Work vs Yield – 396


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Hank’s Place is a place — of God’s grace. A place where we have ceased striving with our feeble attempts to prove our acceptability before God, and now KNOW that He is God, the God who justifies and makes righteous as a free gift by His grace — all for putting our trust, our believing into whom He has sent as Savior: Jesus Christ. 

That’s a mouthful, and it is all true! Today let’s look at Galatians, chapter 5. Paul declares in the first verse, “Stand fast therefore in THE liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage.” 

Jesus HAS made us free. If we live in bondage to a legal relationship with God, it isn’t because God wills it. God pleads with us to take His strength and walk in that freedom, and to not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage. Notice that it is Christ who has made us free. We don’t make ourselves free. Freedom is a gift of Jesus, given to us — received by faith. When we struggle to free ourselves, we just become more entangled again with a yoke of bondage.

Paul made it emphatic: THE liberty. Not the false liberty of doing whatever we want, and never denying any desire. THE liberty is our freedom from the tyranny of having to earn our own way to God, the freedom from sin and guilt and condemnation, freedom from the penalty of sin, the power of sin, and eventually freedom from the presence of sin. We cannot thru struggling, free ourselves, nor gain TRUE liberty.

Recently I heard a preacher, 20+ years of pastoring, speak on Galatians 5, 16 thru 24, the works of the flesh contrasted to the fruit of the Spirit. Somehow he missed the huge point that fleshly actions are WORKS, efforts. And the actions of the Spirit through us are FRUITS. He spoke of struggling daily to perform all the fruits of the Spirit. Laying one burden after another upon the listeners, more “to-do’s” in a never ending ‘to-do list’ if we WORK at being Christian. We can STRIVE in the flesh or choose to YIELD to the Spirit. 

Verses 16-18 in the Passion Bible read, “As you YIELD to the dynamic life and power of the Holy Spirit, you will abandon the cravings of your self-life. When your self-life craves the things that offend the Holy Spirit, you hinder Him from living free within you! And the Holy Spirit’s intense cravings hinder your self-life from dominating you! So then, the two incompatible and conflicting forces within you are your self-life of the flesh and the NEW CREATION life of the Spirit.

Isn’t it time to abandon our Christian “to-do” list, but YIELD to the life of the Spirit of God within us? We will soar — and COME ALIVE!


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Out With Rules – 395

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Hank’s Place is a place of grace — God’s grace. Not to worry if you are ‘good enough’ or have ‘done enough’ or ‘repented enough,’ or ‘sacrificed enough’ to join in — you are welcome because the blood of Jesus has cleansed believers from all unrighteousness, from every failure, from every missing of the mark. Because of Jesus, we now receive God’s mercies, lovingkindness, goodness — good things — He loves us beyond measure and can demonstrate it towards us — thanks to Jesus our Savior.

Some people stumble over the goodness of God, insisting there are rules that must be kept in order to receive from God or get closer to God. It’s not about the rules. A focus on rule keeping keeps us from exploring the riches of God’s grace – Galatians 5:4 says rule keeping causes a person to ‘fall from grace’ — not that God’s grace is no longer available, but that they are choosing to live at a much a lower level than God intended.

Such a person might bring up Romans 2:13 saying, “Well, didn’t Paul say, “For it is not the hearers of the law who are just before God, but the doers of the Law will be justified.”” And add, “See, we must keep all the rules in order to gain God’s approval.”

Doers of the law will be justified?! Wait. What’s with Paul? That’s the opposite of what he said in Romans 5:1, “Since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” And Galatians 3:12, “However, the Law is not of faith; on the contrary, “He who practices them shall live by them.””

So why does Paul say doers of the law will be justified? Check the context; he was saying, “just hearing the law is not enough, you have to keep it – and none of us can!” Isn’t it clear; we are justified by faith, not law. If we try to impress God with our law-keeping, we fall from grace and cut ourselves off from Christ.

Like us today, those Romans knew about laws. Like many believers, they had been raised on a diet of rules. They thought if they heard the rules, studied the rules, and hung them on their walls, God would be impressed. Nope. You have to KEEP all the rules — and no one can.

Paul is not calling us imperfect souls to attempt the impossible; he’s trying to get us to admit defeat. Doers of the law will be justified, but we are not that person. Jesus was the perfect Doer of the law — and Jesus offers us this same justification, this same righteousness, as a free gift — by faith.

