Family First – 287


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Here we continue to rejoice over our Great Salvation in JESUS! Today: “He rose again so I might experience eternal life.”

By His power, God raised our Lord from the dead, and He will raise us also. 1 Corinthians 6:14.

On that first Easter Sunday, Resurrection Day, Mary Magdalene was headed toward the the tomb with spices to anoint her Lord. The other women disciples also had risen early and were hurrying in the same direction. No doubt you are familiar with the Resurrection morning accounts. The tomb is empty and Mary runs to tell Peter and John that they have taken the Lord out of the tomb and we don’t know where they’ve put him. John 20:2.

Peter and John run to the tomb to check out what they just heard. They found it just as Mary has said. Peter returns to the city to report his findings, wondering to himself what had happened. Luke 24:12. 

But Mary stays behind, weeping. Thinking, “stolen.” The body of her Lord had been stolen. Of all the indignities and injuries heaped on their master, this final desecration seems too hard to bear. But then Mary encounters the angels. And after that there is Jesus Himself, who Mary mistook for the gardener. Then Jesus speaks her name, “Mary.” At the sound of her name, spoken by Jesus, Mary’s own resurrection story began. Jesus was NOT stolen. HE HAS RISEN! And He has risen for her. And of course He has risen for us as well!

The resurrection morning stories speak of hope, of new beginnings, of victory over tears and disappointment. The eventual triumph over death and the grave. These accounts remind us that we belong to Him and He belongs to us. We are the people of Resurrection Morning. It’s when new life in Christ prevailed over this violent and murderous God denying age and world system — and ushered in the age of Amazing Grace.

Unlike Jesus’ birth, Resurrection day began very quietly. No angelic choirs. No foreign dignitaries. No thunderous voice from heaven. Easter morning begin with peace and quiet. Resurrection Day accounts are a series of intimate conversations between Jesus and His followers. It’s family business.

The promise is for everyone, but the resurrection experience is only for those who believe. 2 Timothy 1:9–10 declares “Grace… has now been revealed through the appearing of our Savior Jesus Christ, who has destroyed death and has brought life and immortality to light through the gospel.”

Listen — can you hear Him calling your name? Can you hear Him calling, “It’s time to — COME ALIVE!


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Reign in Life – 286


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It’s another episode of our Great Salvation in JESUS! Today: “He died and was buried so the grave could not hold me.”

Joseph of Arimathea was a very wealthy and notable member of the Sanhedrin. After Jesus died, he comes before Pilate to request the body.

He is a good and upright man — and a secret disciple of Jesus. John 19:38. The reason Pilate allows Joseph to leave with official permission to bury Jesus is not known. Perhaps Pilate wanted to make clear that he also thought Jesus had been wrongly accused and unjustly put to death.

It is approaching sunset and the entertainment is over at Golgotha. The crowds have left; the soldiers are gone. The three victims hang lifeless. Only a somber cluster of women keep vigil nearby. They watch as Joseph sets about the task of taking down the body. Both he and Nicodemus, another secret follower in the Sanhedrin, tenderly lower the body from the cross. They carry it to the nearby garden cemetery where Joseph places it in his own new tomb, suitable for royalty. Nicodemus has brought 75 pounds of myrrh and aloe. A huge amount. But the Sabbath is about to start so they have to leave and wait until Sunday.

Notice that the Father made sure there was clear and irrefutable physical evidence of Jesus’ death and burial. His burial was closely observed by a number of witnesses, many of them identified and named. The two men who buried Jesus were well educated, highly respected and well known in Jerusalem. The location and age of the tomb was described. The women who followed Joseph were reported as seeing the tomb and how His body was laid in it.

The priests and the Pharisees were terrified that perhaps someone would take His body and claim a resurrection so they requested Pilate to post a Roman guard around the tomb, which he did. That’s a boatload of witnesses, friend!

