called working out your salvation. Phil 2:12. Choose to “think different” – think in line with the truth, this glorious truth. 

Paul starting in Eph 4 describes Christian conduct, putting off the old, putting on the new. And in Col 3. And Peter, why almost all of 1st Peter is devoted to how we can and should live as new creations, God’s precious possession, in this world, now.  

Dear friend, NOW, in these tumultuous times, believe upon Jesus, believe you truly are adopted, a son of God – NOW walk in it. People will say, what’s happened to you, you have COME ALIVE!


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Do You Know the TRUE Gospel – 204


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Some folks have concerns: are they listening to a mixed-grace Gospel and don’t know it? Well, it’s really not that hard to detect, my friend.

  • where is the focus? Is it upon you and your works – or Jesus and His matchless grace?
  • is there anxiety and uncertainty in your relationship with God? Are there suggestions that if you don’t toe the line, get it right, that you’ll be on the outs with Jesus? And that bad things might happen to you as you get “disciplined” by God?
  • or how about, “Jesus died for you; so what will you do for him?” Feeling a sense of obligation? As if you should pay God back? The issue is not what you will do for God, but what you will let him do for you? The only work required of you is that you believe in the One whom He has sent. John 6:29.

On the other hand, if what you hear sounds like boasting about Jesus, causes you to fix your eyes on Jesus, causes you to shout for joy and give thanksgiving and praise to God for what He has done; then it is likely that you are listening to the real gospel.

What about repentance? For ‘works’ oriented people it means you turn from your sin. The focus is always your sin. Then you must feel bad for your badness, feel remorse and such. And there’s the fixing what you broke, if possible. Atoning for your sin in some way. 

A friend of ours went through a 12 step program at least a dozen times: our friend loved writing down all their sins and feeling really really bad. Declaring themselves a bad person made them feel good. Go figure. They could not get past the past!

But faith based repentance is in response to what God has done. It is the change of heart and change of mind that happens when we encounter His grace. Repentance means a change of mind. Turning from something and toward SOMEONE. Emphasis upon the SOMEONE!

Preaching on it will not work! But experiencing the kindness of God does work! Preaching Jesus and His goodness is a good thing to do. Why? Romans 2:4 says, “Or do you think lightly of the riches of His kindness and tolerance and patience, not knowing that the kindness of God leads you to repentance?”

Dear friend, help someone experience the lovingkindness of God – it will lead to repentance as needed, and they will COME ALIVE!


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Drink from Niagara Falls – 203

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Here at Hank’s Place we emphasize God’s wonderful grace: His unmerited favor and lovingkindness directed toward us – for no other reason than that’s Who He is.

Jesus never defined grace. He IS Grace: loving us unconditionally, and forgiving indiscriminately. If you are in a works oriented church or listening to mixed-covenant messages, you made find these words – scandalous – SURELY God has requirements for us to meet – before He will bless us. 

Nope! All the blessings of God are found in Jesus Christ. Eph 1:3. Jesus died for us while we were yet sinners. Doesn’t that tell you something?

Some say God never promised to meet our wants but only our needs. They get this from Philippeans 4:19 where Paul thanks them and says, “And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus.” That’s fine, but i wouldn’t make a general axiom out of it! God has adopted us as sons, forgiven us out of the wealth of His grace, and gives us lavishly out of His riches, not in accordance to our needs, like some stingy accountant. Read Ephesians 1 the first few verses.

Suppose you are thirsty and ask the Lord for a drink — and He gives you Niagara Falls. Get the picture? And don’t forget Matt 7:11 where Jesus says, “if you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Heavenly Father give to those who ask Him.”

Instead of battling jealousy and envy when you see someone being blessed, why not thank God for His goodness and ask for some of the same for yourself?

Now there are 3 general views of salvation:

First – the works Gospel – you labor to earn your salvation and then you get sanctified, made more holy, by further works.