Let’s not focus on ‘the rules’ but let’s see JESUS offering us the gift of righteousness. By faith receive today — and COME ALIVE!


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Self-denial’s not what it’s cracked up to be – 394


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Last message the topic was dying to self, or denying self, taking up one’s cross and following Jesus. I hope I made it clear that Jesus was not preaching self-denial. The idea that self-denial makes you a better, holier, more righteous person — is nonsense. All it does is leave you with anxieties and insecurities.

“Have I denied myself enough?” You can never know. So you’d better deny yourself some more, just to be safe. In Colossians 2:20-23 Paul lumped this in with what he called the elementary principles of this world. They look good, sound good to the natural mind but are useless and of no value against fleshly indulgence.

And, he reminds us of the good news that Jesus died so that we might be free from this sort of dead and useless religion; that in Christ we HAVE died to these things.

Jesus is the way. He is salvation. It’s through Him and the Cross. He is the only way to heaven and eternal life.

Paul reminds us several times that we, too, through His death, have also died to the things of this world, especially sin.

“I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me” – Galatians 2:20.
“You have died with Christ” – Col 2:20
“We have died with Christ” – Rom 6:8
“Therefore all died” – 2 Cor 5:14

However, the reason most Christians struggle to live the Christian life is they do not know they have died with Christ. And since they don’t know that they died with Christ, they are constantly trying to die. The truth is that when we were baptized or placed into Christ, we were also baptized into His death – Rom 6:3.

The person we used to be – dead in our sins and alienated from the life of God – no longer lives, but it is Christ lives in us.

We don’t die daily – once was sufficient – just as we don’t get born again every day. But every day we get to choose whether we walk after the flesh or the spirit.

“Walking after the flesh” doesn’t necessarily mean running around getting drunk and doing bad stuff. For the Christian, the flesh often takes on the subtler guise of good works, Christian duty, and self-improvement.

To deny ourself means “Trust Jesus instead of ourselves.” Don’t fall back to the inferior ways of the flesh that you once walked in, my friend, when you were an unbeliever. Instead, stand firm in the freedom of Christ.

The TRUSTING LIFE is an adventure and it’s good to daily remind ourselves that “God is for me. How can I fail?”
Today, let’s not crawl — but fly! Conscious of our loving Father’s acceptance and approval, let’s soar on eagles’ wings. And COME ALIVE!


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Pickup Thy Cross? – 393


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In Luke 9:23 Jesus was saying to them all, “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow Me.”

Owe, that sounds pretty un-graceful, doesn’t it? Discouraging? Well, Jesus was speaking to a people still under the Old Covenant with its demands in the flesh. At Calvary, thanks to Jesus giving up His life for us, the New Covenant came into being. From works to be performed, to promises (by God) to be believed. The difference is like night and day for us, my friend.

So, with New Covenant glasses, let’s look at this verse again. Can you hear Jesus admonishing us to say “no” to trusting in ourselves, admonishing us to remember we have died with Him, and have been crucified with Him? That’s Galatians 2:20. And admonishing us to daily place our trust in Him, following the leading of the Spirit? Daily the flesh, our flesh, will try to rise up or be tempted to rise up and take charge with its lusts, desires, or fears and anxieties. Or the lazies. So ‘daily’ is a good word when we think of placing our trust in Jesus; having faith toward God.

The Bible tells us Jesus’ cross in a very real sense became our cross, that’s Galatians 2:20 again, yet many of us Christians don’t realize it. Instead, we keep trying to die to self, not realizing we have already died with Christ and have risen with Him. Who says so? God says so!

As Paul Ellis of Escape to Reality says, “Contrary to what is sometimes taught, denying self does not mean denying your needs, appetites and desires. Abstaining from food, Facebook, or fun will not make anyone righteous and holy. The ancient message of self-denial is nothing more than asceticism dressed up in religious jargon. And that my friend, is a message that promotes self-righteousness and DIY religion.”

Say you hear a message that says you need to fast and pray to become spiritually mature. To hear God better. So you decide to fast and pray. Immediately you are no longer walking by the Spirit, no longer trusting in the finished work of the Cross. You are trusting in your own fasting and praying to make you mature, more sensitive to God. Where does the Lord fit in this picture? He doesn’t, and that’s the problem. It is dead religion, and it is a faithless way to live.

