Under Grace is Your Place – 226

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In the last message I explained that under the Old Covenant we were responsible for holding up our end. Our “to do” list was a real killer – for the Law is not of faith; it brings forth death! Israel would try repeatedly to obey and repeatedly fail. Many rebelled against God and His word.

In the book of Jeremiah we found the most amazing prophecy. A foretelling of a NEW covenant. God putting His word upon our minds and placing it in our hearts. So we would know what is right and good in God’s eyes and want to do them. New hearts – amazing!

Since He is a just God, our sins had to be punished. And Jesus took that punishment. Our stigma as “sinners” He took away. Once we were sinners, but now we are the righteousness of God. See yourself that way, for it is the way God sees you my friend!

The devil brings up the past, accuses us continually of missing the mark. Do not listen. Do not accept his false accusations. We’ve been made righteous by the blood of Jesus, not our efforts, so what we do or fail to do does not affect our righteousness. 

Because of Jesus at Calvary, we are holy, sanctified, pure. Let’s see ourselves that way. Say it aloud. It is important to speak the truth. Your behavior will change; it will come into line with the truth.

This new covenant – in His blood, is kept by God, Father and Son. It is eternal and cannot fail because God cannot fail. It endures forever for it is not dependent on you or I; it depends solely upon God. It is a covenant of GRACE, we enter it by faith in God. And God gets all the glory! 

Yes, there are challenges to this grace. 1st Peter for example speaks of the difficulties we may face in this life to walk as we really are, holding fast our faith in the One who is totally Faithful.

Did you know that the word Grace – unmerited favor, is found 121 times in the New Testament? Today, as 2nd Peter 3:18 says, may you grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ — and COME ALIVE!


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Just Ask Jeremiah – 225


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A place of grace, where you have come home!

This episode of Hank’s Place was free-flowing from a few notes, so we do not have the exact word for word I spoke written down here for you.

In Jeremiah God relentlessly reaches out to His people for He is Lovingkindness. Jeremiah warns and pleads with the people for decades. Jeremiah’s ministry extended over the reign of five kings, only one of which, Josiah, actually listen to him. For over 40 years he pleaded with God’s people to return to God. God, who was ready to forgive and restore and generously reward. 

But the people stubbornly refused. Ridiculed and threatened him again and again. There is the heartbreaking pain in the writings of Jeremiah.

This finally brings us to the ultimate expression of lovingkindness in the writings of Jeremiah and indeed the entire Old Testament. God has reached out to the people through his prophets. He has lovingly called out to them to return. He has threatened inevitable destruction as a consequence of stubborn disbelief. They refuse to change.

The lovingkindness of God leaves God with only one option – HE will keep the covenant that they broke. In fact He will establish a new covenant with both Israel and Judah. He will put his teaching in them. He himself will write it on their stubborn hearts. He will forgive and forget their sin.

God will send His righteous Branch, whose name is the “Lord is our Righteousness.” The Lord will be their righteousness, not their observances, not their meticulous obediences. His righteousness will be given as a gift to those who have no right to expect anything from him. He will give them everything, most especially himself. He will do justice by loving and demonstrating love and kindness. 

And they and we will look back at all the consequences of their sin and see His suffering for their sin was perhaps the greatest expression of His lovingkindness. This will give birth to a new and unheard of boast Israel. This boast will not involve the peoples possession, or their temple, nor their wisdom, strength, or wealth.

“…but let him who boasts boast of this, that he understands and knows Me, that I am the Lord who exercises lovingkindness, justice and righteousness on earth; for I delight in these things,” declares the Lord.” Jeremiah 9:24.

In light of our inability to keep any of the covenants, God will graciously grant to us a new covenant, based solely on HIS faithfulness. That covenant will come into effect and be sustained by means of a person identified in Jeremiah as the “righteous branch.” We see lovingkindness incarnated through the one who says that he himself is lovingkindness.

