Wrestle the WIN! – 267



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Attacks upon our minds – they happen all the time! For some, their minds get sick – mental illness. Paul in Eph 6:17 tells us to guard these minds of ours – by putting on that helmet, called the hope of Salvation. 

Earlier in chapter 6 Paul reveals that these attacks have a demonic origin. Devils are wrestling with us. That implies they are seeking footholds, applying stress, pressure, squeezing, pulling, twisting – looking for a point of weakness – to get us off balance and fall to the mat where they leap on us. And they show no mercy. Paul says they have a hierarchy – it means it is an organized attack against each one of us. Ouch!

Don’t worry! Christ has gotten us the victory! 1 Cor 15:57. I like what Paul says in 2 Cor 10:4, “for the weapons of our warfare are SPIRITUAL, divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses.” We have been weaponized, dear friends to pull down every fortress of Eph 6. He adds, instruction in 2 Cor 10:5, “We are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.” Putting them under His lordship. 

So, devils shoot those thoughts into your mind: you’re no good, you have messed up, it’s hopeless, give up, God has forsaken you, end it all. But you, having found encouragement in Scriptures, having prayed for hope to the God of all hope, can take those thoughts captive. 

You need a firm foundation in Christ for this. In knowing you have been made RIGHTEOUS. You STAND – a new creation – without sin before God. Because JESUS has borne your sins to Calvary. So, abounding in HOPE, firm in Christ’s RIGHTEOUSNESS, when the devil accuses you, instead of cowering in fear and defeat, you blast him good. The truth is — the devils fear YOU. Think about it. 

Here is something else: not only do devils speak thoughts to your mind; they may reside on or in you – not your spirit, but your body and mind. The Gospels record Jesus casting spirits OUT from multitudes of people – always the word OUT is used. It’s true, for the word of God does not lie. In particular, notice that Is 61:3 speaks of a spirit of heaviness. That’s depression. So yes, depression CAN be rooted in a spirit. And spirits can be cast out – and that’s a good thing! More on that another time.

Today, see yourself weaponized for victory – resist the devil, and COME ALIVE!

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Eyes – 266



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I was searching the Gospels and found that Jesus referred to faith – or having faith or admonished or exhorted or questioned His disciples concerning faith – many times.

28 times! Faith – without it we cannot please God – Hebrews 11:6.

Hey – Luke 8 provides excellent instruction for today: Jesus and the disciples are crossing over the lake. Jesus is – sleeping. Beginning in vs 23 a fierce windstorm swoops down on the lake; of seismic proportions writes Matthew. Their boat is being swamped. They are in danger. The disciples awaken Jesus, saying, “Master, Master, we’re going to die!” Sounds like the news media these days. Jesus got up – rebuked the wind – the surging waves, and they stopped – it became calm. And Jesus said to them, “WHERE is – YOUR faith?” Matthew records it as “Why are you fearful, you of LITTLE FAITH?”

Somehow the mighty apostles had misplaced their faith. Or left it in their robes doing laundry and the dryer was on high temp and shrank it. (Shrug) He was in their midst – yet they had lost their faith. Shows you how easily it can happen.

Or how about Matthew 14 – Peter walking on the water? He was doing it, “But seeing the wind, he became frightened, and beginning to sink, he cried out, “Lord, save me!” Immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and took hold of him, and said to him, “You of little faith, WHY DID YOU DOUBT?” Again, Jesus was right there, but in both instances the Apostles’ eyes – were elsewhere.

Today, the storms of life are HUGE. Pandemics. As believers, let’s take a clue from these passages. EYES ON JESUS. Again, EYES ON JESUS.

If you have misplaced your faith, look for it! Only a little faith like Peter? Why not build it up reading in the Gospels, or Hebrews 11?

Let’s choose faith over fear. Let’s CHOOSE – to FEAR NOT.
God’s got us. Eyes on Jesus and COME ALIVE!

Then get out there and tell others Who to look to – to COME ALIVE too!


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Anti-Virus Edition – 265


Welcome to Hank’s Place – Anti-Virus Edition

Are viral fears still going viral? Well, hey, I know who holds the future, I know who holds the nations in the palm of His hand, I know who beholds us as the apple of His eye – and I trust in Him and I trust that you do, too!

