Welcome to Hank’s Place –
Here is a question for you: “What are you DOING – to EARN – God’s gifts of grace?” Ha! You’re probably saying, “Well Hank, don’t you know that no one can earn God’s gifts for they are bestowed by grace. He gives graciously because of who He is. His grace gifts cannot be worked for or earned or they wouldn’t be by grace.” Romans 5:15 and many others. I totally agree with you. A gift is not a gift if you have to earn it. His grace is a gift and obtained thru faith alone.
I told my dear wife I had a question for her, but before I could even ask her, she answered, saying, “Jesus has already provided for us – ALL THINGS necessary for LIFE and GODLINESS!” That’s 2 Peter 1:3. Like salvation, all things necessary for LIFE and GODLINESS are available to us through Jesus Christ. By grace. God’s grace. Our part is not to earn them, but to have faith in Jesus – and receive them.
So my friend, have faith in God — daily. Let’s not scramble around like a chicken without a head in difficult times, don’t fret, but rest in what Jesus has done for us. Let’s allow Him to lavish us with waves of grace. Let our requests be made known. Ask Him, the God of the impossible, for help, for all things are possible to Him. Let’s give thanks ahead of seeing it.
Ah, but perhaps you say you can’t do that because it was you who messed up. That the impossible situation is because you did something wrong, failed to consider something, didn’t read the fine print — whatever. That it is your fault and God is expecting you to pay for it and live with the consequences. Is that what you are thinking?
Or are you doing what many Christians do when they fail or don’t measure up, or come in out of the running, or miss the promotion — and that is to resolve to try harder. Work harder. Do better the next time. In other words, respond just like the world.
Well, let’s get a real grip on who we are – in Christ – WHOSE we are – in Christ. Let’s consider afresh the blood of Jesus!
Take another look at Calvary’s Cross – those failures, the sins, they are all there, yours and mine, and paid for by His blood. So reject that spirit of condemnation. We’re accepted in Christ Jesus. Reject that spirit of hopelessness and depression. Thank Jesus for making a way out of the mess. Apply faith – in God! That throne of judgment has become a throne of grace — let’s come confidently before that throne. Ask for wisdom, understanding, promotion. Whatever we need. God will act on upon our requests. Gracefully.
And we’ll COME ALIVE!
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Good word Hank…keep looking up…keep encouraging…well done good and faithful servants…shalom