At C.A. F. E.

Everyone is naturally thirsty—

Thirsty for Jesus, although they may not realize it—

Jesus, God’s Son was sent into the world, not to judge, but to save it.

[Jn 3:17]
Does anyone have God’s approval—

He’s taken our BAD and given us His GOOD (Righteousness) so that forever we can be ‘right’ with God. Earning God’s stamp of approval is impossible.
On the other hand it is a free gift! Don’t delay, receive it today.

AT C.A.F.E. realize your approval
[Col 2:14 - 2 Cor 5:21 - Ro 5:17 - Ro 10:4 - Col 2:6 - Phil 2:12,13]
It’s a mystery we cannot fathom—


  • working for it
  • employing liturgy
  • doing good deeds, making sacrifices
  • following tradition, rites, creeds
  • keeping good attendance
  • faithful giving

But simply by calling upon His name we are saved.

We call, and Jesus comes to live LIFE with, through and IN us.

Stop working for what Jesus died to give you.

AT C.A.F.E. realize YOU HAVE been made COMPLETE in him!
[Col 1:27 - Ro 10:13]
It’s about our father—

Feeling like the whole world is accusing you? That your life isn’t worth living?

Those feelings are lies, that’s all. The truth is you have become an heir of God.

You’ve been adopted. A forever son! A son forever!

An heir doesn’t ‘earn it’ —

An heir is ‘given it’ — through inheritance!

C.A.F.E. embrace your “abba” Father
[Ro 8:9, 14 - Heb 1:3 - Jn 1:18, 14]