Is Salvation Like Car Keys? Getting Misplaced? – 257


Welcome to Hank’s Place — Salvation part 3 of 3

Can you lose your salvation, like losing your car keys? Losing your temper one day and your salvation the next? In the last 2 blogs we’ve been finding strong support in Scripture that this just is not possible, because salvation is a God thing and He has made promises to us. Unbreakable ones. He always keeps His promises.

I’m using 2 Cor 1:20 for that. It reads, “For as many as are the promises of God, in Him they are YES; therefore also through Him is our Amen to the glory of God through us.” All of God’s promises are for US, and all of them are TRUE and kept through HIM!

Here’s 3 more Scriptures indicating impossible things would have to happen in order for us to lose our salvation.

God would have to remember our sins, but Jeremiah 31:34 says: “they will all know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them,” declares the Lord, “for I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin I will remember no more.”.  This is repeated in Heb 10:17, “AND THEIR SINS AND THEIR LAWLESS DEEDS I WILL REMEMBER NO MORE.”

God would have to forget that we are His children, when Isaiah 49:15 says: “Can a woman forget her nursing child and have no compassion on the son of her womb? Even these may forget, but I WILL NOT FORGET YOU.”

Finally, God would have to blot our names out of the Book of Life, when His word says: “He who overcomes will thus be clothed in white garments; and I will not erase his name from the book of life, and I will confess his name before My Father and before His angels.” That’s Rev 3:5.

God will not break these eternal promises. He keeps His word. You have believed upon Jesus? You have cried to Him to save you from your sins, yourself, and this world? Then have confidence today that He HAS kept you, IS keeping you and WILL keep you unto that great day. That’s enough to shout for joy — and COME ALIVE!


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Misplace Your Salvation? – 256

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— Salvation part 2 of 3

We have been sharing about possibly waking up one morning and finding we had lost our salvation. Fearing being cast away on that day when Jesus returns for His bride. 

I shared with you how this is a groundless fear — yes, we can neglect the benefits and blessings of walking in faith and grace on this earth, but we were finding the good support of Scripture declaring such things as it is GOD who has done the saving, and God who does the keeping, and GOD who has promised to keep us, and vindicate us on that last day. Hallelujah!

As 2 Cor 1:21-22 declares, “He who establishes us with you in Christ and anointed us is GOD, who also SEALED us and gave us the Spirit in our hearts as a pledge.” GOD established us IN Christ. GOD put His seal on us – what’s that? The seal is the Holy Spirit in our hearts. The Spirit is His promise, His pledge to us, that we are HIS FOR ALL TIME.

Here’s more support from Scripture. For us to lose our salvation several impossible things would have to happen. For example:

God would have to forsake us. But Heb 13:5 says, “He Himself has said, “I WILL NEVER DESERT YOU, NOR WILL I EVER FORSAKE YOU.” 

Here’s another. God would have to cast us out of Himself. Yet Jesus said in John 6:37, “All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will certainly not cast out.”

And, God would have to condemn us, in contradiction to Ro 8:1, 34 that read, “Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” “who is the one who condemns? Christ Jesus is He who died, yes, rather who was raised, who is at the right hand of God, who also intercedes for us.” Would Jesus stop interceding and begin condemning? No way!

And one more: God would have to remove the Spirit that was given us as a pledge, a promise that we just read. But John 14:16 reads, “I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may BE WITH YOU FOREVER.

Scripture cannot be broken – God will not break these eternal promises. He keeps His word. Dwell on these trustworthy truths my friend — you will be shouting for joy as you COME ALIVE!


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Lose Something? Like Your Salvation? – 255


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As I young Christian schooled in the Armenian stream more than Calvin’s, I believed I had to hold tightly to Christ my Savior lest I lose my salvation. Those early years were times discovering the love of God and having stress in feeling it was up to me to stay there and stayed saved. 

Now there certainly are numerous exhortations in Scripture to hold fast, to keep ourselves in the love of God, yes, but regarding losing our salvation, well, I’ve come to a different understanding. We can neglect the benefits of our salvation and refuse the grace of God in this life, missing out on the goodness of our God — but losing that salvation — no.

Let’s look at some Bible passages — perhaps you will draw a similar conclusion:

1 Cor 1:8-9. Jesus will also confirm you to the end, blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is faithful, through whom you were called into fellowship with His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. 

WOW! Not you, not me, but GOD, who is FAITHFUL.  HE will confirm – substantiate, justify, vindicate, prove — that we are BLAMELESS when Jesus Christ returns. What a relief. 

