Live In The Truth – 432
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Last week I stated we believers IN Christ Jesus are heirs! Heirs of the kingdom of God. Heirs of the earth, of salvation, of eternal life, of all of God’s promises, of blessed and gracious life. Indeed, heirs of all things and of God Himself. I gave you bible references for each heir. 

If you are like most Christians, you’ll nod your head in agreement, and yet have a near complete lack of understanding of what any of that ‘heir stuff’ means. I’ll tell you one thing, being made heirs of God means the salvation Jesus accomplished for us at Calvary is far far far greater, awesomely greater, than any of us have grasped. I’m just learning myself, my friend. This I know, it is beyond what we can even think!

Heirs of God? Hey, GOD is living within us! Check John 14:23, Galatians 2:20, Colossians 1:27 and others. God living in us. Think about it. How can we have a down day with God within us? Be depressed, with God in us? With the authority of God within us, His presence, His strength and so on? How can we fail to speak a good word, gospel words, to those in need? Or pray for someone only kind of hoping something good might happen if God happens to be listening or we got things right?

But you may say, “Sounds good Hank, but I do have down days, I do feel depressed and weak and powerless, lethargic. I’m afraid all the time of more things than I can count.”

Friend, no wonder you are struggling so! Listen. Pray! Ask Jesus for revelation of WHO you are as an heir of God. Of WHERE you are as an heir of God. Of how EQUIPPED you are as an heir, a son of God, to go, to proclaim the Good News, to heal, and to deliver the demonized from their demons!

Keep on asking Him — soon revelations will come. Revelation that you are not weak and powerless. You are God’s son: Strong. Able to stand before any foe. Any danger. A righteous new creation without stain of sin. Under the authority of God Himself and not the devil and this world of darkness and devils filled. With confidence your every prayer is heard and acted upon. With confidence devils will leave as you command them in Jesus’ name. You are not dead broke, wallowing in poverty. You are not on a limited income. You have God’s promise of protection, of health, of abundant provision. Believe it. SAY IT. Speak into this world the truth.

God will fulfill His word. Jesus died to make us heirs, give us an inheritance. Let’s exercise our faith. Those devils out there always lie, speaking doubts, unbelief, speaking weakness and lack, sickness and pains. Don’t speak their words, those nasty thoughts they put in your mind, those pains in your body. 

No, it’s time to live as More Than A Conqueror. It’s time — to COME ALIVE! 


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