Today my dear friends, choose to see yourself crucified with Christ, risen with Him in Holy Spirit power and anointing, free from condemnation. Choose to walk by the Spirit — and COME ALIVE!


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Danger – Dead Works Working – 392


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[First, a shout out to Michael Edwards of for some of the material I’m sharing.] 

As you may be aware, many sincere Christians, perhaps yourself, labor under clouds of accusation and condemnation. Accusations of failure as a Christian in so many ways, condemnation that they have not done ‘enough’ and will never hear the words, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” Matthew 25:21.

Well, time to give thanks to Jesus! Jesus has paid for all of our sins on the cross. We were washed completely clean by the blood of Jesus. We were totally forgiven, made fully right with God by faith through grace alone. Not our efforts. It is GOD who has qualified us to share eternity with Him as His children. We can expect to hear the words, “Welcome home son, welcome home daughter” with no reference as a mere servant who does NOT have an inheritance in the master’s household. John 8:35. Remember, Jesus spoke those ‘faithful servant’ words to a people still under the Old Covenant.

By questioning, “Have I done enough,” we may enter into more works: praying longer, louder, more Bible study, more church, more good works — all in an attempt to find approval before God. Approval we already have through Jesus. Works in hope of gaining approval are — dead works. 

Once we were guilty — we are no longer guilty. Jesus’ blood has paid the ransom. Any work we do out of guilt is a dead work, no matter how ‘good’ it appears. 

Trying to be more holy? Stop. Those efforts are dead works — for we are already holy by the blood of Jesus Christ. Hebrews 10:10.

Trying to be more sanctified? Dead works, for we are already sanctified by the blood of Jesus. 1 Corinthians 6:11.

Trying to complete yourself, you are being completed? Dead works, for we are already complete in Christ. Colossians 2:10. Now we are renewing our minds to this truth. Romans 12:2.

Trying to be righteous, right with God through law-keeping and good works? Those efforts are dead works for we are already righteous in Christ. 2 Corinthians 5:21.

Our old self was crucified with Him, freeing us from slavery to sin. Rom 6:6-7. Therefore, trying to perfect the old self when God sees it as crucified with Christ on the cross and dead, is a dead work. God is not looking at the sins of our dead flesh nor has God put our dead flesh in school so it can learn something for eternity. 

It’s time to believe God’s word concerning Christ. Satan is the one who wants us to doubt, strive in our flesh, and burn out. Believe God’s word today — enter His rest, and COME ALIVE!


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Dead Works – Living God! 391


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Redemption, the forgiveness of sins, became a reality some 2,000 years ago — through the blood of Jesus, shed on Calvary’s cross. Hebrews 9:13-14 tells us that under the Old Covenant the blood of goats and bulls, cleansed the flesh, that is, merely covered sins committed; then adds, how much MORE will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without blemish to God, cleanse our conscience from DEAD WORKS to serve the living God!

So, what are dead works? For Hebrew Christians it was going back to the works required under the Old Covenant. What about us? Might we be committing dead works today? Let’s find out! First, a shout out to Michael Edwards of for some of the material I’m sharing. 

Dead works. Understand, Jesus has paid for all of our sins on the cross. We are washed completely clean by the blood of Jesus. We are totally forgiven and made fully right with God by faith through grace alone. Ephesians 2:8. GOD has qualified us to share eternity with Him as His children.

A dead work today, is any work that is done in an attempt to be right with or maintain our right standing with God. It is an attempt to clean what He has already cleansed. Thus, that work is useless. Jesus has completely washed us clean, and now we want to take a bath to get clean? Dead work!

Anything we do out of guilt or fear to appease God, trying to be right with Him, more holy, more saintly — is a DEAD WORK — because we are already right with God by the blood of Jesus Christ. We have an eternal salvation due to ever living blood of our Savior. Hebrews 10:10.

Dead works indicate a lack of understanding about God’s promises and our righteousness in Christ. Dead works are generated from worry, fear, doubt and guilt. Maybe you worry, “Have I done enough?” “Am I good enough?” “Is God angry with me?” These thoughts are the seeds from which dead works spring.

As lovers of Jesus we certainly have an innate desire to please Him in all we do. But is there anything you are doing for God, such as keeping the 10 Commandments, not sinning, helping at church, giving money, acting a certain way, reading the Bible every day, praying every day —  that you fear, if stopped, would make God angry with you or possibly forfeit your salvation? Oh my! You have made good things into dead works!