In our New Testament Way of thinking we call this new covenant a covenant of grace. This new covenant is unconditional. It is not like the covenant that was made through Moses. Jeremiah 31:32. This covenant will be implemented by God himself. He will place the teachings in our hearts. He will write them on our minds. He will forgive and forget our sin. Jeremiah 31:34. [They will not teach again, each man his neighbor and each man his brother, saying, ‘Know the Lord,’ for they will all know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them,” declares the Lord, “for I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin I will remember no more.”] The context of the new covenant is clearly a product of God’s lovingkindness. It is eternal and forever to be relied upon.

What must we do: BELIEVE upon the Lord Jesus! What’s been done FOR US at Calvary. Believe, and receive. Rest in His presence all day, every day, in the spirit.

Additionally, in Col 1:27  we find “Christ in you, the hope of glory.” None of this yearning for a closer walk, wanting to get nearer to God, hoping for a visitation. Too late – He is already IN us – and we are IN HIM. Meditate on that for a few decades!

Col 1:28 and 2:10: We proclaim Him, admonishing every man and teaching every man with all wisdom, so that we may present every man complete in Christ. …and in Him you have been made complete, and He is the head over all rule and authority. We have been made COMPLETE in Him, by Him.

Consider these things — and COME ALIVE!


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Ain’t No Giant – 224


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Where we love to share Jesus Christ—and speak of His finished work at Calvary!

So many people in the church, battle with giants. Giants of depression, anxiety, stress, and a plethora of other mental issues. Recently I read a little booklet by Louie Giglio, pastor of Passion City Church in Atlanta.

He admitted to a huge battle with anxiety – to the point he could not function. But by the grace of God the Lord showed him the way out of this great valley of darkness which nightly engulfed him.

He was drawn to Numbers 13: before Israel could move into the promised land, they came face-to-face with a big problem: Giants. Literally. Their response: “we were like grasshoppers in OUR sight, and in their sight.” Verse 33. In fear they turned back and apart from Joshua and Calib they perished in the wilderness.

But there is another well known instance of giants: David and Goliath. 1 Sam 17. The difference? Although Goliath loomed larger than life before David, David saw his GOD in front of the giant. Much bigger. Back in Numbers the Israelites saw the giants in front of their God, and God seemed so small, like the way the tiny moon can eclipse our huge sun.

The revelation came to Pastor Giglio that no matter what giant he (or we) were facing, it was time to CHOOSE (that’s FAITH) to move God between his view and that of the giants. It is the same for us, and God REALLY IS much much bigger than all giants put together.

One way to put the Lord in front of all the rest of our life, is through worship. It’s everywhere in the BIBLE. Although our giants may be determined to kill us, we can sing, “I will not die but live, and will proclaim what the Lord has done!” That’s Psalm 118:17.

The enemy wants us to keep telling everyone how powerful anxiety – fear – dread – lack – debt – sickness is. BUT – we can exercise that faith we have, and choose to see Jesus – and speak of God’s might and make that giant sing along.

Soon that giant will shrink down to – nothing. Not because I say so, but because God IS greater and HE says so – magnify the Lord today — and COME ALIVE!


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Strive – or yours at Calvary – 223


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Here we love to share about Jesus and Calvary. Calvary is BIG. Calvary is where the most incredible expression of the lovingkindness of God took place; a magnificent demonstration of His grace. 

At Calvary He gave us a NEW Covenant in His blood. It was NOT like the one we were so good at breaking, actually not even being able to keep. In the New Covenant Jesus Himself has become OUR Righteousness.

We on our part no longer have to perform, keep rules, regulations, observances – to be righteous, right with GOd. But we must do ONE THING: believe this incredible GOOD NEWS.

That is not necessarily easy, but it is possible for everyone, for each of us has been given a measure of faith. Consider that most unusual message by Jesus recorded in John chapter 6. There Jesus declares He is the Bread of Life. And we must partake of His Body and His Blood if we are to find eternal life. He goes on to say in verse 63 that His words are spirit and they are life.

He states His words are spirit, so what is He saying? I suggest to you that Jesus is calling us to depend upon Him for our every need, for our very survival. To depend upon ourselves for even a wee little thing is coming short of the grace shown us at Calvary.