There are many occurrences of the word “fear” and “do not fear” found in the Gospels. Let’s check out two today!

In Luke 5 we find the boats of Simon Peter, James and John literally sinking from a huge catch of fish. Simon is terrified at this demonstration of God in their midst and Jesus assures him, saying, “Do not fear, from now on you will be catching men.” 

There’s a kind of holy fear that can engulf a person when God shows up on the scene. But Jesus says don’t be afraid to Simon – and gives him something incredibly awesome to grab ahold of. It’s a fresh vision for his life!

This sort of fear is also recorded with the people of the Gerasenes upon hearing the testimony of those who witnessed the great deliverance of the demoniac at the hand of Jesus. They were afraid when they learned of the demoniac being healed, and even more afraid when they found out how – God at work! Read it in Luke 8.

This happened with all the disciples too, on their way across the lake a bit earlier.

They had encountered a great storm. Terrifying, even for life-long fishermen!

They awaken Jesus who speaks to the storm and it ceases. Then as found in Mk 4:40 Jesus says to them, “Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith?”” Jesus gave us the solution to banishing fear: FAITH IN GOD. Worldly fear? No worries, but have FAITH IN GOD.

But now catch the next verse: “They became very much afraid and said to one another, “Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey Him?””

There are things that happen in life that cause us to fear. The remedy: have faith in God! But when God shows up, that causes our mortal bodies to fear EVEN MORE than anything on this planet – and for that I say to you: DO NOT FEAR, you who believe in Jesus, for you belong to Him, and He has accepted you already in the Beloved! You are approved and greatly loved my friend.

So worship Him, rejoice in His presence, cease being afraid— and — COME ALIVE!

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Special Corona Virus Edition of Hank’s Place – 264


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Corona Virus. Great Fear. Fear of the Unknown leading to panic. We’ve not stockpiled here at Hank’s Place — we have taken stock in Jesus Christ, who LIVES within us. We have reminded ourselves that not only do we dwell in the shelter of the Most High and within the shadow of His wings (Ps 91), but per Col 1:13 we have been translated out of the domain of darkness where fear runs amok – and into the kingdom of Jesus Christ – where there is no sickness. 

Fearing the virus? Hey, the virus fears Jesus! Consider:

Mt 4:23 – Jesus was going throughout all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every kind of disease and every kind of sickness among the people.

Next verse: The news about Him spread throughout all Syria; and they brought to Him all who were ill, those suffering with various diseases and pains, demoniacs, epileptics, paralytics; and He healed them.

Lepers were believed cursed of God – but in Mt 8:2. a leper asks, “Lord if you are willing, you can heal me.” And Jesus said yes and touched him and healed him. 

Romans were hated by the Jews, but in Mt 8:13 – a Centurion’s servant was healed after a word from Jesus.

In Mt 8:14 – Jesus touched the hand of Peter’s sick mother-in-law and the fever left her. Jesus is willing to heal: EVERYONE!

Two verses later when evening came, they brought to Him many who were demon-possessed; and He cast out the spirits with a word, and healed all who were ill.

Mt 9:35 – Jesus was going through all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every kind of disease and every kind of sickness.

Mt 12:13 – Jesus healed a man with a withered hand – in a synagogue full of hateful scribes and Pharisees. Immediately afterward, in 

Mt 12:15 – Jesus, aware they were conspiring to kill Him, withdrew from there. Many followed Him, and He healed them all.

Mt 12:22 -Then a demon-possessed man who was blind and mute was brought to Jesus, and He healed him, so that the mute man spoke and saw.

Mt 14:14 – When He went ashore, He saw a large crowd, and felt compassion for them and healed their sick.

Mt 15:30 – And large crowds came to Him, bringing with them those who were lame, crippled, blind, mute, and many others, and they laid them down at His feet; and He healed them.

Mt 19:2 – and in the region of Judea beyond the Jordan large crowds followed Him, and He healed them there.

Mt 21:14 – And the blind and the lame came to Him in the temple, and He healed them.

Sickness, virus, whatever – doesn’t stand a chance with Jesus. You come to Jesus and He heals you, whatever the circumstances. No wait! Jesus has ALREADY COME TO YOU – He resides in YOU. So be confident — fearless!

There is a single requirement my friend. And the Gospels tell us!