Today, consider Jesus and His blood, then let go of dead works — you’ll COME ALIVE!


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Our Blessed Hope Has Risen – 390


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Matthew 28 records that certain women had come to the tomb of Jesus in the early dawn, and a mighty angel was there, who said to the women, “Do not be afraid; for I know that you are looking for Jesus who has been crucified. He is not here, for He has risen, just as He said. Come, see the place where He was lying. Go quickly and tell His disciples that He has risen from the dead; and behold, He is going ahead of you into Galilee, there you will see Him; behold, I have told you.”

Rejoice today, for He has risen, just as He promised. And ALL His promises to us are all true and sure. Let us hold fast our hope in this wild world. “For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all men. Titus 2. Titus adds this grace of God instructs us to deny ungodliness, to live sensibly, righteously and godly, and to look for the BLESSED HOPE and (re)appearing of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus, who gave Himself for us – to redeem and purify for Himself a people for His own possession.

Wow! What Jesus endured was for us – to redeem – to purify – to make us His own possession. We are no longer are own, we have been bought with a price, the precious blood of Jesus — and WE BELONG TO HIM.

He will not fail us; He will not forsake us. And there is coming the glorious re-appearing of Jesus Christ, our great God and Savior who is our Blessed Hope! Our hope is “blessed” in that Jesus’ return will be an amazing, joyful experience for we believers in Christ.

The word hope here doesn’t communicate uncertainty you see, but rather the glad assurance that something WILL take place. Jesus is our hope, and no one can take that hope away. He will return. He said so. The angels said so – Acts 1:11. The epistles say so. We will be blessed beyond measure when we see Christ. The trials of this life will be over, and we will see that “our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.” Romans 8:18.

Rejoice this Easter Sunday, dear friend. Christ Jesus has risen indeed. And Christ Jesus, our Blessed Hope, WILL return – just as He said. May this truth bring you great joy.

Look up, receive a fresh infilling of hope by His Spirit today of all days, and COME ALIVE!


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No Reverse Gear – 389


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In Numbers 11 we find the people complaining about their situation. They had left Egypt, were on a journey that wasn’t peaches and cream. Have you ever complained about your situation? We all have at some time. They were stuck in the desert with that manna from heaven. Waiting for the cloud to move. Grumbling. One translation identifies the grumblers as ‘a mixed multitude,’ indicating not only Israelites but other former slaves as well as Egyptians who had gone with them. People with little knowledge of the Living God.

Moses heard them complaining. So did God. Complaining about the journey and the manna. Hey, that manna was tasty, some say much like fresh donuts but with energy for the entire day! God was with them. Shady cloud by day, warming fire by night. Their protection and direction. 

God’s anger blazed up at their complaints. Unhappy with Me? Want meat? God promised them meat to eat. For an entire month, saying, “You’re going to be so sick of meat that you’ll throw up at the mere mention of it. And here’s why: Because you have rejected God who is right here among you, whining to His face, ‘Oh, why did we ever have to leave Egypt?’” Verse 19. They were looking for reverse gear.

It’s an interesting chapter. Moses asks God where was all that meat going to come from, and God replies in verse 23, “So, do you think I can’t take care of you?” That My hand is so short it cannot reach you? You’ll see soon enough…. And they did!

Dear friend, I feel this is a word for our time, in these days of grace. Perhaps we feel like we are in a desert. Wandering. Pilgrims in search of something better. Wickedness seemingly in control worldwide, nationwide for sure. Perhaps we are downcast and even grumbling. “Where is God” we might be saying. Wishing for reverse gear.

This is not a time for grumbling, fear, or reverse gear. It IS a time, however, to fear NOT, to recall His promises toward us believers. A time to take courage, not from what we hear in media but from the eternal Word of God. 

Today is the day to lift our heads, for our redemption is one day closer. To lift our heads and rejoice in the God Who is faithful, gracious, merciful — Who has purposed GOOD for His people. He WILL preserve us and bring us through. YES!

I believe it is a time to celebrate His victory — in the world, the nation, our lives, BEFORE we see it in the natural. Why, it’s a day to break out into a victory dance, letting the Holy Spirit come upon us.

Yes, today is OUR DAY — to COME ALIVE!


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Let’s GO – 388


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In the world we see wars, rumors of wars, famines, earthquakes, even pestilence – Mark 13:7-8, Matthew 24:6 right there on the Internet and the news – Jesus tells us not to be alarmed for these are only the beginnings of the birth pangs preceding His glorious return.