The second Adam was undoing the garden of Eden disaster. The second Adam was doing what the first never could, by allowing Himself to be brutally executed and buried. And it was all part of the Father’s wonderful plan.

Romans 5:17 declares, ‘For if by the transgression of the one man, death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive God’s abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ.”

Receive His grace today my friend, to reign in THIS life, and — COME ALIVE!


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Weakness – or Amazing Grace – 285


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Here we continue to rejoice over our Great Salvation in JESUS! Today: “He chose the shame of weakness so that we can know the hope of glory.” The hope of glory.

With Jesus you could never tell. I mean, Lazarus was raised from the dead. So were others. People were cured of the incurable, like leprosy. He stilled the violent storm. 

So Jesus died on the cross, but what if He brought himself back to life? Scary thought for His murderers. At any moment, something could happen. But nothing happened. No angelic intervention. No reply from heaven. No miracle. By the end of that fateful afternoon it appeared to doubters and believers alike that Jesus had completely and totally FAILED to prove His claims.

Jesus’ body hanging on the cross at Calvary appeared to dispute His claim to be the Son of God. No one understood that Jesus had chosen to surrender — to weakness. That surrender began with a prayer for glory. “Father, the time has come.” Jesus prayed that the Father would glorify His son. John 17:1.

Yet there was no appearance of glory that day on Golgotha. No one saw glory that day. Yet decades later Peter wrote — with eyes of faith and saw past the violence of the cross to the Glory that Christ had won there. Peter declared, “We were eyewitnesses to His majesty. 2 Peter 1:16.

To win glory for us, Jesus willingly remained on the cross, refusing to use the power at His disposal to end the shame. It was the real miracle of Calvary. Somehow, in that public defeat of Jesus on the cross, the Son of God forged our greatest victory.

In the shame of the cross Jesus proved all His claims and had won the GLORY. Can you imagine — using death to conquer death? Yet that is exactly what Jesus did! 

Colossians 1:27 “Christ in you, the hope of glory.” Yes one day we will experience the redemption of our bodies, and behold Jesus in His full glory.

It’s this glorious hope we have my friend, a promise strong enough to make you — COME ALIVE!


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Abandonment – 284


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Here we are rejoicing over our Great Salvation in JESUS! Today’s thought: “He was FORSAKEN by the Father so we would never be rejected.”

Jesus and the Father were truly inseparable. Jesus told His disciples “I and the Father are ONE.” John 10:30. The Father Himself declared, as thunder from heaven, “This is My Son Whom I love and with Him I am well pleased.” Matthew 3:17

But when darkness descended on the cross that day at Calvary there was a huge separation between them. There had to be, for Jesus allowed the sin of the world to be placed upon Him.

For the first time in all of eternity, Jesus was alone. Abandoned. No Father. No — answers. Only silence. At Gethsemane Jesus said darkness would reign that hour. Luke 22:53. Luke 23:44-45 says darkness came over the whole land until the ninth hour (that’s 3pm) for the sun stopped shining.

It must’ve been a terrifying time. Unexplained and total blackness. Some people think it was an eclipse. But we know from astronomy that when the moon is full, as it always is for Passover, a total eclipse is impossible. Isn’t this amazing, that at the moment of Jesus’ death on the Cross, the light of the physical sun died because the One who holds the universe together by the word of His power was dying as well. If you can fathom that one please let me know!

Church doctrine said that Jesus descended into hell. That is the price of sin. It might be a place where the absence of God feels like the most depressing burden imaginable. And there is unspeakable agony. Or did Jesus suffer abandonment and agony for the sin of the world while on the Cross, and descend into the Paradise portion of hell to preach the Gospel to the Old Testament saints? Good questions!

We may not have all the answers, but we know that Jesus was forsaken at Golgotha because of our sin. Now because of the redemption Jesus purchased for us in darkness, we can live forever in God’s light. Because of the separation He endured for us, we, who so often have turned our backs on the Father, now have a guarantee that He will never for sake us.

