Welcome to Hank’s Place –
“My only aim is to complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.” I’m quoting Paul in Acts 20:24, but it is certainly my aim here at Hank’s Place as well.
The word Gospel means Good News. There is no bad news in the good news! As Dr Paul Ellis notes, “The good news of God’s grace declares that God is not mad at you, He’s mad about you. The One who sits on a throne of grace blesses you, not because you are good, but because He is good and He longs to be good to you.” Dr Ellis adds, “Grace declares that God is for us and with us, and He freely gives us everything we need for life and godliness. Grace invites you to come in from the cold, rest from your labors, and feast at the table of His abundance. Grace is what makes the new covenant new and the good news good news.”
Because of God’s grace found in the New Covenant, there is no longer guilt or condemnation and none of the usual demands for blood, sweat, and tears as found in performance based religion. Our focus now is not on what WE have to do, but upon what Jesus Christ HAS DONE.
In the Epistle to the Ephesians, Paul states he is writing to all the devoted believers who have been made holy by being one with Jesus, the Anointed One. What? Wait? We believers have been made holy? Many preachers declare believers are merely “sinners saved by grace.” I’m sure you have heard it as well. But that’s not the truth! We HAVE BEEN MADE HOLY! Paul explains that when we believed, God brought us into UNION with Himself!
Our union, with the Lord is mentioned hundreds of times in Scripture. Like a branch on a vine, we believers are one with the Lord. John 15:5. And Jesus Himself said, “You are in me and I am in you.” John 14:20. Our union with the Lord is intimate, unbreakable, and the means by which we experience the abundant life that flows from the fullness of His love.
And His holiness. We have become holy because He is eternally holy and we are ONE with Him. And that’s just one blessing! I like the way the Good New Bible renders 1 Corinthians 1:5, “In union with Christ you have become rich in all things.” Think about that. That perfect connection between us and God Almighty. It is perfect and eternal for He created it!
TODAY, I urge you NOT to think of yourself as a weak, failure of a Christian — that’s how the devil wants you to think. Look at Jesus. See His perfection and think on the union you have with Him. Then RECEIVE grace, favor, blessings, all that you need because of that union — you’ll COME ALIVE!
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