Is God Displeased With A Bad Performance? – 216

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Hank’s Place – is a place of GRACE. Here we are learning that all of God’s blessings come to us through grace alone. We just need to believe it – that’s the faith part – and God has given to all of us ‘a measure of faith’ Ro 12:3. 

The mixed grace gospel – that’s the one you have probably been hearing for years – because preachers tend to forget Calvary has made ALL THE DIFFERENCE –  well, it proclaims that at least some of God’s blessings come through OUR works OUR performance or OUR obedience. 

Examples: we may be told that we will be rewarded with forgiveness, IF we confess our sins daily. From 1 John 1:9. IF our repentance is accompanied by deep sorrow and regret. Hmm that didn’t work for Esau, did it – that’s before the Law: Heb 12:17. How about you must pursue a lifestyle of obedience to New Testament commands if you hope to see His favor?

What if you have a bad day, or give ‘a bad performance?’ The mixed grace gospel says when we sin we have displeased the Lord. He’s frowning down on us. If we fail to deal quickly with this we will no longer enjoy His fellowship. In other words our relationship with the Lord is only as good as our behavior. If we do well, you can expect His favor. If we stumble we can expect is His displeasure. Very frightening! 

Mixed grace gospel messages are filled with veiled threats based on our performance. Such as you can get sick and die if you take communion without examining yourself for sinning, 1 Cor 11:30, when that passage is really saying to examine yourself to see if you are in Christ; Christ, who has carried away our sin and paid the debt already!

A mixed grace preacher may say you cannot lose your salvation but on the other hand maybe you will – if you don’t do the things he prescribes. They may make the leap of logic saying even as the Jews were cut off Ro 11:20 so can you! So if we don’t fly right and strive constantly to be close to the Lord we might forfeit our salvation! Friend don’t keep the rules and you are toast under the mixed grace gospel. But I’ve a confidence in YOU in the Lord, that you will know the truth – COME ALIVE! 


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What We Believe About God… – 215

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In Acts13 we find a record of Paul’s first missionary journey. He and Barnabus were sent out by the church in Antioch (in western Syria). Their journey eventually brought them to Pisidian Antioch, (in central Turkey). Paul gave a lengthy message to the citizens, and Paul and Barnabas urged them to “continue in the grace of God.” Acts 13:43.

Within the week however, jealous Jews stirred up resistance – and soon Paul and Barney were driven out of the city by them, and I don’t mean in a chariot.

They went to Iconium, preaching to both Jews and Gentiles – many believed. Despite some fierce opposition, “they spent a long time there speaking boldly with reliance upon the Lord, who was testifying to the word of His GRACE, granting that signs and wonders be done by their hands.” Acts 14:3.

Then, facing stoning – they wisely decided to move on. What we see is how strong the grip that performance based living has on so many, both the  religious and non-religious. ‘Do good – be rewarded, do bad – be punished.’ Pride being rewarded. Personal achievement. 

No wonder the message of God’s GRACE enrages some people – the message eliminates all the works, the achievements, they have been living by. 

Thank GOD, we are saved by GRACE, not our works. A gift from God. Eph 2:8. What we do – what we have achieved – what cereal we eat, deodorant we use, car we drive, what titles we have or letters after our name – DOES NOT MATTER – but ‘do we believe in Him who He has sent?’ John 6:37. 

This is Good News indeed. But what if we are listening to a mixed grace Gospel? To paraphrase A.W. Tozer, what we believe about God is just about the most important thing about us. If the message we are hearing paints a mixed up and confused picture of God, we likely will become a mixed up and confused believer.

Back to Eph 2:8: we saved by grace alone, through faith alone – a gift from God. A mixed grace Gospel says “Yes, but” there are many more little works – of ours – necessary to receive the blessings of God. Believe the truth today, my dear friend – that God has accomplished salvation and offered it as a free gift. Believe it – and COME ALIVE! 


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A Wealthy Place – 214

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There’s a Hebrew word which has to do with an abundance of moisture. The word is revayah.

David used it in the 23rd Psalm, verse 5 “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You have anointed my head with oil; My cup revayah – overflows.” This abundance is so overflowing that it satisfies all thirst. David means he has become saturated, totally satiated. God has met David’s needs out of HIS riches in glory – quite an abundance my friend – a feast in front of one’s enemies, and an overflowing cup, hallelujah!

In Psalms 66:12, David writes that they have gone through hard times, but GOD “has brought us out into a place of revayah.” A wealthy place. An place of abundance. An overflowing place. Revayah.

