Welcome to Hank’s Place —
In Paul’s very emotional closing words to the elders of the church at Ephesus in Acts 20:24 he says, “…I do not consider my life of any account as dear to myself, so that I may finish my course and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify solemnly of the gospel of God’s grace.” This Good News is seriously GOOD NEWS, for it declares GOD’S GRACE to whosoever. It’s the grace of God that makes the Good News, GOOD NEWS!
Paul dedicated his life to the gospel of God’s grace. This message was so important, he said, that anyone who preached a different gospel should be cursed. Galatians 1:9.
The gospel of grace is far from a license to sin; in fact, it offers God’s power dwelling within us, for us to resist sin!
It is the grace of God that saves us, sanctifies us, and keeps us secure to the end. It’s the love of God that comes to us through his Son and empowers us to be who God made us to be. It is so incredibly awesome – can you imagine that Almighty God, who reigns supreme, sits upon a throne of grace towards us! And wants to share His life with us. This life is found in His Son, JESUS!
Here are some truths from the Bible that are true because of God’s grace; they are not dependent upon our efforts or achievements:
God loves us unconditionally
God accepts us just the way we are
God has forgiven all our sins
God holds nothing against us
God justifies us and makes us righteous
God makes us a brand new creation
God adopts us into His family making us co-heirs with Christ
It is God’s grace by which we are saved and kept
Through God’s grace He has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in Christ
God’s grace is better than anything we can dream or imagine. Being justified by His grace, no enemy can condemn us. If by grace His has given us His son, what is there that He won’t give us? Romans 8:31-39.
As 2025 unfolds, let’s take to heart Paul’s warnings not to listen to those who preach something other than the gospel of grace.
How do we tell the difference? In short a grace-based message will leave you praising God and thanking Jesus. A graceless message on the other hand, will place a burden upon you, have you making promises you can’t keep and then condemn you for not keeping them.
Give God the glory today for His amazing grace — you’ll COME ALIVE!
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Keep up the good work…. Well done good and faithful servant… Shslom