Of the Canaanite woman of Mt 15 with the cruelly demon-possessed daughter – The woman persisted in reaching out to Jesus, and Jesus said to her, “O woman, your faith is great; it shall be done for you as you wish.” And her daughter was healed at once. 

Faith is the key. Jesus applauded the Centurion’s faith. It’s readily seen in Mark with the 4 friends of the paralytic, Mk 2:5; the woman with the issue of blood Mk 5:34; the blind man in Mk 10:52.

Today, have faith in God – resist the devils of doubts and fears, and COME ALIVE!

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Abounding in HOPE…. – 263



Welcome to Hank’s Place – 263

Mental illness, from stress and anxiety to the inability to function is rampant world-wide, even in the Church. And God’s got answers!

Paul speaks directly to this in Eph 6:17 – guard your mind – by putting on that helmet, called the hope of Salvation. 1 Th 5:8.

How – you may ask. Paul helps us in Ro 15:04 – “For whatever was written in earlier times was written for our instruction, so that through perseverance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have HOPE.”

The Bible gives us encouragement. God at work and loving, from Genesis to Revelation. And in the New we see Jesus giving His life so we could be seated with Him in the heavenly places, so that in the ages to come God might show the surpassing riches of His grace in kindness toward us. Eph 2:6-7. Talk about hopeful words!

We all have those days, those times, that are discouraging, don’t we? We may feel condemned, rejected, all alone, forgotten, forgotten even by God. My friend, at those times, we can read the Scriptures and see the faithfulness and integrity of God who never gives up on His people! And gain HOPE.

There’s more! We can pray, despite our feelings. How? Pray like Paul in Ro 15:13, “may the God of hope fill you with all JOY and PEACE in believing,” and why? “So that you will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” That’s right! At those bad times and sad times, STOP – take a deep breath – and pray to the God of all HOPE, to be filled with Joy and Peace – and gain HOPE. 

Yes, ask — and you will receive! Then “Hold fast the confession of your hope without wavering, for He who promised is FAITHFUL.” Heb 10:23

Faithful? Yes – remember the words of Thomas Chisholm! Who? He wrote Great Is Thy Faithfulness in 1923. Maybe that was a bit before your time. Pulling from vs 3 and 1; “Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow” and “morning by morning new mercies I see.” It’s TRUE friend!

Read the Bible and be encouraged, gain HOPE. Pray and ask the God of Hope to fill you. You will have strength for today, and bright hope for tomorrow. Yes, you will –  COME ALIVE!

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Inject HOPE – 260



Welcome to Hank’s Place – 260

In the 1980’s my wife Mary heard the Holy Spirit say that in later years there would be a mental health crisis in the church. That time is now! Take a look around – so many people, including Christians – suffering from stress and anxiety, depression, melancholy – and much worse. Millions are on meds, most with no hope of getting off. In our local school district, there were 7 suicides in 2018. Young people! Considering their lives so hopeless they ended them. And some were Christians. (Pause)

Somehow their problems, their situations in this life had become such giants – so much greater than their knowledge of God and His mercies and grace – that they chose to stop living. Such a tragedy.

Maybe YOU need an injection today friend, not of medication, but an injection of HOPE. Or maybe you know of someone – a family member – a friend – who needs a shot of HOPE. Hope looks to tomorrow. Hope KNOWS better days ARE coming. These next few blogs – I hope – are going to help!

Col 1:26-27 is one of my favorite passages: Paul writes of a mystery formerly hidden, but has NOW been manifested to His saints.” NOW now NOW. He goes on to say God has “…willed to make known” so this is a God thing, “what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. Christ in you means the riches of His glory are already deposited – IN US.

This is a profound mystery – that people like you and me – without the right pedigree, without the right heritage, upbringing, understanding, without knowledge, and without an ability to GET THINGS RIGHT – could become recipients of God’s GRACE. A grace that reveals the riches of His glory – and it all begins with CHRIST IN US.

With Christ IN US, there is that guaranteed hope within us – the hope of being brought to GLORY, into God’s presence – without blame – without shame – to see Him face to face and experience Him fully!

Do you believe upon Jesus – who died for your trespasses – who was raised for your justification? I know you do! Then Christ Jesus has come to live within you – HE IS YOUR GUARANTEE that better days ARE coming – HE WILL – BRING – US – TO – GLORY!!

