Welcome to Hank’s Place
We have just celebrated Jesus’ resurrection from the dead.
No matter what our situation or circumstance, this FACT, with its promise of eternal life for ANYONE who believes, gives cause for great rejoicing! And I trust that you found ways to rejoice Sunday, dear Christian.
The death and resurrection of our Savior Jesus meant an end to a Covenant, from God, that was CONDITIONAL upon OUR PERFORMANCE. IF we would do thus and such, God would bless us in various ways. However, if we tripped up, wandered away, bad things would happen. Daily life was fraught with worries about one’s performance.
No matter how good that performance, in the end it was sin that won: we deserved death and punishment. The righteous were held in Paradise. It wasn’t hell, but it wasn’t heaven and it wasn’t with our Lord.
Then came our Savior! At Calvary He took our place, and with His blood ushered in a New Covenant. Yes, that should have been us on the cross, but Jesus took our place. Jesus took the punishment for our sins, for sin MUST be punished. The debt had to be paid in full – and – it – was!
And what about that list of accusations against us, ALL of which were true? They were nailed to that cross. Think of this: double jeopardy. Being tried again for the same crimes. What Jesus paid for, you and I cannot be charged with a second time. No double jeopardy. Ever. Eternally! Those sins of ours? FOREVER under the BLOOD!
The Cross proves we are loved beyond our wildest imagines. So much so that we were died for! The Cross, with all its horror, is also our source of limitless grace.
Michael Card has written a fascinating little book entitled “A Violent Grace.” I’ll be sharing some chapter titles with you to think about and rejoice over. Here’s the first one: “Jesus was born to die, so we could be born again to new life.”
Think about it: Jesus left His kingdom to enter our lives for a time — so we could forever live in His!”
Share this kingdom truth with others today, friend; help them — COME ALIVE!
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