David exults in the Lord’s tender loving shepherd’s care for him and his people. His cup is saturated, full to overflowing. Revayah. He is experiencing more than a sufficiency, because of God’s wonderful blessings in his life. It is grace, not something earned. Not worked for.

Can we live this way today? Surely! We are THIS SIDE of CALVARY, where God’s blessings profusely abound. Yet we often hear people say, “I’m just hanging in there.” Or, “If I can just make it to payday.” Or, “I’m just getting by, just holding on.”

Do these statements reveal any faith in God? Faith, the assurance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (Heb 11:1) How can such a person expect receive an overflowing abundance when their faith is so limited? Am I speaking of you, dear friend?

Remember, thanks to Calvary, to Jesus, these blessings, this grace of God, is free for the receiving. And you receive by faith. Why not thank God IN ADVANCE of seeing them! By faith – see them now! By faith, thank God now. Then rejoice now, for they are overtaking you, coming upon you soon, for there are no ‘favorites’ in God’s family!

His abundant grace is for all to partake of. Receive revayah today – then share that overflow with others and help them – COME ALIVE!


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Chew Your Food – 213

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Having trouble resting in the Lord? Is ‘rest in Him’ a theoretical concept, not a reality? Perhaps you have read with a bit of envy of Mary, sitting at the feet of Jesus in Lu 10:39, for you are stuck in Martha living, with drama-filled days and stressors coming at you from everywhere?

I found a website with the article, “12 Ways to Sit at Jesus’ Feet (When You Have Neither Quiet Nor Time)” ‘Just what I needed,’ I thought, 12 more items to put on my ‘to do’ list, LOL!

Looking for rest? “Chew your food.” Like mama said. Our nervous system has two amazing ‘subdivisions.’ One – is the Sympathicus: fight/flight, elevated heart rate, inhibited digestion, pancreas, gall bladder activity suppressed. It releases adrenaline. ACTION, baby!

The other is Parasympathicus: feed/breed, rest and digest for it increases saliva, reduces heart rate, and stimulates the activity of digestive organs, pancreas, gall bladder.

In today’s world we are stressed—pressured to DO DO DO, act, react, fight this, resist that, run, shout out. Guess which one this stress stimulates. It’s no wonder rest can be so elusive!

Our adrenals get worn out, our digestive system never gets sufficient blood – food sits undigested. We feel exhausted by stress – and we are. Muscles feel bad, our immune system suffers, hormones go crazy, our thyroid slows down; we can have mood shifts, experience sadness, lack of motivation, and depression. AND anxiety, bi-polar, schizophrenia. AND inflammatory GI disorders, including ulcers, colitis, and Crohn’s disease. It’s not demons directly affecting you, it’s the stress!

But – this may sound crazy, but if you are stressed — chew your food! 40 seconds before swallowing! It is giving your saliva enough time to begin breaking down that food, making life happier for the rest of your digestive tract. This ‘forced rest’ is stimulating your Parasympathicus nervous system. You are encouraging your body to REST, and digest. Your tummy thanks you, your moodiness will go, you’ll sleep better and be happy for a change.

So don’t gulp, but chew. And then, while you are chewing – resting, look up to Jesus, give Him thanks, and LISTEN to what He’s saying to you. Chew your food — and COME ALIVE!


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working WITH God – 212

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Listen to Paul writing in 1 Cor 3:7, 9 “So then neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but God who causes the growth.…” Paul makes it clear that all the credit for growth belongs to: GOD. But notice the verse goes on to say, “…we are God’s fellow workers….”

That’s marvelous! He reminds them again in 2 Cor 6:1-2, “And working together with Him, we also urge you not to receive the grace of God in vain. There are 2 amazing concepts here. When can a person receive this grace of God? Behold, NOW is “the acceptable time,” behold, NOW is “the day of salvation”—” 

The past is over, the future is yet to come. We live in the NOW. The NOW – when God IS LISTENING TO US, and working with us. TODAY is the day when anyone can turn to the Lord and be saved by grace through faith.

Second, Paul says we are working together with God – that’s amazing! We may share the Gospel, but God makes things happen, causes the growth. However many people, including pastors, are burning out, or are burnt out, families a mess, and worse because of their exhausting labors. Why is that? Perhaps they are believing the mixed Gospel message and are busy working for GOD, not with Him, and struggling to hold up their end. 

Tormented by thoughts of, “Have I done enough? Can I do more?” Maybe you have been working like this for GOD too, my friend, not out of personal ambition, but fear of failing God? Measuring yourself and coming up short? It can happen if you listen to a mixed grace gospel. You know, grace + your works.