Second – is the Mixed Grace Gospel. It’s the most popular. We are saved by His grace, but then we work at holiness – progressive sanctification it’s called. Slowly become more like Jesus. If we work at it. And sometimes God puts us in the corner until we learn our lessons. It’s the anxiety gospel in my opinion!

Third – is what some call the Hyper Grace Gospel. We are saved by Grace, and HAVE BEEN sanctified — by grace.

Notable people like Martin Luther, Charles Spurgeon and others agree it is the grace of God, not us, that truly matters. “Not what we have been, not what we have done, but the grace of God in Jesus Christ our Lord.” That’s D. Martin Lloyd-Jones.

Believe it my friend, and COME ALIVE!


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God of Grace – 202


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Here at Hank’s Place we believe that God is a God of Grace – Grace: unmerited favor. Is there any other kind? Can you earn grace? Of course not! Think: when someone asks you a favor – they haven’t done stuff to earn that favor have they? No, that’s why it’s called a favor. And grace is God’s unmerited favor – that’s the definition. I think they put in the word unmerited just in case you are inclined to think there is something you can do to earn God’s grace.

Paul defined his ministry in Acts 20:24 as something which he “received from the Lord Jesus, to testify solemnly of the gospel of the grace of God.” See? The Good News is that unmerited favor of God, is directed toward you and me, toward everyone who believes upon Jesus.

Someone scholars define grace as His “lovingkindness toward us” — God blesses those who believe in Christ Jesus for NO OTHER REASON than it pleases Him!

Remember what Paul and Silas said to the Philippian jailer when he asked, “What must I do to be saved?” They said, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household.” Acts 16:31.

This is not some mysterious thing. God gave us His son Who is our Savior. If we believe this, it becomes reality for us. This is not some complicated theological structure my friend. Christ gave His life to those who need life. Who are honest enough to say “Help, I do not have it all together.” And God responds “I am your very great helper.” And suddenly there is Jesus – your life changer, New Creation maker, on the scene of the shattered mess of your life!

And it all changes – for the good! What’s that? Are yousaying I don’t know the troubles you have, the troubles you have caused yourself and others? Or your incurable sickness or whatever? I don’t have to, friend! Take a look at Jesus in Mt 14:14. It says He looked at the crowds of people. He felt sorry for them and healed their sick, irregardless of anything.

Irregardless. Because He is the God of compassion. God is not against us. God is for us, with us, and through Jesus is in us. Col 1:27. May that reality burst upon you my friend: you’ll COME ALIVE!


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God Wants To Get Us Home – 201

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I so enjoy sharing with you the incredible change to living, real living, that the Cross, that Jesus’ life given for us, has made. Life is all about Jesus. God’s mercies and grace, His love expressed toward us, is revealed in Christ Jesus – and it just keeps getting better the more we come to know Him!

Before the Cross, there was the Law – it was the epitome of what Paul calls the elementary principles of this world, Col 2:8 & 20. Men had come up with own ideas of how live to get ahead, to succeed. God gave us His: the LAW.
It one sense it is very logical, ‘easy’ to assimilate and understand.

Paraphrasing, “If you do well, you will be rewarded – if you do not do well, you will be punished.” Look around this world – everywhere you look you find this same practice. People struggling to keep their version of the Law.

What “Doing well” means may vary. God’s Law has only good things, but people may come up with odd things, questionable things that include cheating, stealing, back stabbing and worse. People call them ‘good’ if they can get away with them.

But then we have GRACE. And grace is beyond puzzling.Take David, the sweet Psalmist of Israel. Who became an adulterer and murderer. And by grace became the Psalmist once again.

Or Peter, who swore he would never deny Christ and did just that – 3 times. Declaring something 3 times in Jewish culture made it a permanent and irrevocable truth – but wait! Peter became Jesus’ messenger and leader in the early Church.

Then there was Zacchaeus: tax collector and crook. Someone has said the cleanest part of his life was the money he laundered. But grace abounded; Jesus had time for him and it changed Zacchaeus’ life.
Grace upon grace.