Let’s read it again, 1 Cor 1:6-9, but from The Message Bible, “The evidence of Christ has been clearly verified in your lives. Just think—you don’t need a thing, you’ve got it all! All God’s gifts are right in front of you as you wait expectantly for our Master Jesus to arrive on the scene for the Finale. And not only that, but God Himself is right alongside to keep you steady and on track until things are all wrapped up by Jesus. God, who got you started in this spiritual adventure, shares with us the life of His Son and our Master Jesus. He will never give up on you. Never forget that.” 

WOW again! On the day when Christ Jesus returns, it will be shown we don’t lack a thing, for we are IN Christ. GOD is at work in us to keep us on track, to keep us steady. It is GOD who started us on this life’s adventures in Christ, and GOD will NEVER GIVE UP on us. Never. NEVER forget that my friend!

There’s more to come next time – until then rest secure in your salvation – it has been purchased for you by Jesus Christ Himself. As you do, you’ll COME  ALIVE!


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Timmy’s Terror – 254

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2 Tim. 2:11–13. It says, “Here is a trustworthy saying: If we died with Him, we will also live with Him; if we endure, we will also reign with Him. If we disown Him, He will also disown us; if we are faithless, He remains faithful, for He cannot disown himself.” Scary?

Let’s remove the fear! It starts, “If we died with him.” This is what makes the gospel so good. Manmade religion preaches self-denial and dying to self, but the gospel simply declares, “You died.” Your life is hidden with Christ in God (Col 3:3) and He now lives in you. Gal 2:20.

Paul then assures us that because we are in union with the One who already overcame, already endured, and who now reigns, we will also endure and reign with Him. It’s a trustworthy statement, because of Jesus!

But what if we disown Jesus? Will He disown us? No. Paul is not talking about Christians in a moment of weakness. He’s referring to those who reject Christ. It’s strong denial. They will one day reap the consequences of their choice. There’s no grace for the faithless — because the faithless will not receive it.

Do you see? There are those who confess Christ and those who deny Him. If you have denied Him, you can still confess Him, but if you have already confessed Him, you cannot deny Him – at least not to the point where He would deny you.

That’s the next phrase, “If we are faithless, he remains faithful, for he cannot disown himself.” 2 Tim 2:13.

The Accuser says, “If you are not constant in your faith every single day, if you disown Jesus just one time, God will punish you!” It’s as if our unfaithfulness (that’s sin) was greater than His faithfulness (that’s grace). 

Will Jesus deny us? No way! We are IN Christ. He cannot disown himself, so He cannot disown you or me! Ever. We are one with the Lord. His future is our future and that’s a good future indeed!

Don’t listen to dead religion that says you have to perform and endure to be saved. We stand on His promises, not our efforts. Even if we have a bad day, or a moment of faithlessness, He remains utterly faithful.

Dwell on this trustworthy statement my friend — you’ll COME ALIVE!


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Confess Thy Sins – 253

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Grace—the unmerited favor of God—is ours because of Jesus and Calvary. We ARE forgiven, we HAVE been redeemed, we HAVE BEEN PLACED into His kingdom. Seated with Him in the heavenlies. Forever. God graciously GIVES – we receive.

But what if we sin after becoming a Christian? Do we have to confess those sins in order to be forgiven? Sometimes people point to Ja 5:15 and say, “Yes.” “The prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven.” Or they use 1 Jn 1:9, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

Out of context a person might think that – especially if they forget 2 Cor 5:19 “God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their trespasses against them.” Or that grace and works don’t mix: “But if it is by grace, it is no longer on the basis of works, otherwise grace is no longer grace.” Ro 11:6.

James gives us only one condition for forgiveness: faith. Remember Christ bore all our sins on the cross.

How can James say the sinner will be forgiven? Because the sinner already has been forgiven. They just need to receive it.

My friend, if you are burdened with guilt, you need forgiveness – right now. So ask for it. God will give you the forgiveness you need because He already has.

It may sound confusing, but the issue really is not will God forgive you but will you receive His forgiveness? Will you cling to the sins of your past – or present – or will you take hold of His forgiveness today?

Feeling burdened, crushed by your sins? Ask God for forgiveness – see Jesus upon Calvary’s cross – with your  sins – see forgiveness already granted – receive it – and COME ALIVE!


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True Perpetrator – 252

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Some years ago Mary and I saw the movie MoneyBall — it was about baseball in the early 2000’s and the dramatic change that occurred in how baseball was understood, particularly through Billy Bean, manager of the Oakland A’s.

At one point in 2002, Billy Bean was visiting the Cleveland Indians owners to talk about player trades. He sees a young man, Peter Brand, advising their general manager in hushed conversation. He asks Peter about that, privately. Peter spoke, “There’s an epidemic failure within the game to understand what’s really happening. And it leads people who run major league teams to misjudge their players and mismanage their teams.” He went on to say “the league is full of undervalued, overlooked players, like the Island of Misfit Toys.”