My friend, you are eternally accepted in the Beloved, so — COME  ALIVE!


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Just say NO to scared – 283


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We are recording this during those ‘unprecedented viral times’ when what cannot be seen with the natural eye has caused world-wide fears and prompted all sorts of responses, from ignoring it to punishment by God to confirmation that only locking one’s self away until a universal vaccine is made to ‘save us’ and becomes mandatory will we be able to again.

Well I know a universal vaccine: it’s the blood of Jesus — and available to anyone, anywhere! Check out Hebrews 2:14-15 for some enlightenment: “Now since the children have flesh and blood in common, Jesus also shared in these, so that through His death (shed blood) He might destroy the one holding the power of death—that is, the Devil— and free those who were held in slavery all their lives by the fear of death.”

People are believing wrongly the world over. And wrong believing (failure to believe in Jesus in EVERY aspect of our lives), can be a killer. 

We all know of the Placebo Effect: the idea that your brain can convince your body a fake treatment or pill is the real thing — and because the person believes the treatment is real and genuine they actually get better! Their believing affected their well being. Affected their lives.

There is also the Nocebo Effect: It’s what happens when you’re given a sugar pill for example, but are told it’s a drug that has terrible side effects, then start to exhibit those symptoms. Because you BELIEVED something that was not true: it became true for you! Think about it.

In a humorous true story, a construction worker wearing safety shoes jumped off a small platform and landed on a nail; there it was, sticking right through his shoe. He screamed in pain; EMS brought him to the ER in horrible pain, pain killers were not working, not even fentynol! They carefully cut off his shoe, and found the nail had gone between his toes; there was no injury whatsoever, but what he believed gave him real agonizing pain!

So what of this virus? It’s real, to be sure. Can it kill you? It’s killed many others? BUT if you believe the TRUTH> that Jesus has destroyed the one who held the power of death, the devil, and freed you from the slavery of fear of death, you will do well.

Revel in the freedom Jesus has purchased for you my friend, reject the fear of death, and — COME ALIVE!


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“Kinda Finished?” – 282


Welcome to Hank’s Place – 282

With His last breath of Jesus said “It is finished.” John 19:30. Each Gospel account of the Passion of Jesus is somewhat different. Each writer has their own purpose in writing and each has their intended audience — so each writes from a slightly different perspective.

Matthew and Mark report that before Jesus was offered the wine vinegar on the Cross that He cried out with a loud voice, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” And then expired. Mt 27:46 and Mk 15:34.

Luke however has Jesus speaking after the three hours of darkness across the land, saying, “Father into Your hands I commit My spirit.” And after He said this He breathed His last. Luke 23:46.

Matthew and Mark tell us that Jesus shouted out His final words. It was a victory shout. The thief with Him on a cross entered paradise. The Roman centurion watching Jesus die on the Cross declared this man was the Son of God. Mt 27:84. And for us, eternal life was purchased! Sin, death, the devil: they were all defeated!

John on the other hand simply simply recorded Jesus saying “It is finished.” And with that He bowed His head and gave up His spirit. John 19:30. Not a loud cry as the others, but — ‘saying.’

What was finished? Certainly the Father’s work He had come to accomplish. All the sin of the world had been placed upon one person, God’s Son. The penalty had been fully paid. 

Now other disciples (like you and me) could get about our business of believing in Him, worshiping Him, receiving the extravagant riches of His grace and new mercies everyday — of living IN Christ Jesus, and letting the world know the Amazing Good News in word and DEED!

Today my friend, see Jesus upon that Cross – victoriously crying out IT IS FINISHED. TOTALLY FINISHED, not just kind of finished or mostly finished. Our past is forgiven – and present – and future. Our future is totally secure, we have been accepted eternally in the Beloved. Jesus keeps us, Jesus purified us, Jesus eternally intercedes for us – because it was Finished at Calvary — isn’t that enough for you — to COME ALIVE!


