Righteousness => It’s Yours #17

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2 Cor 5:21 is one of my favorite verses – “He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.” The Father placed our sins upon His innocent son Jesus, who, out of love, took not only them but the punishment sin deserved – and gave us in exchange a gift: His own righteousness. Ro 5:17 declares it is a gift, it is nothing we can earn.

And what is righteousness? It is defined as being made acceptable to God and placed in right relationship with Him by His gracious lovingkindness. We are treated as righteous by God on account of what Jesus has done. You have become God’s child, totally approved by Him in every way – as a gift. I tell you, the Good News is awesomely GOOD!

For years after becoming a Christian I tried to find my approval before God through what I did, and my efforts were driving the very life out of me. I could not see the truth of 2 Cor 5:21 or Ro 5:17, and why not? I’ll tell you plainly: from childhood I had a demon of unworthiness in me – it would continually tell me I was not good enough, what I did was not good enough, and when I became a Christian, it would tell me again and again that God was not pleased with me.

I am sure most all of you have that same or a similar demon in you, even though you are a Christian. And that’s GOOD NEWS! What? True! Because you can cast out a demon and be done with it, without counseling, without drugs, therapy, or 12 steps.

After years of suffering, I began learning about righteousness! Then, in the early morning hours one day, I had a migraine headache and asked Mary to pray for me. She was mostly asleep and mumbled, “I command that demon of unworthiness to come out of Hank.” She didn’t know the name of it; the Holy Spirit revealed it to her.

And by the power of the Holy Spirit that thing was tossed out of me – in a moment, and I was FREE! Having total self-confidence. Total lack of fear. Knowing I was one of God’s sons and He was pleased with me. My life changed from that moment on — I had Come Alive as never before!

If what I’ve said is resonating within you, my dear friend, rebuke those demons. Cast them OUT. If you don’t know how, get in touch with us. We can help you get free of those hindering spirits so you can receive the truth and Come Alive yourself!


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