Today, let us take the initiative to appropriate ALL the benefits of Jesus Christ’s sacrifice for us. His sacrifice includes EVERYTHING. If there is something in the kingdom we have been trying to earn through prayer, works, sacrifice, whatever; I suggest we check to see if it’s already been appropriated at Calvary.

Back in John, it says, “Those who heard Jesus speak, including many who had been following Him, had trouble with this notion. This is a hard teaching. Who can accept it? …many of His disciples turn back and no longer followed Him.” John 6:60, 66. Depending on Jesus for everything is not something that comes naturally. It’s super-natural!

So today dear friend, take the initiative – ask of the Lord – to open your eyes to see MORE in Calvary than before – then appropriate it through faith – and COME ALIVE!


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GO Gideon and YOU – 222

Welcome to Hank’s Place –

Where you have come home. Here at Hank’s Place the emphasis is upon Jesus Christ, and His finished work at Calvary!

Jesus has been given ALL authority – Mat 28:19. He tells His disciples to GO making disciples of all the nations. If the one who has ALL authority says to us “GO,” rest assured we are able to go.

We can gain more insight into this from Gideon, found in Judges 6.
The Israelites are oppressed by the Midianites, when an angel of the Lord appears to Gideon and says in vs 6, “The Lord is with you, O valiant warrior.” At that moment Gideon was enabled; he became a valiant warrior when he believed the word of God. In verse 14 the angel adds, “Go – in this your strength and deliver Israel from the hand of Midian. Have I not sent you?” God gave Gideon the “GO” word and God’s word was Gideon’s strength, just as for us today. If God tells you to GO, dear friend, along with that comes the enabling ability TO GO. Believe it and it is yours!

God’s GO can place us on the cutting edge of the supernatural. The God stuff. The unexpected – the extraordinary – like Gideon who won an awesome victory!

“Go” in Judges here means “capacity, means, or ability.” The Lord was telling Gideon to go, having tremendous ability, because “I AM” was going with him – to see that it got done!

We Christians, by the grace of God have the I AM living in us – Christ in us, Col 1:27. We are not here to duplicate, imitate, or copy anyone else in this world. Believing, we follow His leading, His unique “GO” to us, and are assured of having all the power and resources of heaven behind us. His GO is always accompanied by the glorious presence of the Lord with us. And when God goes into operation phenomenal things happen!

As it says in Mark 16:20, “And they went out and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them, and confirmed the word by the signs that followed.”

So my dear friend, GO as the Lord has directed you – and help others, COME ALIVE! Rest from your labors, from trying to get it right: receive His grace – you’ll COME ALIVE!


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Law vs Grace – 221

Welcome to Hank’s Place Where you have come home–

At Hank’s Place the emphasis is upon Jesus Christ and what He accomplished FOR US, at Calvary. Because of Calvary, grace, the unmerited favor of God, and the mercies of God, are ours in abundance.

Can you believe that? Grace: His bestowing upon us GOOD THINGS because of who He is; and mercies, because of Jesus Christ’s sacrifice. Paul tells us in Ephesians that WE HAVE BEEN BLESSED with every spiritual blessing in Christ Jesus. I’m sure you agree with the Scripture, but how many of us have even a faint understanding?

It’s like being given a marvelous key (hold up a key) – we can agree it’s a marvelous key, but the idea is to RECEIVE the KEY and then use it – to open up one treasure after another – treasures like peace with God, provision, protection, increase, lack of lack, grace to help in time of need, deliverance, and on and on and on.

Listen, the Law is a killer: 2 Cor 3:6 “for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.” And Ro 4:15 “for the Law brings about wrath.” Or Gal 3:12 “the Law is not of faith.” We DON’T want to live by the Law!

In Genesis and early Exodus, the people lived before the Law. When Adam and Eve sinned, God came looking for them. When Israel complained of the Red Sea journey in Ex 14 God blessed them. When they murmured at Marah about bitter water in Ex 15 God blessed them. They were grumblers in the desert about lack of meat in Ex 16 God bless them yet again!