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Jesus offers Living Water – 281


Welcome to Hank’s Place – 281

We’ve been learning more about our Great Salvation in JESUS! How? By using chapter titles from Michael Card’s “A Violent Grace” as a kind of launching pad for our thoughts.

Today, “He suffered thirst so I can drink living water.” John 19:28 On the Cross Jesus uttered, ”I am thirsty.” This was the fulfillment of the final prophecy about the Passion, a quote from Psalms 69:20-21. The soldiers soaked a sponge in wine vinegar and lifted it to Jesus’ lips. It was cheap soured wine that the soldiers often drank themselves while on duty to keep awake.

Jesus was thirsty. Do you recall the other time Jesus was thirsty? It’s in John 4. Early on in His ministry – at Jacob’s well in Samaria. Jesus had a conversation with a Samaritan woman, initiated by His asking her for a drink. Then He offers her living water to drink —even though Jews had nothing to do with Samaritans. And that water, in says in John 4:14, would become in her a ‘spring of water’ welling up to eternal life. 

Jesus was thirsty, and His thirst was both the means and the opportunity for that Samaritan woman to experience lifelong satisfaction and wholeness.

Jesus again spoke of thirst in John 7. Verses 37-38 declare, “If anyone is thirsty let them come to Me and drink, whoever believes in Me as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him.” Pure life-giving water, in a never ending stream, quenching the most desperate thirst, free for whoever – believes. Jesus spoke this during the Feast of Tabernacles. The Feast of Tabernacles celebrated God’s provision of water from the rock in the wilderness, and Jesus wanted everyone to know that it had arrived. This time God had sent living water, but first the ROCK must be struck.

Back to the Cross. How could He who was the living water experience unquenchable thirst? It was truly a mysterious exchange indeed. And now by the power of the Holy Spirit a follower of Jesus need never again experience soul – thirsting. 

Dear believer, through you and through me Jesus still extends His offer to a very thirsty world, “come to Jesus and drink your fill.” Share this Good News with someone today. Help them drink — and COME ALIVE!


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Judgment has been passed – 280


Welcome to Hank’s Place – 280

I’ve been sharing chapter titles from “A Violent Grace” by Michael Card. Why? Because each simple phrase presents to us a fresh facet of our Great Salvation through JESUS!

“He was nailed to the cross so I might escape judgment.” After an unbelievably horrible flogging by the Roman soldiers, it is now time for Jesus’ crucifixion. Jesus has been abandoned by His supporters; only a few weeping women are left. Almost unbelievably, Jesus is required to carry His own cross. John 19:17. Jesus is so weak at this point that He falls. The Romans pick Simon of Cyrene (that’s in Africa) to carry the cross to the place of crucifixion.

Did you know that many Africans believe that because God picked an African to assist Jesus in His last moments, that He will again pick Africans to carry the word of salvation in these last days before His return? And why not?

Well, Jesus is crucified, hanging between heaven and earth. Suffering excruciating pain. The word “excruciating,” literally means “out of the cross.”

He is hanging there alone — no followers, scorned and humiliated, awaiting the most miserable of deaths. But this is also a very unique time. “Now is the time for judgment on this world, now the prince of this world will be driven out. But I, when I am lifted up from the earth will draw all men to myself.” John 12:31- 32.

Paul in Gal 3:13 declares, “Jesus has redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written ‘cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree.’”

Jesus is crucified between two thieves. Both thieves rail against him, but then one has a change of heart. “We are getting what we deserve, but this man has done nothing wrong.” “Remember me when you come into your kingdom,” he says to Jesus. Luke 23:40-41.

He speaks to Jesus on the cross without scorn or mockery. He is the first to address Jesus the way most of us do today. And with his words, that unnamed thief becomes the first to be drawn to the crucified Christ.

Today my friend, see Jesus upon that Cross – carrying our sin – being cursed for us – so we would would be granted eternal life. Call out to your Savior today — call out to Jesus — and COME ALIVE!

