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In Gal chapt 3 Paul begins by asking, “You foolish Galatians, who has bewitched you, before whose eyes Jesus Christ was publicly portrayed as crucified?” You see, people were fooling the Galatians into taking their eyes off of Jesus and putting them on themselves, especially in following rules, and religious observations. See your sins? Well, see them on Jesus, for He took them all, one time, for all time. He suffered the punishment for each and every sin, of everyone in the world including us yet unborn, and when it was FINISHED, He yielded up His spirit, and died. For everyone.
He succeeded! The proof is the resurrection, my friends. And for those who believe it, there is justification. Justification means to be made righteous before God. Eternally.
Justification is a gift by His grace (Ro 3:24). It’s by faith (Ro 3:28). It’s by His blood (Ro 5:9). Justification and righteousness are abstract terms. Let me help you understand with this little story I read on the Internet.
A college student was busted for marijuana. Totally guilty. Time for his trial. Totally guilty. Before he could even make a plea however, it was discovered that the police did not have the proper documents when they entered his apartment. Although the judge was unhappy, he had no option but to toss the case out of court, to dismiss it. The young man was not guilty by law – even though he was totally guilty in fact! Friends, we have been justified by grace, through faith, by His blood. It’s totally true we were guilty, but our sins have been removed as far as the east is from the west (Ps 103:12). Sunk to the depths of the ocean (Mic 7:19). Never to be found. Even if search is made, they cannot be found (Jer 50:20).
The Almighty Judge of the universe has pronounced us NOT GUILTY. And He is happy about it! We have been justified. Just like that young man, there is no admissible evidence we have ever sinned. We are righteous forever. It’s OK if you dance a happy dance right now!
Friend, the more this truth, that there is therefore NO CONDEMNATION for you – for you are IN Christ Jesus, dawns on you, the more you will COME ALIVE!
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