Spirit Led – 2 of 2 – 465


Welcome to Hank’s Place –

Last week I began sharing about being led of the Spirit. It sure is better than trying to predict the future! We have God’s unbreakable promise to lead those who believe in Him by His Holy Spirit and show us things to come. John 16:33.

Asking the Lord to speak to you about something is an awesome way to pray. Praying in the Spirit, in tongues, is praying directly to God. Do so, and expect a reply dear friend.

As I said, Scripture doesn’t give us much detail about being led of the Spirit. God’s not limited how He leads. But we do find some more instances in Scripture to gain wisdom.

In Acts 10:19-20 Peter was awaiting lunch when he suddenly fell into a trance and saw unclean animals in a sheet. He heard the words “Kill and eat.” And “what God has cleansed do not consider unholy.” Three times. Then the Spirit told him to accompany the gentiles at the door asking for him. And off went Peter, to the home of a centurion named Cornelius and the rest is glorious history for Jews and gentile.

Luke 2:27 says an old man named Simeon came in the Spirit into the temple, and blessed the baby Jesus and His parents. But again Scripture doesn’t reveal how he entered the Spirit nor give us an idea of what being ‘in the Spirit’ is like. Acts 8:29 records the Spirit simply speaking to Philip, telling him to go up and join the chariot of the Ethiopian eunuch.

Paul and Barnabas went on their first missionary journey after the Holy Spirit spoke during a time they were ministering to the Lord with fasting, Acts 13:2. Audibly? Inner voice? We don’t know.

In Acts 16:6-7 Paul and Silas were forbidden to enter certain regions with the Gospel. Not sure how the Spirit got that across to them. Paul in Acts 20:22 declares he is bound by the Spirit to go to Jerusalem. How did he know? We not given insight.

In Revelation John is suddenly, immediately, “in the Spirit” and seeing things in visions.

I recall one time before cell phones and map apps that my wife and I set off to the next town to meet someone for prayer. We could not find their house. Time went by. We prayed. Drove around. No success. More prayer. More driving. Finally we asked a passerby if they knew where such and such number house on such and such street was. He replied, “Is this some kind of joke? You are parked in front of it!”

Conclusion: if you desire to be led of the Spirit, there’s a good chance you ARE being led of the Spirit even if you don’t it!

Friend, be willing to be led. Desire to be led. Ask to be led. Pray to be led. Pray in the Spirit. You WILL be led of the Spirit!

And, you’ll — COME ALIVE!



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