Do As Jesus – in 2020 – 246

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Are you a disciple of Jesus? You are if you follow Jesus! Listen, learn, and with the Spirit’s help put it into practice!

Puzzled about Scripture and what it means for you? Don’t be. Why? Because Jesus is our interpreter of Scripture. “You have heard it said … But I say to you…” Six times in Matthew 5 Jesus clarifies Scripture. Jesus stood on what He said alone. And “The crowds were amazed at His teaching, because He taught as one who had authority, and not as their teachers of the Law.” Matthew 7:28-29. They were surprised that He wasn’t quoting what anyone said, but was firm in what He said. It’s a safe and good thing to listen to and learn directly from Him.

Puzzled what decisions to make? The Holy Spirit will guide you as you continue in the faith. Be like your elder brother Jesus! In John 5:19 Jesus says, “The Son can do nothing by Himself; He can only do what He sees His Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does.” Jesus repeats this in John 8:28-29, “I do nothing on My own but speak just what the Father has taught Me.”

Most interesting about these two statements is what they don’t say. He didn’t quote chapter and verse of the Old Testament. He didn’t say I do what the Bible says. He said He did what He saw and heard from His Father. 

Now, it may be tempting to commit yourself to be in constant relationship with and living daily in the presence of your Master. But you can’t do that! No one can! Try and you will fall from grace and back into works and under the law, feeling condemned and a failure.

Instead, just lean on Jesus! Tell Him that’s what you want to do – to know His will as Paul prayed for the Colossians in 1:9. And to be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit to be led by the Spirit and follow through on what you see and hear. Eph 3:16. 

This is not rocket science; it is something better: faith in GOD! It’s new wine going into new wine skins! Mt 9:14.

Imagine, Jesus is inviting us to hang out with Him and become more like Him all day long. Sounds like a perfect way — to COME ALIVE!


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True Discipleship in 2020 – 245

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True Discipleship – what’s that? Doing everything the Bible says? Reading and doing? Hmmm.

Consider that Jesus never said “I do what the Scriptures command” or “I follow the Law perfectly and so should you.” 

No, He said He did what He SAW the Father doing. Jn 5:19. And it is the same for us today dear friends. The Christian life is not following rules taken from the Bible. It is loving Jesus, receiving and sharing His love; seeing and hearing what Jesus is showing us by the Holy Spirit, and doing that.

That’s nothing new; it’s what the early disciples did. Remember when Peter and John were hauled before the Sanhedrin in Acts 4? Their defense reminded the leaders of Jesus, for Luke writes, “When they (the leaders) realized that they (Peter and John) were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus.” Acts 4:13. Whoa!!!

Although not rabbinically trained, these men answered as if they had been. Where did they get this ability? The leadership had to acknowledge that they were trained through being with their rabbi, Jesus. These men had walked with and were now a reflection of Jesus.

So what is a disciple? You could say it is someone follows Jesus, who sticks around Jesus, who actually incorporates his master’s teachings in his daily life. And without purposefully trying it, showing in his behavior — JESUS!

It’s what Jesus said, “If you actually hold to My teachings, you are really My disciples.” John 8:31-32.  This word for “hold” means to put them into practice. Put them into practice and THEN you would  know what Jesus taught.  And your life will be changed as you experience true freedom. And thankfully Jesus gave us the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us in this matter – We need the Spirit’s help and He is there to help.

Consider what Jesus said to His disciples in Jn 14:15 (paraphrasing), “You don’t obey Me because of tradition or religious beliefs. I didn’t give you a list of behaviors to follow. I gave you MYSELF. You do what you do now because you love Me.” Jesus’ disciples love and follow Him. It’s not about doing anything FOR Jesus, but about doing everything — living life – WITH Jesus.

There’s more to come, dear friend, but for today: walk with Jesus, talk with Jesus, eyes on Jesus, follow Jesus — and COME ALIVE!


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In 2020 – Simple Devotion to Christ – 244

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Dec 29th just passed, was ‘church at home’ in many churches. They gave their workers a rest and encouraged their congregations to stay at home with family, and hear a word from the pastor via the Internet, and perhaps have a bit of worship. 

We stayed home, and listened to messages from 3 churches. They were remarkably similar.
Point 1 – God is going to do great things in 2020, especially through OUR church.
Point 2 – YOU have to get ready for this, YOU have to position yourself properly for this – IF YOU want to be a part of this, and get God’s blessings.
Point 3 – So resolve to DO MORE than ever before in the church, this church.

One church even, ah, boasted, that they did THEIR prayer and fasting in December while OTHER Christians were feasting. All so they could enter January hitting the ground running for Jesus in 2020. The pastors I’m sure were well meaning, but in listening I felt like I lacked something and was going to miss something if I didn’t get with their 2020 program!