Then in Ex 19 at Mt. Sinai they asked for and got the law, promising they would keep it. Ha! On that day, Moses comes down the mountain with the 10 Commandments and 3000 people died – it’s what the Law does: kills. Man presumed – committed idolatry and death resulted.

But the GOOD NEWS is the Gospel. The gospel is not “keep the rules, steer clear of sin, and you will be in harmony with God.” The true gospel is “God has RECONCILED the world to Himself through Christ and is no longer counting your sins against you.” 2 Corinthians 5:19.

When the Church was birthed in Acts 2nd chapter, it says 3,000 people were baptized into eternal life in Jesus. Believe the Good News my friend! Rest from your labors, from trying to get it right: receive His grace – you’ll COME ALIVE!


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Living in the Rockies or a Sewer? So what – 220

Welcome to Hank’s Place in the Rocky Mountains

Today’s Hank’s Place is a free-flow, and what you hear has been roughly transcribed below. The beauty of the Rockies defies words. In such captivating beauty Hank swapped duration (18 months/2years) and location (School of Tyrannus/elsewhere) of Paul’s missionary journeys through Corinth and Ephesus found in Acts 18 and 19. Thank you for your forbearance and understanding!
In the Rockies I could hear the mountains declare the glory of the Lord. The trees are clapping their hands and shouting “Glory to God!” And it feels effortless to share Jesus and the wonders of His Salvation in this place.

But you may not be in this place – in fact in looking around I can see that you are not! You may be in a hell-hole of idolatry like Paul in his journeys through Corinth and Ephesus found in Acts 18-19. Corinth was a crossroads of commerce and full of idols.

He preached in the synagogue at Corinth, but soon they did not receive what he had to say – and he left, going to the gentiles. But Crispus, leader of the synagogue and his household became believers as did many others.
Paul stayed in Corinth 18 months, in a place where you think he would be killed. So did he, but the Lord appeared to him and said (as Jesus so often says) “Fear Not” for there were many believers in that city.

That’s a word to you dear friend: you have many friends wherever you are: to help you and to stand with you (to pray for you).

Then he travels on the Ephesus where a dozen folk are baptized in the Holy Spirit. He stays there, in a place you would think he’d be killed right away for it was the center for Dianna worship. When those in the synagogue did not receive him, he moved to the school of Tyrannus and taught there 2 full years.
Then he knew it was time to leave – a riot was starting(!), and he left but not before encouraging many many new believers.

So be encouraged my friend. Although you may not have the Rockies in your backyard, you ARE living with Jesus in your heart. And Jesus is your Way-Maker; and He is the One who enables you to share the Good News about Him and His salvation.

Be encouraged, take a deep breath, say, “Thank you, Jesus” and COME ALIVE!


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Garbage to Glory? – 219

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Hank’s Place – where you have come home. Colossians 2:10 is awesome, for it states: we are already complete in Him. Lacking for nothing. Blessed with every spiritual blessing simply because we are believers in His salvation – Eph 1:3. 

And 1 Cor 6:11 states we were sanctified. By the precious blood of Jesus. Friend, it was Jesus at Calvary, not you or me and what we have done to clean ourselves up. By the power of God, Jesus has become our sanctification forever. 1 Cor 1:30.

We are totally sanctified. We don’t always act in a sanctified manner though. We are maturing into who we really are. It’s no wonder Paul tells us in Eph 4, 1 Thess 4 to act holy, because we are holy.

How about 2 Cor 3:18? It says we are being transformed from glory to glory—not from garbage to glory. We have been redeemed and made holy. There is a world of difference between who we are and what we might do. Who we are is a beloved child of God in whom the Father is well pleased. What we do may or may not be totally pleasing to God, but it does not affect His love toward you. 1 Cor 3:12-15 indicates works might be burnt up, not people.

However, so many people fear to trust, saying, “We can’t possibly be complete in Him.” It must be Christ plus confession, or rule keeping, or the pursuit of holiness. Instead of resting, by adding these things we are actually a diminishing the magnitude of Jesus’s sacrifice at Calvary.

