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In Genesis 14 Abram rescues his nephew Lot, who had been captured along with the king of Sodom and other kings. Abram refuses to take any reward from the rescued kings. He must have had some concerns about the future, such as what if the defeated kings regrouped and attacked him later?
What his concerns, GOD reassures him in the next chapter, saying, “Fear not Abram, for I AM your shield and your exceedingly great reward.” God then makes a covenant with him, with Jesus being Abram’s stand in. Abram needed ‘only’ to believe. Later he was referred to as “Abraham, the Believer.”
What did Abraham need to do? He needed to BELIEVE God would keep His promises. “Abraham, the Believer.” This covenant with Abraham, like the new covenant, was a grace-based covenant since Abraham was not required to “do” anything. Abraham was resting in the promises of God. The promises of God are made and fulfilled by God himself, without any regard for our performance.
Abraham had a moment of wavering – remember Ishmael? Most of us struggle at times as Abraham did, trying to do ‘our part’ in earning blessings of God. It doesn’t work that way. That way is the way of the flesh. No faith in that. We are blessed because of what Jesus Christ did for us. Let’s continue believing in our Father as faithful and loving — the promise keeping God.
To review, God said to Abram, “I AM your exceedingly great reward.” Think about that. God telling, Abram, I AM giving you Myself. All that I AM, is yours. That’s how biblical covenant works. Think of marriage. The man, and the woman, covenanting together, each declaring all that they are, all they have, they give to the other. Two become one.
In the New Covenant, God has placed us IN CHRIST. All that we are has been placed IN HM. And GOD Himself has come to live in us eternally. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I you understand that please explain it to me! I haven’t yet grasped the depth of what that means, it doesn’t stop me from asking Father to reveal the depths! And thanking Him! God Himself is our reward for believing in Him and His salvation through Jesus Christ, oh Hallelujah!
God has given believers — Himself. Whoa. Dear friend, let’s toss off that loneliness and defeat and condemnation. God is victorious, a Champion. He is in us. We are likewise champions in Him. More than conquerors. Able. Overcomers. Victorious. Cheerful. Hopeful. Successful. And more.
Today let us get ahold of this revelation – and COME ALIVE!
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