That same Dec 29th, here at Hank’s Place, Hank (that’s me) began by referring to Paul’s epistle to the Colossians, saying, beware of teaching that devalues Christ and Calvary, and fails to appreciate the new identity every believer already has IN HIM. IN Christ we lack for nothing. Because of Christ we have received every spiritual blessing. IN Christ we are full, complete, holy and righteous.

Continue in the faith then by focusing on Jesus and what HE has ALREADY done for you!

In 2 Cor 11:2-4 Paul cautions believers, “I have promised you in marriage to one husband” he writes, “—to present a pure virgin to Christ. But I fear that, as the serpent deceived Eve by his cunning, your minds will be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ.” He warns of another Jesus, a different spirit, a different gospel – that’s out there. Stick with the simplicity and purity of devotion of Christ my friend!

A message that causes you to feel lack and inadequacy is not the gospel. A message that focuses on what you have to do (and it’s always more), rather than what Jesus has done and expresses the fullness that has come to you, thanks to Jesus Christ, falls short in the Good News department.

Until next time, walk in faith, walk in grace, knowing God’s got you — and COME ALIVE!


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2020 Admonitions – 243

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It’s the new year and here’s a New Year’s admonition. I didn’t say resolution. Some people call New Years resolutions nothing but a ‘to-do’ list for the 1st week of the new year, lol.

Here’s the admonition – it’s from Acts 13:43. Paul and Barnabas, after speaking in the synagogue at Pisidai Antioch, urged the people who believed their message to CONTINUE IN THE GRACE OF GOD. What a great word – GRACE. The Grace of God – He gives us favor unconditionally – you can’t earn it – you can only receive it. Many try to earn it and go empty handed. Don’t that be you my friend!

Are you working so hard that you are on the verge of burnout?
Worried that you are not doing enough for Jesus?
Are you distracted by generational curses, demons, end times anxiety, idle talk?
Are you facing financial difficulties, sickness or demonic oppression?
Want to make something of your life in 2019? Simply

When it comes to God and our relationship with Him, it is GRACE from start to finish. There is nothing else we need. And nothing else that will help.

GRACE comes to us by faith alone. Eph 2:8. So to continue in GRACE really is the same as what I said at the end of last year: continue in the faith. GRACE – it’s really another word for JESUS – John 1:16 says “For from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace.”

Think about it. And how about this year we resolve to keep our eyes upon JESUS. He is the faithful One. He will see us through. He will help us; He will do the impossible for us.
Yes, this year, let’s receive from Him grace upon grace.

Speak with Him – often. He always has time for His children. He created time; He created us. Whatever our problems may be, Jesus is our total, complete, all in one solution!

And you know what? As we continue in the GRACE of God – we COME ALIVE!


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Close Out 2019 – 242

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Let’s close out 2019 with an admonition from Colossians. Beware of teaching that devalues Christ and Calvary, and fails to appreciate the new identity every believer has IN HIM.

Christ is supreme. We believers are IN UNITY with Him – which means sharing in HIS power and authority. Believe it, for it is true. Now press on to maturity, resist sin, pursue holiness in Christ.

Col 1:22 says Jesus has made us holy, blameless, beyond reproach, but vs 23 adds: IF you continue in the faith. Peace. This is not conditional salvation or favor; the actual Greek is clear that no doubt is expressed, no conditions. We are joined to the Lord. We are already holy and perfect as He is. Paul is simply saying you will not see it unless you believe it! It is true – but you will not walk in it except by faith.

The unholy mess of our lives has been hidden in Christ. The HOLY ONE. We have been made holy and perfect forever. Think about it – and give a shout out to JESUS!

It’s also repeated in Heb 10:10, 14. By the will of GOD we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ – once for all; and by a single offering he has perfected for all time those who are being sanctified. That last phrase simply means we are learning to live as Christians, as who we really are.

Col 2:9-10 says we have been brought to fullness in Him. Don’t buy into messages that put an emphasis upon your lack and what you have to do in order for God to bless you. You are already a New Creation In Him and He is in You – and all by His doing. So stop struggling to get what you already have been given!

How do you continue in the faith? By realizing the truth: IN Christ we lack for nothing. IN Christ we have received every spiritual blessing. IN Christ we are full, complete, including being holy and righteous.

I hear someone saying, “But Hank, you don’t know what I’ve done!” I say, “You don’t know what Jesus has already done for you!” 

So as 2020 begins, continue in the faith – you’ll COME ALIVE!


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Christmas! – 241

“The people who were sitting in darkness saw a great Light, And those who were sitting in the land and shadow of death, Upon them a Light dawned.” Mt 4:16. 

2,000 years ago, the light dawned, hallelujah! In His lovingkindness, God sent His son into this world, in a human body. His sacrificial offering at Calvary was the propitiation for our sins. This is indeed the miracle of the Gospel. Salvation! Grace! Forgiveness! Righteousness! Eternal Life! Whoo-hoo!

