Peeper Fixing – 535


Welcome to Hank’s Place — 

Last week I shared from Hebrews 12:2, about the JOY set before Jesus – OUR JOY! Excellent message. Today we are back to that same verse — it begins, “Fixing our eyes upon Jesus…” Why fix our eyes on Jesus you ask? Because He is the author and finisher of our faith!
We look and KEEP LOOKING to Jesus. When we first looked to Jesus He gave us our salvation. And forgiveness of our sins. He gave us a new nature. He wrote His laws upon our minds and hearts so we would know WHAT pleases God and WANT to do it! Hebrews 10:16.
Romans 11:18 says He actually supports and sustains us. And He sanctifies us. 1 Thessalonians 5:23. And He will COMPLETE the good work He has begun in us. Philippians 1:6.
What powerful assurance of His care for us. This is a worrisome world but let us keep our eyes on Him.
Speaking of worry, here’s what Jesus had to say about it in Matthew 6. Beginning with verse 25. Jesus addresses our major worries, assuring us our Heavenly Father WILL provide ALL we need – food, water, clothing—everything our body needs. He explains there is far more to our lives than worrying where the next meal is coming from. Or our clothing.
He reminds us our heavenly Father provides food for the birds of the air. And we are much more valuable to our Father than they. Our Heavenly Father robes the fields with beautiful flowers and they last only a short time, so don’t you think He will provide us with the clothes we need?
Worry cannot add a single thing to our lives! Worry is actually a form of doubting our Father, Jesus declares. Why would we say, ‘What will we eat?’ or ‘What will we drink?’ or ‘What will we wear?’ Unbelievers do that. Our Heavenly Father already knows all our needs? So let’s trust Him.
We show our trust in Him by constantly seeking His kingdom and His righteousness. In doing so all these less important things will be given to us — abundantly.  Rather than worry about tomorrow, let’s deal with each challenge that comes our way, one day at a time. Tomorrow will take care of itself. Who says so? JESUS says so!
Mary and I have lived life trusting in Jesus and our Heavenly Father. Through COUNTLESS times and impossible circumstances. Yet the impossible became possible. He has never failed us. And He will never fail YOU.
TODAY, double check that your peepers are looking to Jesus. YOU’LL — COME ALIVE!



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