It seems God is looking for more ways to ‘get us home’ – to include us – than to keep us out. There is not person who came to God seeking grace and did not find it! Receive His grace today my friend, and COME ALIVE!


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Your Voice – A Voice of Authority – 200

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Is the venom, poison, and downright evil so prominently displayed in all arrogance on social media getting you down?

Well, it’s the world, and the world talks death. You on the other hand are not of this world. That kind of talk is not you. As a representative of the Kingdom of God, you can LET YOUR VOICE be that of Heaven’s conversation. Good words, edifying words, building up others. Speaking the truth in love. Some use that verse as an excuse to put down others while piously claiming it is in love. There is a way to speak that encourages people to listen, not shut their ears, and by the Holy Spirit you do know how. Not sure? Listen to the voice of the Spirit and repeat! Simple, eh?

Here’s something else on the topic of speaking. Your words have authority in this world. In Mt 16:19 Jesus said to His disciples. “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you bind on earth shall have been bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall have been loosed in heaven.” 

In Luke 9:1 He gave the 12 power and authority over all demons and to heal all diseases. It gets better! To the 70 ‘others’ – believers like you and me, in Lu 10:19, Jesus declares He has given us authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and NOTHING will injure us. This is supported by His words to His followers in Mark 16:17-18.

Most of us have never even thought about binding demons or demonic powers, never thought of casting them out. How about loosing people from bondages to sinful behavior? If prayers don’t seem to work, it’s likely time to rebuke those demons my friend. 

This is your privilege, your RIGHT as a citizen of the Kingdom of God. Don’t let the devil have a field day in your life or in the lives of loved ones or friends! It’s the day to speak freedom – binding – loosing – healing – delivering – helping many to COME ALIVE! 


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Guaranteed Eternal Life – 199

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The New Testament is full of amazing truths of what had happened as a result of Calvary. They are hiding in plain sight – they can only be spiritually revealed.
For instance, Col 1:13-14 reveals God has translated us OUT of the domain of this world and IN to the kingdom of Jesus Christ. In Jesus we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.

This world is full of accusation, condemnation, lusts and evil desires, and worse. But none of it need affect our behavior my friend, for none other than GOD HIMSELF has translated us into the Kingdom of Jesus Christ, where righteousness, peace and joy are keystones. Ro 14:17. We don’t dwell on sin, for we have been forgiven our sins through the blood.

In Jn 17:14 and 16, Jesus declares we are not OF this world even as He was not of this world. That’s a statement with profound implications. One is that the world will not like us – hate us even – for we are not like them.

Since we are in the world, how can we be SURE we are no longer OF it? Eph 1:3 tells us, “In Him, you also, after listening to the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation—having also believed, you were sealed in Him with the Holy Spirit of promise.”

God has placed His Holy Spirit into us. This passage speaks of the Holy Spirit as our engagement ring – down payment and evidence of an unbreakable promise of eternal life together, with God has been made.

Imagine my friend. Imagine. One with God. By GRACE. What love! For awhile we are still living in this world, and the world seeks to distract us from the truth. The world accuses and seeks to condemn us before God. The world throws doo-doo at us and shouts, “Look at you, you miserable wretch who dares to call him/herself a Christian!”

But you know the truth, don’t you – there is no longer any condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus. Ro 8:1. We ARE the righteousness of God in Him. Regardless. 2 Cor 5:21.

And that doo-doo thrown on you? It cannot stick to those robes of righteousness that clothe you my friend! Be of good cheer – in Christ Jesus you have overcome the world. 1 Johne 4:4, 5:4, 5:5 – hallelujah!
Rejoice in this truth today dear overcomer, and 


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Pride Does Not Listen – 197

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There is a remarkable revelation about this world, and it’s found in Is 14:12-17 where Isaiah writes with regard to a world ruler, and the ruler of this world – the devil. The devil made a great start, but then unrighteousness was found in him. In this passage the devil is recorded saying, “I will ascend to heaven…I will raise my throne above the stars of God (the other angels)…I will make myself like the Most High.”