Whoa! That resonated with me and maybe with you as well. A lack of understanding, or misunderstanding — leading to struggling churches with undervalued congregations. Let me say that I don’t believe church leaders are the problem. I’m confident virtually all church leaders want to do the right thing and want to follow Jesus. They want to see their congregations grow in their faith in God, maturing in Christ Jesus.

Who then, might I ask, would want to see leaders in a pickle of misunderstanding and mismanagement? If you said, the devil, I believe you are right! And his evil minions, “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Eph 6:12.

So, if church leadership has been bugging you, let it go—pray for all who are in authority. 1 Tim 2:2. Rebuke the devil. He’s the real perp as they say in detective shows. Pray in the Spirit.

And pray that Jesus be lifted up in all activities. “If I be lifted up I will draw all men unto ME.” Jesus in John 12:32. The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you as pray and lift up Jesus. Love the brethren — and COME ALIVE!


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Good Good News – 251

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What we believe about ourselves determines in large measure our behavior.

We can change a person’s behavior for a time from the outside: “Children behave or else” – those incarcerated for crimes mostly exhibit good behavior – until they get out. Remember that TV program, “The Greatest Loser” – about weight loss? I know someone who won – and over a bit of time gained it all back. Nothing had changed in that person’s perception, their believing, of who they were. They believed terrible things about themselves, and all that exercise and diet did not change that.

WHAT we believe will determine our destiny! Even life and death! Simple death example: suppose you flew to England. Rented a car, and drove off. On the right side of the road, like here in America. Sincerely believing, sincerely behaving. But wait! They drive on the LEFT side of the road in the UK. If you keep up sincerely believing what’s wrong — you are likely to end up — DEAD!

How about a life example. From John 3:16 “…whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved….” Acts 16:31. Or those 2 blind men in Mat 9:29,  Jesus said, “be it done to you according to your faith” – or, according to what you have believed.

Many Christians struggle today because they barely believe the Good News. Mostly they believe the OLD NEWS with a little GOOD NEWS sprinkled on top. 

Why is that you ask? I submit to you Ro 10:14 “How then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? How will they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how will they hear without a preacher?” One must hear the Good News concerning Jesus preached! Then the Holy Spirit witnesses to the Good News. I mean, to understand that our sins have been taken away, the accuser has been disarmed, that we have died to sin and our lives are hidden with Christ in God is cause for rejoicing unceasingly!!

Pray for your pastor. Your church leadership. There are so many demonic distractions and worries that assail them – like church growth and paying bills. Distractions can keep anyone from sharing the Good News.

The Good News is good news for EVERYONE, mature Christians included. May it be shouted out where you worship. People’s behavior will change as they hear the Good News, believe it, and grow IN CHRIST. Your church will be overflowing with powerful men and women of God, willingly volunteering to do the work of the ministry! Can you see it? I can!

Where the Good News is preached, without the Bad News added, people will — COME ALIVE!NEW BLOG NOTIFICATION

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How to Know God – 250

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I have a question for you: How can we know God better? How can we get ‘filled up’ with the fullness of God that Eph 3:19 requests? WE – CANNOT. Self-effort, even admirable self-effort like bible study, bible school, walking where Jesus walked, pilgrimages, church work, seminary — whatever — will not enable us to know God better. We may know more ABOUT Him, but we will not truly KNOW HIM.

Can anyone truly know Him? Well, there are those to whom God chooses to reveal Himself. Mat 11:27, 16:17. And who would He choose to reveal Himself these days? Thankfully, God, being rich in mercy, will FREELY REVEAL HIMSELF TO ANYONE — if they just ASK! 

Ask? Yep. As in James 1:5: “But if any of you lacks wisdom, LET HIM ASK OF GOD, who GIVES TO ALL generously and without reproach, and IT WILL be given to him.” 

Knowing God’s plans, intentions, purposes and future actions – directly from the Source – is getting to know Him! 

In Colossae, bible scholars believe the early church was being influenced by mystics; people with strange philosophies, who claimed an inside track in hearing from God. Paul prays for the church. He asks God to give them wisdom, God’s wisdom. It’s recorded in Col 1:9-14. That’s a great prayer for ourselves and others. It’s like James’ word, but has more detail.

may we be FILLED with a knowledge of His will!

not a wee little bit, but FILLED – all SPIRITUAL wisdom and understanding  (SPIRITUAL: this is all God’s wisdom and understanding, ditch that worldly wisdom!) in order…

that we will WALK WORTHY of the Lord – pleasing God in all things

BEARING FRUIT in all good works – increasing in the KNOWLEDGE of God 

So being given God’s wisdom causes us to GROW UP, mature in Christ. Our walk, our talk, ALL that we do: becoming more and more fruitful, and like Jesus.

