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Paul begins Romans chapter 8 with a revelation about the grace of God. “THEREFORE” he begins, “there IS NOW – NO CONDEMNATION – AT ALL – for those who are IN Christ Jesus.”
Talk about the Good News of God’s grace toward us, my dear friends! And it is all thanks to Jesus; not our feeble efforts to please God. Not us walking right or getting things right. Paul says it is for all who are IN Christ Jesus. That’s important. Since God the Father does not condemn Jesus, neither does the Father condemn those who are IN Jesus. Believers. You and me. We are not condemned by God; we will not be condemned. We just cannot be condemned for we’ve been placed IN Him.
In chapter 7 Paul described the predicament that came with being told the right thing to do. Even if he wanted to do right, he found he could not. His flesh successfully resisted. In himself he stood condemned, and so do we. We all have need of a Savior! And our Savior has placed us IN Himself.
That first word, “Therefore,” speaks of a logical conclusion. And that is, if we are IN Christ Jesus, then we are ONE with Him. He is the head of the body, we fit in the body. Since He is not condemned; neither can we be condemned.
Notice Paul writes “NO condemnation,” not “less condemnation.” That’s where many believe they are – thinking their standing has improved in Jesus. It has not been improved, it’s been COMPLETELY TRANSFORMED, changed to a status of “no condemnation.”
This place of confidence and peace with God comes after the confusion and conflict we found in Romans 7. Notice that our position in Jesus Christ is the reason for no condemnation. We believed in Jesus, He forgave our sins, took our punishment, made us Come Alive to God with new natures. If we walk according to the Spirit or waver according to the flesh, it does NOT affect our status of “no condemnation.” The blood of Jesus has taken care of us, not our walk.
Verse 1 shows we are free from the GUILT of sin. And what about verse 2? It tells us we are free from the POWER of sin. It reads, “For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death.”
The law of sin and death was a strong and seemingly absolute law. Every sin we commit and every graveyard proves it. But the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus is stronger still, and this law of the Spirit has FREED US from the law of sin and death. Although we may sin, we don’t have to sin; we have been freed from sin’s dominion. We are also free from the law of death; death no longer has any lasting power against the believer.
My believing friend, see today that God has placed you IN Christ Jesus where there is no condemnation. You are free from the law of sin and death. So rebuke that spirit of condemnation that’s been hounding you, or hovering over you — and COME ALIVE!
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