Yikes! Not alarmed? The devil has been working hard through these things to sow fear into everyone. The devil rules by fear. Jesus says, “Don’t be alarmed.” The Father holds us securely in the palm of His hand. Things that have to happen in the world don’t have to happen to His children, us, even as Israel was preserved in Egypt during the plagues.

The Bible shows God intervening on behalf of His people numerous time. Today, I firmly believe that God HAS HEARD our cries, our tears — taken account the evil being perpetrated upon the innocent world-wide, and is declaring justice to be served. Let us look with expectancy for the Holy Spirit to do amazing things – even this month!

With that in mind, remember, God loves the entire world, and has told us, to “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” Mark 16:15, Matthew 28:20.

The idea of a faith that should GO into all the world wasn’t a part of the Jewish thinking in Jesus’ day. It wasn’t part of pagan thinking, either. GOING with this Good News was a revolutionary idea in its time. For you and I personally to GO seems pretty revolutionary even this day, doesn’t it?

Well, the word “GO” has the sense in the original of “as you go” – not everyone goes to the ends of the earth, to unreached people groups, but ALL of US encounter unreached, hurting people in our daily lives. People filled with fears. People in need of some Good News.

Some Good News that God loves them, is concerned for them personally, and desires to help them.
Some Good News that He already sent a Savior to deliver them from sin, and performance, and evil.
Some Good News that in calling upon Jesus in genuine belief anyone can be saved from this evil age.

Think you cannot do that? Hey, we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Philippians 4:13. Think of this not so much as a command, but about helping the hurting, the needy. Maybe it’s a “God bless you.” Or a “God loves you and wants to help you. Can I pray with you about that ‘thing’ right now?”

Jesus is especially concerned about healing sick people. Luke 9 and 10. Maybe we can pray for a person to be healed. Or command a sickness or a demon to leave them in Jesus’ name. Jesus promised to work with us. Mark 16:20. So let’s take courage!

Let’s allow the Spirit of God to help us see others as He sees them. Amazing things are in store. Why, people will be COMING ALIVE!


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No Second Guessing – 387


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Don’t be hasty to judge your spiritual performance, dear friend. Lets take a look at John the Baptist. He had a calling. A vision. A purpose. According to Luke 1:17 he was the “forerunner of the Lord, in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers back to the children, and the disobedient to the attitude of the righteous, so as to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.”

A BIG BIG calling. Was he successful? Did he live up to it? Remember, a couple years into his ministry – BOOM – he is imprisoned by Herod — and beheaded. Doesn’t sound very successful. A couple years? If his calling was in the spirit and power of Elijah, where were the great miracles like Elijah? Any miracles? None. Not – one – miracle. 

While imprisoned it appears he was assailed by doubts. Second guessing. For he even sent his followers to Jesus, asking, “Are you the Expected One? Or do we look for another” Luke 7:19. Looks like even John the Baptist wondered if he blew his calling. But Jesus said of those born of women there was none greater. Luke 7:28. That’s pretty good affirmation of John’s success, right?

How about you and me? The devil and the flesh will constantly have us compare ourselves with others and their performance. At pastoral forums or ministerial gatherings it is not uncommon for pastors to humbly brag how many souls were saved, or people attending, or were water baptized, and such. Even pastors and priests feel performance challenges.

The devil will press each of us to measure ourselves by ourselves and others and we invariably come up short. Well, don’t buy into his measurements, my friend. 

A number of years ago my wife and I were on a mission trip in Europe, and stopped a few days in Ireland to encourage missionary friends and a small group of Christians. Outside of a few words of encouragement it seemed – a non event. 

We felt discouraged over that time, but a year later one young woman from that group came to the United States and saw us. And she spoke about how my wife had had a profound effect on her life; turned it all around she declared! She and her husband had gone and started a new church in Cork, praise the Lord!

Later the Holy Spirit revealed to Mary that that one person was the reason we were sent to Ireland. My friend, Jesus might send YOU to one person, or ONE place, for ONE time, even half-way around the world. To impact a life. Jesus is head of His body – LORD – He calls the shots. 

So, don’t second guess your spiritual activity – just listen and follow the Spirit. This life is meant to be an adventure in Christ Jesus — in the Holy Spirit. So stop measuring, start adventuring — you’ll COME ALIVE!


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