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It’s Time We Arrived – 279


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Here’s a little, yet awesome revelation illustrating that life is all about – JESUS. In Mat 14 there is recorded a second storm at sea, with the disciples in a boat. Jesus appears, walking on the water. It’s likely you know the rest – about Peter and his walking on the water – for awhile. But did you notice in vs 33, after Peter and Jesus got into the boat, that it says, “And those who were in the boat worshiped Him, saying, “You are certainly God’s Son!”

In the 1st storm they wondered what sort of man this was who had authority over nature. This is the FIRST recorded instance that the disciples actually worshipped Jesus as God’s Son, Savior, Messiah. John records yet another miracle here. It’s in John 6:21, “So they were willing to receive Him into the boat, and IMMEDIATELY the boat was at the land to which they were going.” IMMEDIATELY.

Can you connect the dots? “Worship Jesus — in the midst of your storm — see Him as Son of God, your SAVIOR — this is your destination in life.” Another way to see it, “Our goal in life, of everyone’s life, is to see Jesus as who He is, and worship Him. In doing so we will – have arrived!

I’ve been sharing chapter titles from “A Violent Grace” by Michael Card, but today’s thought though isn’t quite a chapter title. It is, “He was crowned with thorns, so we could be receive a robe of righteousness.” In Genesis 3, after the fall, God states the ground will no longer yield an effortless abundance, but thorns and thistles, and we will have to labor for a good harvest. At Calvary we see Jesus with that crown of thorns – thorns, the symbol of sin, being roughly thrust upon Him.

2 Cor 5:21 in the Amplified says, “He made Christ who knew no sin to [judicially] be sin on our behalf, so that in Him we would become the righteousness of God [that is, we would be made acceptable to Him and placed in a right relationship with Him by His gracious lovingkindness].”

Today my friend, see Jesus wearing that crown of thorns – becoming king of sin – our sin – so we would be acceptable to God and placed in right relationship with Him – without regard to our performance, FOR ALL TIME. Shout for joy — and COME ALIVE!

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Verily Verily – 278


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I’ve been sharing chapter titles from “A Violent Grace” by Michael Card. Our chapter title today is “He was condemned so the Truth could set me free.”

The King James version has Jesus saying, “Verily verily.” Modern translations Jesus says “I tell you the truth.” And He says “I tell you the truth” — 80 times.

Jesus came from the Father FULL of grace and truth. Jn 1:14. He tells Nicodemus the truth. Jn 3:3, 5, 11. He tells the people in the temple the truth. His new converts. The angry mob determined to kill him. His anxious disciples. To Pilate during His trial.

Jesus is only one source of true freedom. The Way, the Truth, the Life. Jn 14:6.

Speaking the truth can cause a lot of trouble when it collides with beliefs or behaviors that are wrong, but held by those in power. Jesus’ teachings, which were truth, turned the world upside down for a lot of people, even good people. Truth can upset comfort zones. Jesus frequently presented Himself as the truth. When Thomas asks how can we know the Way, Jesus says “I am the way.” Philip asks, show us the Father and Jesus says “if you’ve seen me you’ve seen the Father.” Jesus declared HE is the truth. 

Much like today’s political witch hunts, getting at the truth was not what the people were interested in at Jesus’ trial. Jesus urged us to embrace the truth saying in Jn 8:31-32, “If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” Yet Jesus was condemned for telling the truth. It cost Him His life.

Seems like Truth took a big hit at Calvary. Lost out. Even the apostles felt that way. 

But wait! Jesus declared: I am the Resurrection and the Life! Truth always wins in the end . The apostle John writes Jesus’ return in Revelation 19:11, “ And I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse, and He who sat on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and wages war.”

Jesus Christ, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, has another name, “Faithful and TRUE.” TRUTH does WIN in the end my friend, so keep the faith — and COME ALIVE!

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