Take a deep breath. Relax. We are not salesmen with territories. God is not our CEO. There are no yearly performance reviews. He’s our FATHER! And we are family, and you have come home!

So, relax. As a fellow worker with God, share the Good News of salvation found in Jesus Christ with others. Pray they open their hearts to Jesus. Or pray healing for others. Whatever. Give space for God to do His marvelous work in people’s hearts. Yes, when God is at work, you’ll see people – COME ALIVE!


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Turn or Burn? Is that what Jesus said? – 211

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Here there’s no bad news in the Good News of the Gospel. Many folk subscribe to the notion of preaching hellfire and damnation. They say, “turn or burn” sermons are necessary to scare people into repentance – you know, scare the hell out of people!

Well, check out the words of Jesus in the Gospels. Jesus never preached “turn or burn.” He preached “Repent – turn to God – for God’s kingdom has come near” and you can be a part of it. Mk 1:15, Mt 4:17, 23. It is about inviting people IN, not scaring the hell out of them. And they are drawn to God by the Holy Spirit. 

God does not delight in seeing people get what they deserve. God IS ABOUT SAVING US from what we deserve. Jesus has rescued us from the coming wrath. We do not live in fear of becoming unsaved or being abandoned or unadopted. “For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Ro 8:38-39.

Some say preaching on the grace of God makes people lazy. But Paul said just the opposite.“But by the grace of God I am what I am, and His grace toward me did not prove vain; but I labored even more than all of them, yet not I, but the grace of God with me.” 1 Corinthians 15:10.

Corrie Ten Boom once quoted from a poem attributed to John Bunyan. “‘Run John run’ the Law commands, but gives us neither feet nor hands. Far better news the Gospel brings, it bids us fly and gives us wings.”

Rest in the Lord. And He will begin to bear His fruit in you. The unconditional love of God inspires you to take risks and be generous with your life. You do not have to do anything for God. It is about you and He working together! In the mixed grace Gospel you will feel the pressure to perform, to get it right. But in grace – you have the freedom to be who God made you. It’s the freedom—to COME ALIVE!


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Greasy Grace – Beware!? – 210

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People who have a craven fear of Grace declare it a GREASY substance that discourages obedience and holy living. True, I have not challenged you to be obedient or to live a lifestyle of obedience. Why not?

Because the issue is not whether you will obey the Holy Spirit. The real issue is, do you trust God—Father who gave up His Son for you, Jesus who gave up His life for you, and the Spirit who has come to dwell IN you. 

If you trust Him – LISTEN – obedience to Him WILL follow. Theologians have said that obedience is the FRUIT of the grace of God and its blessings. It’s also said that obedience is the evidence that His love has been made complete in you. When we rest in the unconditional love of Jesus, we will trust Him and we will do what He says – without conscious effort on our part. Again, without conscious effort on our part.

This side of Calvary, rules that tell us what to do, are no longer the key to godly living. My friend, we’ve been given a new and living way – for God has given us the Holy Spirit to guide us in life. John 16:13. This is a completely different way to live than what the world knows or what a mixed grace person thinks they know. 

Yes, God wants us to be holy. The Old Covenant demanded it: “Be holy for I am holy.” Says it 5 times in Leviticus. So guess what? God has made us holy, cleansing us in His blood! A done deal. 

Oh, but isn’t sanctification a process? No, for it was accomplished when we believed in Jesus. 1 Cor 1:30 states Jesus has become our sanctification. That means holiness.

And 1 Cor 1:2 declares: “to those who have been sanctified in Christ Jesus, saints by calling. And 1 Thess 5:5–6 says, “for you are all sons of light and sons of day. We are not of night nor of darkness.” That means we are not getting there; we ARE there: sanctified people of the light.

Today, I invite you to walk in the truth that the precious blood of Jesus HAS sanctified you. Walk in it, be free of condemnation, and COME ALIVE!


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Trying to Crucify the Flesh – You’re too Late – 209

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The Old Testament is marvelous. It is a treasure of knowledge – all pointing to Jesus. Those under the Old Covenant spoke with words of hunger and longing for a Savior, Messiah, Emmanual. But we are blessed in being able to look BACK to Calvary with gratitude, for it was there that everything changed. We speak a language of thanksgiving and praise for what God has done. 

People who do not understand this will speak of dying to self, dying to the flesh, asking Jesus to come and cleanse them. You have heard it hundreds of times I’m sure, and probably said it many times yourself. I know I did.

Then by the grace of God the lights went on to many passages of scripture, and there was the truth in plain sight. Truth such as Col 3:3 “For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God.” 