Amazingly, there are those who hate Christmas. They want to expunge the Savior of the world, Christ Jesus, from our sight – Maybe they hate the idea of forgiveness, grace, and mercy. Crazy, huh!

No man can take Christ out of our hearts, my friend. Or from seeing Jesus everywhere! So how about “X-mas”? Merry X-Mas. The “X.” Is that a blatant effort by the God haters to remove Christ from Christmas?

Let me put your mind at ease this fine Christmas Day. Yes, “X-mas” can be viewed as a Christ-less Christmas, sure. That alarmist suggestion began back in the middle 1960’s. 

The truth is there is a long history of Christians using “X” in place of “Christ” – in fact its earliest use in European culture dates as far back as 1021 AD. Almost 1,000 years ago.

You see, the “X” is the Greek letter Chi, which is the first letter of the Greek word Christós (Χριστός), which became “Christ” in our English. 

The suffix ‘mas’ is from the Latin-derived Old English word for Mass. So on expensive parchment the ancients were really simply abbreviating the word Christmas. 

Christians used “X-Mas” first. So be encouraged. It was not a fiendish group of atheists attempting to take “Christ” out of “Christmas.” And even if there be such a group, “He who sits in the heavens laughs.” Ps 2:4.

So, see an “X-mas” sign? Laugh aloud and share the good news that a savior has been born – His name – Jesus. Share it, people will COME ALIVE!


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Advent – Hank’s Place Classics – 240

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Are you troubled by the merchandizing, the manipulation, the greed and excess of the Christmas season? Don’t be! Here is a little history.

Pope Julius I in 320 AD designated Dec 25th as a holy day – to counteract the excesses of the Saturnalia celebrations in Europe dating from pre-Jesus times.  The edict – didn’t work. People enjoyed their revelry and celebrations, choosing to repent afterwards. 

Now fast forward to Puritan England in the 1600’s with Oliver Cromwell. He came into power by promising to eliminate Christmas celebrations, and he did! Afterward, King Charles II’s party came into power by promising to make Christmas as wicked as before. And they did!

Get this: most genuine Christians of the time loathed Christmas, considering it an instrument of the devil for sin. When the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth in 1620, they outlawed Christmas. There were no church celebrations, businesses were ordered open and anyone caught celebrating was subject to arrest and fines. And that’s the way it was in America – for over 200 years. In fact Congress continued to meet on Christmas Day up to 1856. 

However over time outrageous Christmas revelry began to re-emerged in America. 

THEN – in 1822 “T’was the Night Before Christmas” was written by Clement Clark Moore and for the first time Christmas was seen in America as a joyous holiday for children. Christmas as a joyous family affair appeared on the scene – with gusto.

THEN – in 1834 Charles Dickens wrote “A Christmas Carol” and Christmas in England was never the same. The crushing dehumanizing industrial revolution had to give place and time to consider the wonder of the birth and life of a Savior. Jesus was making an appearance of sorts back into Christmas in England, then America!

There’s more, but gradually over the rest of the century, joy, family, giving, and worship replaced pagan debauchery, lewdness, revelry and drunkenness in both countries.

What about gifts, you ask? Glad you asked! The tradition of gift giving, at first a simple and modest gesture, exploded in America following “The Night Before Christmas.” Merchants, sensing great opportunity, placed Santa everywhere and people quickly adjusted their celebrations to include him. And spending. A lot of spending.

“Put Christ back into Christmas?” Historically – in America – that’s not very accurate. He was not officially in those Christmas’s of early America, and A Christmas Carol was quickly overstepped by ol’ Santa Claus and extravagant gifting.

But don’t YOU to be depressed my friend! YOU make the difference – why not make your own celebration of Christmas as true believers have done for ages? Put Jesus into YOUR Christmas. Hey! Don’t you see Him in the wreath, the evergreens, the candles, the tree? 

BEST OF ALL share JESUS with others – JESUS – the Greatest Gift of all!
You can – and as you do, many will hear – and they will COME ALIVE!


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Righteousness and Justice (3) – 238

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Welcome HOME – to Righteousness (3)

Here’s a question people have asked for ages – what is “right”? In other words, what ought happen and what ought to be? The answer is straightforward – IF you believe in God, the God of the Bible – and that is: whatever conforms to God’s moral character is ‘right.’ And why is whatever conforms to God’s moral character ‘right’? It is ‘right’ because it conforms to His moral character!

What I’m saying is that GOD is the final standard of righteousness. There can be no standard outside of God by which we measure righteousness or justice. He himself is the Final Standard. This is similar to the situation we encounter with respect to truth and God being the ultimate standard of truth.