Meditate on that. Then put those woes and cares, frets and frustrations, discouragements and fears, all the darkness, under His feet. See Jesus, God of Glory, in triumph over them. Let that HOPE that already lies within you be dormant no longer.

Yes, my friend, let HOPE arise – and COME ALIVE!


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Is God Schizophrenic? – 259


Welcome to Hank’s Place —02-26

Hey, that writer of Hebrews penned an awesome letter to Hebrew Christians and us! In pointing out the “betters” of the New Covenant, he urged his readers in chapter 10 to draw near to God, holding fast their confession of hope, and encourage one another in Christian living and giving.

But Vs 26-29 — are terrifying – if you live in a world of mixed covenants. Let’s check them out so we can sleep peacefully.

“For if we go on sinning willfully after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins. …How much severer punishment do you think he will deserve who has trampled under foot the Son of God, and has regarded as unclean the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified, and has insulted the Spirit of grace.”

Is God schizophrenic? Unconditional love – and fearsome threatening? Yes, our God is a consuming fire. But an interpretation out of context is all wrong.

The author is referring to people within the Christian community. People who have heard the truth. The fact that they “go on sinning deliberately even after receiving knowledge of the truth” indicates that the people in view are not (and never were) genuine believers. Because the Old Covenant has passed away, there is no place for them to turn for forgiveness. That’s found in the New, in Christ’s sacrifice—which they have rejected. So they will face judgment. 

Puzzled? Think about – Judas. Judas heard the truth – and spurned it. Judas spent literally years in the presence of Jesus. He not only heard the truth, he lived with Grace and Truth in the flesh. 

But Judas rejected Jesus as Lord. He called Jesus “Rabbi,” not Lord, in the garden, remember? Jesus came to give His life for Judas – but Judas wasn’t interested. He preferred his own sinful life of greed and betrayal. Surely Judas had many opportunities to repent – but he did not. He rejected the grace of God.

Jesus died for Judas. What more could Jesus do? Nothing! There is no more sacrifice for sins other than the one Jesus provided. To reject Jesus as Lord is to trample the Son of God underfoot and treat the blood of the covenant as unholy.

Within our Christian communities there are those whose lives and life-styles repudiate the work and the person of Jesus.  Jesus, whose sacrifice has made us holy. I am confident you are not a modern day Judas – or you wouldn’t be visiting Hank’s Place. 

Fear not, in Jesus you have been redeemed – eternally. You have passed out of judgement and into Eternal Life. John5:24. You have eternally –  COME ALIVE!


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Bouquets of Roses – 262


Welcome to Hank’s Place – 262

Last Hank’s Place I was sharing about the crisis of mental illness in the Church. And Paul’s admonition in Eph 6:17 and 1 Th 5:8, to guard you mind. How? By putting on a helmet, which he calls the helmet of the hope of Salvation. 

Salvation: in the Greek sozo, total wellness, healing, restoration and ultimately eternal glory with Jesus. The hope of salvation, that we will be in the glorious presence of God one day, without shame. That helmet means we confidently hope for a better tomorrow. Of course – because the God of Hope lives within.

I pointed out the community effort, the 4 friends found in Mk 2:1-12 who brought their paralyzed compatriot into Jesus’ presence. Community is especially important regarding mental health because people thus afflicted usually withdraw, cut themselves off from others. Even from God. 

But we can help – not by telling them to have more faith, or that they have sin in their lives or by giving them a to-do list for recovery. No, we can, as they did in Mark, bring the suffering one into the presence of Jesus.

I believe Jesus has a particular interest in healing the mind. Just read Is 61:1-3. Let’s pick up at the end of verse 2. Jesus, being sent by and commissioned by Almighty God – to comfort all who morn, especially those who morn in Zion – we are talking believers – who are grieving, sorrowful, lamenting, depressed over life or life’s circumstances.

Giving them a garland instead of ashes, The oil of gladness instead of mourning, The mantle of praise instead of a spirit of fainting.

The Message Bible says, give them bouquets of roses instead of ashes, Messages of joy instead of news of doom, a praising heart instead of a languid spirit.

The New Living Translation says, a crown of beauty for ashes, a joyous blessing instead of mourning, festive praise instead of despair.

