Welcome to Hank’s Place in the Rocky Mountains
Today’s Hank’s Place is a free-flow, and what you hear has been roughly transcribed below. The beauty of the Rockies defies words. In such captivating beauty Hank swapped duration (18 months/2years) and location (School of Tyrannus/elsewhere) of Paul’s missionary journeys through Corinth and Ephesus found in Acts 18 and 19. Thank you for your forbearance and understanding!
In the Rockies I could hear the mountains declare the glory of the Lord. The trees are clapping their hands and shouting “Glory to God!” And it feels effortless to share Jesus and the wonders of His Salvation in this place.
But you may not be in this place – in fact in looking around I can see that you are not! You may be in a hell-hole of idolatry like Paul in his journeys through Corinth and Ephesus found in Acts 18-19. Corinth was a crossroads of commerce and full of idols.
He preached in the synagogue at Corinth, but soon they did not receive what he had to say – and he left, going to the gentiles. But Crispus, leader of the synagogue and his household became believers as did many others.
Paul stayed in Corinth 18 months, in a place where you think he would be killed. So did he, but the Lord appeared to him and said (as Jesus so often says) “Fear Not” for there were many believers in that city.
That’s a word to you dear friend: you have many friends wherever you are: to help you and to stand with you (to pray for you).
Then he travels on the Ephesus where a dozen folk are baptized in the Holy Spirit. He stays there, in a place you would think he’d be killed right away for it was the center for Dianna worship. When those in the synagogue did not receive him, he moved to the school of Tyrannus and taught there 2 full years.
Then he knew it was time to leave – a riot was starting(!), and he left but not before encouraging many many new believers.
So be encouraged my friend. Although you may not have the Rockies in your backyard, you ARE living with Jesus in your heart. And Jesus is your Way-Maker; and He is the One who enables you to share the Good News about Him and His salvation.
Be encouraged, take a deep breath, say, “Thank you, Jesus” and COME ALIVE!
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