Whenever scripture confronts the question of whether God Himself is righteous or not, the ultimate answer is always that we, as God’s creatures, have no right to say that God is unrighteous or unjust. The creature simply cannot say that of the creator. Romans 9:20–21. 

Also Job 40:2,8. “Will the faultfinder contend with the Almighty? Let him who reproves God answer it.” and  “Will you really annul My judgment? Will you condemn Me that you may be justified?” In this chapter from Job, God answers not in terms of an explanation that would allow Job to understand why God’s actions were right, but rather in terms of a statement of God’s own majesty and power! God does not need to explain the rightness of His actions to Job, for God is the creator and Job is the creature.

It should be a cause for thanksgiving and gratitude when we realize that righteousness and omnipotence are both possessed by God. If He were a God of perfect righteousness without power to carry out that righteousness, He would not be worthy of worship and we would have no guarantee that justice will ultimately prevail in the universe. 

If however He were a God of unlimited power, yet without righteousness in His character, how unthinkably horrible the universe would be! There would be unrighteousness at the center of all existence and there would be nothing anyone could do to change it. Existence would become meaningless, and we would be driven to the most utter despair. Like those Danish philosophers who denied God’s existence and concluded there was no meaning to life.

We ought therefore continually to thank and praise God for who He is,”for all His ways are justice. A God of faithfulness and without iniquity, just and right is He.” Deuteronomy 32:4.  Yes, praise our glorious and JUST GOD — and COME ALIVE! 


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Righteousness and Justice (2) – 237

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Welcome HOME – to Righteousness (2)

“For I am not ashamed of the Gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes.… For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, “But the righteous man shall live by faith.”” Ro 1:16-17. What’s that mean, “the righteousness of God is revealed”? I’m glad you asked that question my friend!

I went to my theology bookshelf to look up some words. I found that while in English the terms ‘righteousness’ and ‘justice’ are different words, in both the Hebrew Old Testament and the Greek New Testament, there is only one word group behind them. That means that righteousness and justice when used in the bible are speaking of the same attribute of God.

God’s righteousness means that God always acts in accordance with what is right. God Himself is the final standard of what is right.

Moses in Deut 32:4 says of God, “all His ways are justice. A God of faithfulness and without iniquity, just and right is he.”

Abraham in Genesis 18:25 speaks to God’s character as righteousness when he says, “shall not the judge of all the earth do right?”

Ps 19:8 says, “the precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart.” Isaiah 45:19 says, “I the Lord speak the truth, I declare what is right.”

But listen: as a result of God’s righteousness, it is necessary that God treat people according to what they deserve. Thus, it is necessary that God punish sin, for it does not deserve reward: it is wrong and deserves punishment.

When God does not punish sin, it seems to indicate that He is unrighteous, unless some other means of punishing sin can be seen. This is why Paul says that when God sent Jesus as a sacrifice to bear the punishment for sin, it “was to show God’s righteousness, because in His divine forbearance He had passed over former sins; it was to prove at the present time that He Himself is righteous and that He justifies him who has faith in Jesus.” Romans 3:25–26.

When Christ died to pay the penalty for our sins it showed that God was truly righteous, because He did give appropriate punishment to sin.

Next time we’ll answer the question, “What is right?” In the meantime, rejoice that our God is just, our God is right, our God is the God of mercy, grace, and lovingkindness — think on these things, and COME ALIVE!


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Advent – Hank’s Place Classics – 239

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A friend of mine once worked in a ward for Alzheimer’s patients. They said the doors were locked to keep the patients from wandering out of the facility. The button code to open the doors was printed in big letters over the door so visitors could easily get out. But the Alzheimer’s patients stayed in because they never looked up!

There’s a medical reason for that, having to do with visual and cognitive portions of the brain that are affected by the disease, and the patients felt more secure and stable looking down to see where their feet were going.

Check the news, world, national or local. Politics. Government. Immigration. Increasing attacks against Christians, Christianity, Christmas. Get immersed in it and hope flees. Soon our head hangs down, low, lower, even lower as we contemplate the entire world going down the drain and us with it!

Wait! We have Almighty God above as our Father! Stability? Security? You betcha! Christian, LOOK UP! Especially in this Advent season—LOOK UP for our God is the God of all hope! Remember, the eye of the Lord is on those who … hope in his steadfast love. Ps 33:18.

Rejoice in hope of the glory of God… for it’s a hope that does not put us to shame –  because of God’s love poured into our hearts. Ro 5:2&5. Let’s be as the Psalmist in Ps 42 & 43 and speak, “Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my salvation and my God.” LOOK UP!

Let’s hope in God and forget not His works. Ps 78:7. Remember Abraham, for in hope against hope he believed he would become the father of many nations, because of God’s promise to him. Ro 4:18. Let’s LOOK UP and hold fast to the hope set before US, for it is impossible for God to lie. Heb 6:18. 

And now, may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope, and COME ALIVE!


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