Supplied by God – 150

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At Hank’s Place we are CONTINUING IN THE GRACE OF GOD – join us, please!

Please look at Phil 4:19 “And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” The Amplified bible says it this way, “And my God will liberally supply (fill to the full) your every need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”

The Greek word for supply is pleroo (pardon my Greek), related to a word used to describe the fullness of God. The Amplified is spot on when it says God will liberally fill us to the full, fill up all hollow spots, cause us to abound, load us up with everything we have need of, making us so filled up that we are totally complete. In all things. In every aspect of our lives.

Again, thanks to Jesus and His unique work of salvation at the cost of His life – for us – now God shall liberally, fully, gloriously, abundantly, supply all our needs by imparting richly and furnishing abundantly, in a lavish and magnificent way – measured not by our standards or any worldly standard, but according to His riches in glory – all disclosed and discovered and realized in Jesus Christ! That’s POWERFUL dear friend! Think about it!

The immensity of God’s provision toward us is beyond our imagination. What’s that you say? “If His provision is so huge, then why do I have such debts and pains and lack?”

The answer may be found in the preceding verses: Phil 4:15-18 where we find Paul thanking them for their participation in the gospel, in giving and receiving, in gifts for others and for himself. Friend this is NOT “Give so we can get!” The Philippians were people of faith, and love, who saw God’s provision, saw themselves in His hand, who saw His commitment to them; and in response they were generous in giving away from themselves, in helping others in need. 

So today, dear friend. Let us look to Jesus! Let us look to our Father! Consider His love, His faithfulness, our adoption as sons of God. His covenant with us through Jesus’ blood is unbreakable. 

Consider, and soon you’ll be freely giving, receiving – receiving and giving. Life will become such a sweet adventure, for you will have COME ALIVE!


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