Paul then requests they be strengthened according to His glorious might to attain all STEADFASTNESS and PATIENCE in this life. Growing in wisdom and knowledge of His will, we may want to help God out with the results NOW! Or get out of an unpleasant situation – NOW – but TIMING is a part of God’s will, too – HIS TIMING is always perfect.

To await His timing we need steadfastness. And patience. May our God strengthen you to attain to all steadfastness my friend, and COME ALIVE!


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Why Live In the Old in 2020 – 249

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At Hank’s Place we appreciate that Jesus’ body and blood was given to institute a NEW Covenant. A covenant where a just and righteous God has more than made provision for our sins and wayward desires. 

By taking away our sins. By punishing Jesus for our sins. Rendering us NEW Creations possessing a NEW righteous spirit within us, hallelujah!

This being the new year, I listened a little bit to one program featuring prophets of God who ‘forecast’ what God was going to do this year, and shared what else God had told them.

I thought I had gone back in time 2500 years! The role of the Old Covenant prophet was to call God’s people back to Him. To warn people to get right and do right or God would do thus and such. And also to foretell things God was going to do – because He was God. Each prophet gave a number of Bible verses in support what they were saying – and EVERY ONE of them was from the OLD TESTAMENT. 

Their words conveyed the impression God was far away, judging, remote. His heart concealed. I was puzzled — if you know what they are about, please let me know! I find in stark contrast Jesus, who revealed the Father. John 1:18. 

Why live in the Old when the BLOOD OF JESUS gave us a NEW COVENANT? I’d much rather live in what Jesus DIED to give us, wouldn’t you? Isn’t anything else devaluing His work at Calvary? His blood gives us confidence to enter the holy place – Heb 10:19 – His sacrifice is the NEW and LIVING way to enter Father’s presence. Heb 10:20

The Old Covenant was conditional upon OUR performance. The New is conditional upon HIS FINISHED WORK. It’s done. Of this new covenant, God says in Heb 8, “I WILL be your God” and “we SHALL be His people” – no ‘if’s’ about it. God says “WILL” as a statement of future fact. It is eternally certain in the New Covenant. The use of “SHALL,” “we shall be His people” implies a sense of permission – ie, you WILL be my people – if we will allow it!

As believers, those who have said YES to God, He will be merciful to our iniquities and will remember our sins no more. Heb 8:10-12.

It’s 2020 my friend, it’s time to walk in the NEW Covenant – and COME ALIVE!


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How to Know What The Father Is Doing – 248

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Where you have come home! If you enjoy visiting at Hank’s Place, why not share it in social media? There’s a lot of room for others here!

AB Simpson, founder of the Christian and Missionary Alliance denomination, wrote a hymn entitled JESUS ONLY. It begins,

Jesus only is our message, Jesus all our theme shall be;
We will lift up Jesus ever, Jesus only will we see.
And the Refrain—
Jesus only, Jesus ever, Jesus all in all we sing,
Savior, Sanctifier, and Healer, Glorious Lord and coming King.

ALL the verses are awesome. What a contrast to many current songs that have wondering, puzzlement, and OUR feelings in their lyrics, “I” and “me,” rather than glorifying Jesus? If you don’t feel like singing them, it may be because they need an injection of ‘Jesus focus’ my friend!

Jesus focus — remember how I recently reminded you to pattern your Christian life after Jesus, who listened to His Father, saw what His Father was doing and did those things? John 5:19. So how does a person listen to Jesus, see what Jesus is doing, and do those things? Good question!

Here’s what I did – (mind you, your results may vary) I sat in a chair away from distractions and asked my Father, “What are you doing?” And prayed in the Spirit. And I saw something like a ring of fire – healing healing fire of the Holy Spirit, taking place upon the torn edges of a young girl’s face where a dog had savagely attacked her. I saw clouds of depression and discouragement leaving a couple who had battled these things for years. Mary would be seeing the young girl later; we would be visiting with the couple later in the month.

So I prayed that these things happen; take place. Didn’t seem like a big deal. Until I related them to my wife. As I spoke them to Mary I began to cry, from deep inside, FEELING AND EXPERIENCING the Father’s heart – HIS LOVE for these hurting ones, and desire for healing. And healing WAS happening; we knew it!

Will we get opportunity to physically minister to them? I don’t know. I DO know God is FAITHFUL and wonderfully at work in their lives.

This year, ask Jesus, ask your Heavenly Father what they are doing – they will tell you, and you will COME ALIVE!


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