Such as Gal 2:20 “I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me. 

Can you see yourself there? Jesus HAS come and HAS cleansed us from sin and all unrighteousness! We cannot crucify the flesh, die to self – it is already DONE. Now RECKON yourself dead in Christ and alive to God. Ro 6:11. That means Count It As Done, because it is!

In Matthew chapter 5 we find the Sermon on the Mount. In the latter part we find Jesus talking about the law and how it was interpreted. And He says again and again, “But I say to you…” and makes a really hard thing – impossible. Men were interpreting the Law to make it easier to perform; Jesus was giving us the full impact of the Law: and it was a killer!

He sums it up by saying, “Therefore you are to be perfect just as your Heavenly Father is perfect.” That’s impossible – for us. But wait! By the grace of God—someone has stepped in to represent us—someone who IS perfect! 

Today, see the Law with its killing power—then see Jesus who has represented you under the Law. Now you are FREE to COME ALIVE!


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Free to Sin–or Free not to – 208

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Let me ask you, since our sins, all of them – have already been born by Jesus at Calvary, is it all right then to sin freely? God’s grace has taken care of them, right? Yes it is true Jesus has paid our sin debt and taken away our sin, but God is concerned about our sin – because it destroys us – and destroys others. The wages of sin is death. Ro 6:23. 

Don’t let that which would hurt you and other people have free run in your life. Sin grieves the Holy Spirit. Eph 4:30. Act like a sinner and you will grieve the Holy Spirit. But He will not record your sins, for Hebrews 10:17 says, “And their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more.” The Holy Spirit is the spirit of grace, not the spirit of guilt. Confused? Don’t be!

I love Eph 4:31-32, and Paul’s use of the word, ‘Let.’ “Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander (sound like what you find in social media every day?) be put away from you, along with all malice.

Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.”

Our new nature desires to let go of all those evil, worldly actions and reactions: they are not US any longer, my friend. NOW we have a tender-heart, a forgiving heart, let’s let IT have free expression!

Here’s something wonderful to munch on today: Romans 6:15 declares we are not under law, but under grace. Because – Christ is the end of the law to all who believe. Romans 10:4. It’s simple, and simply wonderful. The true purpose of the law was to bring man to the end of himself and see his need for a savior. If you are experiencing a mixed-grace gospel, you’ll think the law was given to help us overcome sin. The reality is God gave us the law to help sin overcome us. That’s Ro 7:10–11.

Jesus Christ is the END OF THE LAW for you and me, don’t you see? We are FREE indeed!

Enter His rest today, knowing you have passed the greatest test of all: you have believed upon Jesus – and you have COME ALIVE!


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Forgiveness – an accomplished fact – 207

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Here’s a question you might have. If we have already been forgiven at Calvary, if all our sins have been cast into the sea of forgetfulness, never to be remembered any more, is it wrong to ask for forgiveness? 

No, it is not wrong to ask. It IS wrong to say God will not forgive you unless you first repent and confess your sins. That’s putting a price tag on the free gift of grace. Ephesians 1:7 says, “in Him we have… The forgiveness of sins.” He has already done it! Nowhere in the Epistles is there any hint that we need to ask God to forgive us. The writers were aware it was an accomplished fact thanks to the love and the grace of God. Dear friend, quit beating yourself up over sin and trying to make yourself clean. Instead, trust Jesus – rest in His finished work.

Dr Michael Brown, who wrote a book about the dangers of Hyper-Grace, appears to struggle with the magnitude of God’s grace. From his viewpoint there are limits, and the gap is for us to fill with right behavior! Dr Brown begins his book by relating a story of before he was a Christian, and doing drugs. He stole some money out of his dad’s wallet. After becoming a Christian, this theft weighed heavily upon him. He determined he had to confess his sin, tell his father. 

When he did get the story out, his father said, “I knew what you had done the moment I opened my wallet. And I forgave you right then and there.” What a picture of the grace of God, His mercy, His compassion. Dr Brown was forgiven, yet he did not realize it, nor was he able to walk in it. Did his confession accomplish forgiveness? Not at all! But when he did bring it out, he did experience a release of a burden he was needlessly carrying.

What’s the takeaway? If we sin, it’s a good thing to admit it to God, not to hide it behind our fig leaves. Homologeo. Agree with God, that it was not a right thing to do, and agree with God in thankfulness that you have already been forgiven. There is nothing you can do to earn forgiveness. It is the grace of God and it is a done deal.

Got a sin burden today? Speak it to God, and COME ALIVE!


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