So they will be called oaks of righteousness, The planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified.

Oaks of righteousness – being in right standing with God – approved and acceptable to God – without judgment or criticism. Without defect!

THAT is powerful! It’s time people come to Jesus, get the help they need – that only HE can provide – and COME ALIVE!


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Let HOPE arise – 261



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Last Hank’s Place I shared that there is a mental health crisis in the church. And the world. Millions on meds. Millions suffering from anxiety, depression – hopelessness. So many going suicidal.

What can we do? I’d shared the mystery in Col 1:26-27 – Christ in us, the hope of glory and urged you to let that hope – and you have it because Christ is in you if you are a believer – let that hope arise in yourself – and Come Alive!

Mental illness – something in the mind not working as it was intended. May I draw your attention to Eph 6 and the armor of God. Is the head mentioned? Yes it is! Eph 6:17. Take up the helmet of salvation. In 1Th 5:8 Paul urges us to put on a helmet, called the hope of salvation. This is why I’m convinced that HOPE plays such a large part in issues of the mind. 

Helping others – or yourself – to let hope arise – hope means a better tomorrow is on its way – will do well in alleviating, improving, one’s mental well being.

People suffering mental illness invariably pull away, withdraw. But everyone has need of community. Community: not isolated. Community: where others are experiencing similar issues. Where others understand, and support. Where people help one another put on that helmet, the hope of salvation. Hope is real and we all need it.

Think of Mark 2:1-12. A paralytic came to Jesus. No, wait! He couldn’t come; he was paralyzed. Four friends brought him – despite difficulties. They dug a hole in the roof of the home and lowered the paralytic to Jesus. Now catch this: it says Jesus, seeing THEIR Faith – the faith of the 4 friends – said to the paralytic, first, your sins are forgiven, and second, rise, take up your pallet and walk.

There are many take-aways here. 

How about: don’t tell someone with mental illness that they need more faith – use yours! 

How about: don’t tell someone they must have unconfessed sin in their lives – ask God to forgive any sin if present! 

How about: it’s not your job to ‘fix it’ – rather how about helping someone get into the presence of the Lord and so Jesus can fix it? He is good at fixing – everything!

Yep, when you are before Jesus, good things happen: people COME ALIVE!


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The Perfect Sacrifice for Imperfect People – 258

Welcome to Hank’s Place – 258 

The writer of Hebrews penned an awesome letter – to, take a guess – Hebrews. Hebrew Christians specifically! Reminding them of their Old Covenant, and point by point revealing to them how much BETTER the New Covenant is. Urging them not to go back but to hold fast to the new and live in it daily.

Chapter 10 begins with the sacrifice of Christ; His precious blood given for a NEW covenant. Vs 19 declares Jesus’ blood gives us CONFIDENCE to enter the HOLY PLACES! The holy place, reserved for priests, and the Holy of Holies reserved for the High Priest only — once a year allowed into God’s Presence!

Jesus’ sacrifice is the ‘new and living way’ we enter in. Vs 19. Next verse states Jesus is our eternal High Priest. No need to fear, “did we get it right” or “is our sacrifice acceptable?” It’s JESUS’ sacrifice who opened the way, and the way is always open. Message Bible says, “It was a perfect sacrifice – by a perfect person – to perfect some very imperfect people.”

In light of the way into God’s presence being been opened to us by Jesus, the writer gives us 3 admonitions.

Vs 22 – Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith. The Message says, “full of belief, confident that we’re presentable inside and out. Let’s keep a firm grip on the promises that keep us going.” We CAN commune with God. Pray with confidence! Let’s do it! Don’t whimper and apologize for your existence when you do. 

Vs 23 – Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. Meaning what? God is trustworthy. His promises are all true. And He always keeps his word. Wait for His promises to come to pass. Don’t give up on them. Or God!

Vs 24 – Let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works. Again from the Message, “Let’s see how inventive we can be in encouraging love and helping out, not avoiding worshiping together as some do but spurring each other on, especially as we see the big Day approaching.” Provoking others to LOVE rather than envy and jealously. Sounds like a God plan, doesn’t it?

TODAY, let’s take advantage of the open door to the Throne of Grace! Without self-consciousness! Let’s keep hope alive, and encourage other Christians — to COME ALIVE!


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