Under the new covenant God has taken us out of the equation. Jesus is our representative who never fails. Our salvation and our faithfulness are now all about Him. Striving to be a good Christian by keeping all of the rules is – trusting in yourself, not Jesus. It is a faithless way to live. Your intentions may be good, but you are walking after the old way of the flash! Just like the Pharisees who were very law abiding but completely faithless!

Rest from your labors, give glory to Jesus  – and COME ALIVE! 


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…As The Lord Forgave You – 217

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Hank’s Place – a place of GRACE. Remember – ALL of God’s blessings come to us through grace alone. He loves you and me – because He loves us; not because we have got things right or walk in total obedience.

Here’s a thought about sin and forgiveness. Mixed Grace may stress that when we sin we don’t lose our salvation; however, we are not forgiven until we confess, citing 1 Jn 1:9. And that fellowship with God is suspended until we confess. Give me a break, please! The Lord came looking for Adam following that first sin! Can you believe that the church is made up of unforgiven Christians (because they haven’t confessed yet) worshiping an unforgiving God? Well, don’t believe it for it’s not true.

How about unforgiveness, which is very common, you know, people taking offense with one another. There are plenty of ‘somebody done me wrong’ songs, and plenty of movies about unforgiveness and revenge and vengeance. Encouraging us in wrong behavior. 

Paul in Colossians 3:13 says, “bear with each other and forgive one another if you have a grievance against someone. Forgive – as the Lord forgave you.” Jesus forgave the men who put Him there. Forgave those who tortured Him and cursed Him. None of those men confessed or repented. Some even thought they were doing the Lord’s work. Yet on the Cross Jesus forgave them all – “Forgive them Father for they don’t know what they are doing.” Lu 23:34. So much for taking matters into our own hands.

My friend, we have been forgiven at Calvary. Forgiven before we confessed. Before we were even born. If we should sin in this manner, the Holy Spirit turns on the lights, not to shame us, for Jesus has carried our shame, but to show us the way to vibrant life. Don’t let unforgiveness eat you up. Take hold of the truth that you have been forgiven, that Jesus has willingly taken your sin away and born the punishment, and refuse to let unforgiveness (holding someone’s sin against them) be a part of you! It will eat you up!

I encourage you, thank God He has forgiven you; grant forgiveness to others as Jesus did. You’ll be free – you’ll COME ALIVE! 


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Repentance – 218


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Hank’s Place – a place of GRACE. Every genuine Christian has repented; changed their mind about sin, about Christ (He’s become their Savior) and all the great things of God. That’s a snippet from Charles Spurgeon. Any actions we take MAY demonstrate the fruit of repentance but are not repentance itself! The Father knows our heart, and matters follow from the heart.

Take the story of the prodigal son in Luke 15. Consider the father. Does the father convict the son of sin? No. Does the father inflict sorrow on the son? No. Does the father require the son’s confession first? No. Does he demand some actions, restitution, as proof the son has indeed repented?NO! In fact, he cuts the son off in the middle of his opening speech. Then most surprisingly the father starts organizing a party! There is much joy in heaven over a sinner who repents, who comes home. Luke 15:7. And the father in this story surely demonstrates this!

In the new covenant repentance means turning to God. If you define repentance as turning away from sin and stop there, well, you are still in an unholy, unrighteous condition. 

In the previous message I was speaking about UNforgiveness. Well, how about forgiveness? The word forgiveness is an amazing word. Another word that the Cross changed the meaning of forever. Before the Cross the word forgiveness was mainly used as a verb. It was something to be done. The Psalms have many examples of people asking for and God granting forgiveness. But AFTER the Cross we find it is used typically as a noun, as something to be received. It is already DONE; we need to receive it like the prodigal.

This distinction, and it’s a very important one, is even more obvious if we look at the words of Jesus. Before the Cross Jesus also described forgiveness as something to be done. Used in the verb form. Yet after the Cross Jesus uses forgiveness as a noun and never as a verb.

Do not forget: we are not forgiven in accordance with our acts of confession or contrition, but in accordance with the riches of God’s grace. I encourage you: thank God that He has forgiven you; grant forgiveness to others as Jesus did. You’ll be free – you’ll COME ALIVE!


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