
Welcome to Come Alive Ministries – 2024


Come Alive Ministries’ passion is to change people’s lives.
For the BETTER!



Please browse our site and learn about our current activities, and learn more about Jesus Christ, God’s Son, our Savior!

Thank you for visiting,
Hank and Mary Niewola

Activities: HANK’S PLACE!

A weekly video blog where the Good News of the God of lovingkindness, grace and mercies is told and retold.

Are the Old and New Testaments one big blur? Is God a strict demanding Father and  punisher of people and nations? Is He angry with you? Have you fallen from grace? Have you lost your salvation?

My friend, it is time to THRIVE  in the New Covenant, in His abundant grace and mercies. It’s time for YOU to COME ALIVE!

Come to Hank’s Place – you’ll find grace to surprise and delight!


Hank’s Place is also found on YouTube, Facebook (Come Alive Ministries), and audio versions on iTunes, Google Music, Spotify, and others! Find it here.


Activities: Helping You Discover The Holy Spirit

Many know that the Helper, the Holy Spirit, that Jesus sent for us, is the silent partner in the Trinity. He’s there, but certainly hard to discern in our daily affairs. Or is He?

We are happy to report that the Holy Spirit is very much alive in both the Trinity and the Body of Christ. TODAY. Signs, wonders, miracles, gifts of the Spirit have in no way evaporated since the days of the early apostles.

The Baptism in the Holy Spirit is just as valid an experience today as on the Day of Pentecost. It is something every believer should seek. It’s time for those rivers of Living Water to flow — from YOU! It’s time to be equipped with spiritual weaponry, God’s divine weapons, to destroy enemy strongholds and touch a needy world with the power and love of God.

Contact us about gatherings in the Southwest Florida area to receive what you’ve been hungering for and didn’t realize it!

Activities: Helping You Discover God’s Grace

Cornerstone Community

Gathering in the Venice Florida area.
Discover God’s grace for living.

The world may be filled with fear, uncertainty, stress and anxiety—but you don’t have to be.

Know this: today is always YOUR day—to COME ALIVE!

We are using excellent material developed by Grace Alliance.

If you desire freedom, we invite you to come and receive.
We want to help you LIVE IN HIM — IN Christ Jesus!

Find out more: Cornerstone Community


Excellent Source of Amazing Grace Materials:
Dr. Paul Ellis’ Escape2Reality website!


[David] “The unique Joy/Trust/Understanding of the Good News you have should be the norm, but it is rare — I hope it can be taught (to others)!”

— And —

[Moses O of Africa] “So refreshing to hear your voice again [via Hank’s Place] today teaching the Word of God. It reminds me of over 10 years ago when I first heard you on World Harvest Radio—that moment changed every thing about my ministry. I pray someone will get a totally new start in life listening to this message”

— And —

[Mary E S] “What you say, and especially the tone of your voice [on Hank’s Place] as it’s reassuring me that ‘I am the righteous of God in Christ.’ My personality needs to hear uncluttered, straight talk right from the Bible. Hank’s Place gives it!”

— And —

[David M] “It occurs to me that I don’t know anyone who glorifies God with their joy and faith as much as you two – not even close.

And what’s our mission? To glorify God and believe on the One He has sent! Mission accomplished!”

More testimonies here!