A heart lifted up with pride. Lucifer and his followers tried to overthrow the throne of God most high. Failing in that, he then goes tempting Adam and Eve with pride, saying to them in Gen 3:4, “…the day you eat from it (the forbidden fruit) your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God.” We all know the outcome of that, and pride has been rampant in the world ever since!

And that’s sad, for by pride comes ONLY contention – Pr 13:10. Just look around you – the world is full of conflict, strife, turmoil and war, and it call all be traced back to pride. PRIDE DOES NOT LISTEN TO OTHERS. Wisdom does.

Pride drives a person to achieve, get ahead, contend with others — to beat them, win, succeed over all others. Misunderstandings, disagreements, matrimonial friction, family turmoil? Bet you will find closed ears; closed by pride.

Pride exalts itself above true relationship to God, as Isaiah’s words reveal. So, how does one ‘get humble’ you may ask. Glad you asked!

As a believer, your ears ARE open to Jesus – My sheep hear my voice – John 10:27. So, just LISTEN! Before you blurt out, “I know” or “I will” or seek to direct – or control – others, LISTEN to the Holy Spirit. Listen first, and listen continually as you go through daily life.

A cool thing is that humility is associated with lowliness, thinking ‘low’ of yourself. And wisdom. Check out Pr 11:2, Ro 12:6, and Ja 1:9.

A truly humble person cannot be humiliated. How can you put down someone who is already low and sitting at the feet of Jesus as Mary did in Lu 10:39, or the demoniac in Lu 8:35. They sat, they listened, and they CAME ALIVE!


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Classics – The CROSS Changes EVERYTHING (8 of 8) – 196

Paul in Col 1:27 tells us of a mystery, a rich and glorious one – Christ, the Anointed One, God Himself, was LIVING IN the Colossian believers. How can that be? They were ignorant of the Mosaic Covenant and all that people must do to be acceptable to God. They were Gentiles. They had no covenant with God. No Ten Commandments. No rites, rituals and observations from on high. So what did they DO to earn the right to have God Himself living IN them, making them complete in Him, and blessing them with every spiritual blessing?

The simple answer: THEY DID NOTHING. OBEYED NOTHING. They BELIEVED the Good News friends, that GOD had accomplished salvation, and offers it freely to everyone. Forgiveness of sins. Justification. Righteousness. Eternal life. Thanks to the BLOOD of the CROSS, people w/o a clue to the ways of the Living God found this Living God—LIVING IN THEM!

A few miles to the east of Colossae, the Galatians were in a pickle. Some law-abiding Jewish believers had come by to try to get them to obey all the Jewish Laws in order to be ‘proper’ ‘authentic’ Christians.

Paul corrected them in the book of Gal, especially chapt 3, vs 2-12. Here are some snippets: “This is the only thing I want to find out from you: did you receive the Spirit by the works of the Law, or by hearing with faith? Are you so foolish? Having begun by the Spirit, are you now being perfected by the flesh? …does He who provides you with the Spirit and works miracles among you, do it by the works of the Law, or by hearing with faith? …

He reminds them, and us, that Abraham BELIEVED GOD, and God counted him RIGHTEOUS. And then he quotes from  the Old Testament, saying that you can’t obey just some of the law, but you must obey ALL the rules or you put yourself under a curse! He hammers the point that the Righteous (that’s YOU because of the Blood) live by faith and focusing on keeping the rules is NOT of Faith.

If you have been trying to be a good-little-obedient-rule keeping Christian that God can be proud of, well, your thinking is mixed up.

We were made to live by the Spirit. DON’T GO BACK to observing rules, even perfect rules like the Ten Commandments. Don’t look back. Stay on this side of the CROSS — keep looking to Jesus, learn more about living by the Spirit. That’s how you Come Alive and Stay Alive in this nasty generation!


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