Welcome to Hank’s Place —
Today’s Hank’s Place, coming from Venice Beach, Venice Florida, was flying with what was a Hank’s mind without editing — pardon please the rough edges 🙂
The message is a reminder we live under the NEW Covenant, which is NOT LIKE THE OLD one – Jeremiah 31:31. Under the OLD a person got good things, blessings, when he performed well, did the right things God said, and got bad things, curses, when he did not measure up. The OLD was conditional upon man’s performance. See Deuteronomy 28!
Under the NEW Covenant Jesus is our sacrifice. His performance was perfect, eternally. As a result God could write His laws upon our minds and hearts. No one has to tell us what to do, in terms of what God saying. If we will simply LISTEN to the Spirit, He will make God’s will and ways known. Each of us has become a precious child of the LIVING GOD.
In the video I speak of the refreshing, the renewing, and rest-oration that comes from time at the beach. And more importantly, the time taken in the Spirit! Take that time, friend.
I give an example of Old Covenant guilt/shame/blame/condemnation coming from the pulpit when I heard a minister speak of sex trafficking in another country and how it struck his heart, and knowing it is happening in the USA. He went on to say, well, we should ALL be involved in DOING something about it! So what are YOU doing about it??? You need to. Classic OLD. Law and judgment. Under the Old we needed the priest or prophet to tell us what to do, what God was saying. That is not the relationship between God and man under the NEW. Dear friend, LISTEN to the Spirit, respond — and COME ALIVE!
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